The Mansion

The Sushi Deal

rottenappler: This chapter is for tonniette, who implanted in my brain the image of GDragon's sushi hair at the MAMA Awards. I swear, I couldn't write this with a  straight face, I kept laughing like a lunatic. You ! (awesomely) XD

Jiyong’s POV

“Why!? Why can’t it be me, oppa?”

I looked at the tear-stricken face of the high school girl in front of me and heaved a deep sigh. Why can’t these youngsters just live their lives and stop getting involved with the affairs of adults?

“Because,” I glanced at her Personal Information sheet. “Min Hyul, you’re too young. You’re still a high schooler. I need to find a girlfriend, not a little sister.”

She flinched at my obvious attempt to discourage her into signing my contract. What can I do? She’s too young, and obviously not aware of what she’s dealing with. And besides, I don’t want the media spreading rumors about me being a pedopohile. Tsk. Those bastards. They were the ones responsible about spreading the rumor that Asia’s Top 1 bachelor and Vice CEO of Kwon industries was finding a new girlfriend. Probably also the reason why this little girl was here. She must have seen it in some teen magazine or something,

“I’m really sorry. Please go home, your parents are probably wondering where you are by now.” I tried to make my tone sound apologetic.

Speaking of parents, I wonder where that old geezer is right now? All of this is actually his fault. Other fathers would have just given their companies to their only son, but no, that stupid old man had to make up an excuse about me having to fall in love first or learning how to give my heart to a woman, just so he can keep that company. Why can’t he just say he wants to keep it for himself? Tsk.

I’ve tried my best though. Hiring women here and there and acting in love with them just to show him that I am capable of falling in love. Doesn’t work. He always knows if it’s an act or if I’m just paying the woman, sometimes I think he hires people to follow me. I have been seen with so much women that it has come to the point where the media has labeled me as Korea’s #1 Playboy, or Asia’s Most Wanted Bachelor, or the worst: Forbes Hottest Male of the Century.

God, those titles make me want to puke. Why do the media find it necessary to involve themselves into the private lives of others? If only I could just get the title of CEO of the Kwon Industries and the press could just leave me alone.

Some people call me ambitious; others call me a greedy bastard. I don’t care about them. Let them call me whatever they want. I don’t have to explain my reasons for wanting to own that company. I could care less about the money…

The girl in front of me stood up, her chair producing a screeching sound as its legs scraped against the floor. She ran out of the restaurant, sobbing like a little girl.

<*Sigh> This was too difficult. I even had to rent Don hyung’s restaurant just to hold this stupid girlfriend search. I couldn’t even do this in a public place in fear that the press will know about or worse, even film the whole thing.

I stood up to stretch my aching muscles. Oh well, I can try again tomorrow.

But I’m running out of time.

“Ahjussi! Wait!”

Ahjussi? I turned around and was surprised to see a brunette rushing to the table where I was standing. I looked closer and saw that she was sweating, and her hair was messed up in all directions, her skirt was put on backwards, and that her sock was different from the other pair. Was she.... actually  going to apply for the position of being my girlfriend? 


Oh hell no. 


Just the fact that she called me Ahjussi should be an enough of a sign that this definitely isn’t the girl I’m looking for. Add that to her disheveled look, and I’m sure that this girl isn’t only single, but a sure repellent of guys. She looks like a beggar, for God’s sake!

“Err... Mister, please choose me!”

So I’m not Ahjussi, but Mister eh? I can’t believe this. She actually thinks I’d pick her, looking like that? How can she apply to be the girlfriend of the Vice Chairman of Kwon Industries, looking like a thunderstorm just passed by her? But she looks like she was in a hurry to get here, so I should feel complimented…

“Excuse me?”

“I beg you! I really want this!!” She pleaded.

She really… wants this? What the hell? She’s like a walking representation of all the things I HATE about a woman. Messy, loud, doesn’t care about her appearance, obsessive. Who the hell was this woman? I glanced at her college I.D.

Sandara Park.

This was Sandara Park? This was Omedeto Restaurant’s most frequent customer?



“Okay everybody, wrap this up! “ Hyung Don, the manager of Omedeto Japanese Restaurant, said. The anniversary raffle of the restaurant just ended, and everybody was in a hurry to get home. Wierdly, though, someone wasn’t present.

“Yah, Choi! Did a certain Sandara Park go here and claim her free sushi?” He asked the employee in charge of listing the lucky customers who won and claimed their raffle prizes.

“Sandara Park? The Temakizushi winner? No, she didn’t come.” The employee replied.

“That’s strange. That girl would never miss a chance to get sushi. She’s practically married to it.” Hyun Don shrugged. “Oh well.”

Just then, Hyung Don’s cousin, Kwon Jiyong, the Vice Chairman of Kwon Inc., came in. Trailing behind him was a dozen bodygurards, probably to keep the press out.

“Oh, hyung! How are you doing?” Kwon Jiyong greeted the older man. He then explained his purpose for being there, and that he would like to borrow the restaurant for a few hours.

“Sure, Jiyong. It’s yours, no need to ask my permission.” The younger man just smiled. Hyung Don continued, “By the way, if a certain Sandara Park comes here, kindly tell her that the raffle prizes claiming finished already. That girl is obssesed with sushi. She might come here and accidentally sign your contract because of it.”  He chuckled.

---------------------------------------------------END OF FLASHBACK--------------------------

“Really?” I asked. A devious plan started forming in my head. She was here… for the sushi. I had to bite my lips from laughing, which the girl in front of me couldn’t possibly appreciate. She obviously doesn’t know me. Or else she would know that Kwon Jiyong doesn’t laugh. He smirks, he scowls, hell, the best of a reaction you can get from him is a chuckle (which is oftentimes evil). He doesn’t laugh. And surprisingly, this woman, who he hasn’t even met for 30 minutes, already made him do the one thing he doesn’t do. Amazing, really.


I recalled Hyung's words. "That girl is obssesed with sushi. She might come here and accidentally sign your contract because of it."


In a matter of seconds, she turned from being the worst girlfriend for me into being the most ideal. First of all, this woman wanted only one thing: sushi. Not a car, clothes, or jewelry. If she became his girlfriend, she wouldn’t be a greedy b!tch who only wanted money. 

Second, she didn’t care about her appearance, which meant what you saw is what you got. She wouldn’t pretend to be someone she’s not. And she wouldn’t be manipulative, which is the best part. 

And third, which Jiyong only realized when Sandara started arranging her hair to make herself look presentable; she was pretty. Gorgeous, actually. She had porcelain skin, a prominent nose, long brown hair, and the most beautiful hair of eyes his ever seen in his whole life.With a few touches, this girl could be prettier than all the models and artists in tv.


And that body.. damn.


“Yes! I’m sorry I was late, but please if you would just allow me this one time, I promise I will fulfill my end of the bargain properly!” Her voice snapped me from my trance.

Man, she’s really serious about her sushi.

This girl… she’ll be a lot of fun.


Sandara’s POV

.(..the next day....)

“Have I established that I hate you?”

Bom was still smiling giddily at me, after about an hour of high pitched squealing and laughing. We were in our dorm bedroom, and I was recounting yesterday’s wild events in vivid detail.

“Yeah, yeah. Anyway, describe him again for me, pleaaasee?”

I sighed. “His personality is the same as the nickname I gave him. Handsome. Cocky. Blond. And a stranger.”

Bom rolled her eyes. “Duh. You told me that part. I meant, how did he act? Was he snobbish, or kind, or y?” She was bouncing up in down in her place in the bed. I gripped her shoulders to still her.

“He’s… alright.” UNDERSTATEMENT. The man was HOT. As much as I want to wipe off that smirk that’s always plastered on his face, I can’t help but find him y. He has that confident and cold aura, the kind that makes women trip over their feet and stare at him. And those eyes, those dreamy eyes-

“Alright, my . You’re practically drooling over him.” Bom pointed the blush that was starting to make its way to my face. I can’t help it. That Jiyong guy really was hot. I stuck my tongue out at her.

She rolled her eyes. “How mature. Anyway, what are you gonna do about the contract?”

God, I forgot about that. What was I supposed to do? Needless to say, I ripped that blasted paper to pieces and hoped that Kwon Jiyong didn’t have a copy. After all, he only made me sign one contract. Tss.

“What is there to do? It’s not like he can go here and flaunt his stupid contract in my face and demand me to fulfill my side of the agreement.” I lied down on the bed and stared at the ceiling.

At that exact moment, my phone rang with a text message. Bom picked it up from her side of the bed and handed it to me. “Unidentified number.” She said.

I sat up and opened the text.

Don’t speak too soon.

What the-? The door then opened, and I swear I could hear the sound of my jaw dropping to the floor from shock.

Kwon Jiyong was leaning on my doorframe with his arms crossed over his chest, and wearing a fine black suit. His blond hair was exactly the way I remember it, ily disarrayed, like it was subject to hands running over it all the time. His eyes were a mixture of mischief and amusement, and his smirk....


I suddenly became aware of what I was wearing. A pink tank top and bunny pajamas. FREAKIN. BUNNY. PAJAMAS. Gaaaahd. I imagined this scene thousands of times, where Kwon Jiyong is on his knees and begging for my forgiveness. It DEFINITELY did not involve me in a very chidish sleepwear and the jerk standing in front of me, looking all cocky and smug.


Bom gasped. “Dara, could that that Handsome Blond Stranger?” She whispered while still staring wide-eyed at him. You know that kind of whisper where its not actually a whisper, but a shout that can be heard by everyone but said in a whispery voice?

Thank you very much Bom for further humiliating me in this already embarrassing situation. She just had to feed his already big ego. Now he knows I think he’s handsome. -.-

Kwon Jiyong arched an eyebrow. Damn, even doing that he still looks y.

“Handsome Blond Stranger?” He looked at me, seemingly amused. I turned to glare at Bom and she had the decency to look embarrassed. I turned back to the cocky jerk at my doorframe. “What are you doing here?” My voice was now irritated. Good.

“I came to fetch you. You have to fulfill your side of the agreement. I wouldn’t want a girlfriend who doesn’t know how to keep promises.” He shrugged, like this should have made perfect sense to me. Well, it didn’t.

I inhaled to calm myself. Yes, Park. You can do this. Just tell this handsome lunatic that you will never-

“Hurry up and change. We still have to go to the mansion.” He said impatiently.

THE NERVE. He fooled me, and now he’s acting like I need to follow his every whim? You’re in for a big surprise, Kwon.

“Why should I go with you? You fooled me. You told me that was the contract for the Sushi deal. I don’t owe you anything.” I made a move to go past him, but he blocked my path.

Both his eyes and tone were cold. “I never lied. I never said that that was the papers for the sushi claiming. You were impatient and didn’t read the contract. You were 4 hours late for the claiming. How could you possibly think they would still be there? You signed the wrong contract, Park, but that’s not my fault. Your foolish actions were your own. Now stop blaming me for your irresponsibility and fulfill your side of the deal or else I can take this to my lawyers. Your choice.”






I inhaled again. Patience, Park. Let us deal with this in a calm and proper manner. I opened my mouth.


So much for patience.


This guy had the nerve to stand there and stare at me. Then he turned his back to me and started to exit the way he came in. “Okay, so you want me to take this to the lawyers? Fine. I’ll just tell them that the girl by the name of Sandara Park signed a contract and didn’t-

It was my turn to stand in his way. “So you’re blackmailing me?” I was indignant. God, this was so unfair.

“No. I’m offering you a choice. Just live with me Monday to Friday for 5 months. You get Saturday and Sunday free. You just have to act like my girlfriend while in that house, and in turn you get anything you want. May it be a car, a jet plane or an island. You’ve got nothing to lose.

“Of course I do. I get you.” I grumbled under my breath.

“Actually, that’s the best part.” I looked at him and was surprised to see that he wasn’t smiling cockily or looking smug. He was dead serious. Gaaaaahd, he actually believed any girl who got him should feel lucky? Gwark.

“Why do you need that company anyway? Why not just ask your dad for it?”

“I’m not entitled to explain my reasons to you. As for the asking it from my dad part, that won’t be easy. My father… is a strange man. He’s the CEO of Kwon Industries. I’m just the Vice Chairman. I handle it while he’s away, like now, but the shares aren’t really transferred to me. He thinks I am more than capable of running his company in terms of my skills. What he doesn’t believe in is my personality.”

Wow. That’s intense. I raised my eyebrows. “What do you mean?”

He sighed again. “You see, Sandara Park, nobody I know has ever seen me in love before. I do not believe in silly tales of falling for a woman or wanting to spend the rest of your days with her. For me, love does not exist.” I opened my mouth to interrupt, but he just continued.

“Apparently, that’s my father’s problem. He does not want to hand over his company to a son that views the world so cynically. He wants a human for a son, and not a robot who is not capable of feelings and emotions. That’s where you come in.”

“Me?” I asked.

He nodded. “My father believes that if I prove that I am capable of loving and being human, he can entrust his company to me. He wants me to show him first that I can fall for a woman. Since then, I have been hiring women to become my acting ‘girlfriend’ and introducing him to them. I even went as far as saying I love the woman. They, of course, knows it’s an act.”

“So? Why not hire someone else? Why me?”

“My father has always been able to detect if I am just acting like I am in love. I don’t know how he does it, but I have a feeling he hires someone to follow me. Of course, me and the woman I hire only act when inside the mansion, and not outside.”

“So why me?” I asked again.

“Because, Park, the other women I’ve hired always asked for expensive things in return for their pretending. They want clothes, cars, and jewelry. Let’s just say you intrigued me by storming inside Omedeto demanding sushi like a crazed woman on drugs that’s suffering from withdrawal symptoms.” He chuckled.

I swear, my eyebrow twitched out of irritation. Sure, he was incredibly cute when chuckling, but still.

“So? Are you in?” He asked.

“One last question though. How did you know my number and contact information?” I had to know that I wasn’t going to be living with a creepy stalker for 5 months. Scary.

“When you left Omedeto yesterday, I asked a bodyguard to follow you. You led him to your school, where he asked for your contact info from the administration office.”


“What? The school doesn’t just give out information to random people. Why would they give it to you?”

The smirk was there again. “Would you get mad if I said that my bodyguard told the administration that the person he works for was your fiancé, and he wanted the contact info of his wife so they can give it to the designer of the wedding dress, so she could head there and take his future wife’s measurements?”

My jaw dropped again for the second time.

Fiance? Future wife? Wedding dress?

Damn you, Kwon Jiyong.

So.. I was so happy reading your comments yesterday and finding out I had more than 50 subscribers after just 1 chapter. That may be little to other authors, but to me that's like a million subs already. You guys will forever be known to me as my "First 50". :')


And because I luurrrve you guys, here's your rewards! Pics of GD"s Sushi HAir featuring Taeyang (blame tonniette, this is all her fault). Enjoy XD


Here's more:

Oh, Taeyang wants to join too XD:


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Fr0zenMus1c #1
Chapter 6: It’s been 3 year but I’m still hoping you’ll update this story.
Chapter 6: authornim,pls starting to love dis story..cnt wait to read more chaps...fighting!
applerkang #3
Chapter 6: Wut? How can you not update this story authornim? TT_TT it's so good. Please don't give this up.
Nyane88 #4
Chapter 6: Authornimmmmm you've got to update this often...its soooooooooooo gooooodddddd!!!!! I had to actually control myself from giggling like a retard Hehe ^^
Please palli update juseyo authornim
Chapter 6: Omo please tell me you're still alive and just hybernating under a rock....couse if you've been abducted by an allien I'll surely die.... Please stop procrastinating and update juseyo
bumweh #6
Chapter 6: Waaah more update juseyo...
salexsha13 #7
Chapter 5: Next chapter palli juseyoooo
heiress #8
Chapter 6: Make Jiyong ubeeeeer jealous!!!
cottonmouth95 #9
Chapter 6: I soooo love you now author!!^_^
cottonmouth95 #10
Chapter 6: Jungkooooooookie!!!! Kyaaaaah!! While reading i thought the guy would be Tabi, Taeyang or Hae but Jung-effin-kook!! Wtf?! I'm so happy!!! Spitting rainbows!!