The Explanation.2

The Sushi Deal

Another filler to feed you hungry fans for a while. :) Very short, tho.


By the way, if you have questions, suggestions, feel free to comment ANYTIME.i'll answer all your questions. If you want give my next character a name, you can post your suggestions in the comment box and I'll pick the best. Love lots! :)



Jiyong P.O.V

‘That’s why I need you to be my partner. Because you’re the only female I’m not allergic to.’

I don’t know why I said that. I have no idea why I bared my secret to this idiotic girl in front of me. But how could I not? She’s been annoying with her questions and Father has been pressuring me to show him my so-called ‘love of my life’ already. How the hell can I show him if the girl I need topretend for me won’t even move into my friggin house?


Who an I kidding? There was just something about this girl that made it easy to talk.


The sushi duck just looked at me thoughtfully. ‘Why are you allergic to girls?’ she asked.

I raised a brow. ‘We’re not gonna talk about that.’ She stood up from where she was sitting and said, ‘Fine. If you’re not gonna tell me, I’m not gonna move into your house.’

She was walking away looking all smug when I called out, ‘That’s not really a matter of negotiation. May I remind you, you don’t have a choice. Lawyers, remember?’

She stopped walking, her back faced to me. She slowly turned and said, ‘You’re mean.’

‘Never said I wasn’t.’

She sighed heavily and said, ‘Fine. Let’s do this. Tell me the terms and conditions.’

I blinked. Stared at her. She actually agreed?

‘Are we gonna do this or not?’ she said, irritably.

Icoughed. ‘Of course. Come here.’

She walked over to where I was and sat down. She raised a brow then said,’Well?’ Bratty duck.

‘The rules are pretty simple.We act like lovers at home, but at school, we ignore each other completely.’

She raised her hand. ‘That’s what Idon’t get. If you want your dad to really believe we’relovers, shouldn’t be acting like one inside and outside the house?” For a sushi duck, she was pretty smart.Wait, that didn’t even make sense.

‘We’re not acting like lovers here at school for several reasons. One, I don’t want to touch or interact with you more than I should. Two, it’s annoying when rumors and gossip and start up. Three, I want to be able to focus solely on my academics while I’m in school. Four, the purpose of pretending to be lovers is so my father can fully assess me if I’m really suitable to be his heir. He wants to see if I’m human enough to fall in love and interact with females. But he also wants to see if I can separate my personal and school/business life properly.’ I said. There was another reason why I didn’t want to let people at school know that sushi duck and I were lovers, but I can’t tell her. She’d tease me endlessly. Annoying.

She rolled her eyes. ’Fine. What are the other terms?’

I looked at her straight in the eye. ‘We don’t fall in love. I mean it, duck. We can’t EVER fall in love. This isn’t one of those cliché romantic comedy movies where we say we can’t fall in love but eventually do. I am not kidding, You are not allowed to fall in love with. Of course, there’s no problem for me, becausethere’s no way in hell I’d fall for a duck like you.’


She looked so angry when formed into a pout like a duck’s beak. Ha! Teasing her is fun.

‘YAAH! There’s no waaaaaaaaaaaaay in sushi hell I’d fall in love with a jerk whose only talent is fit as many insults as he can in a single sentence! Are you kidding me? ‘ She half-screamed.

I clamped my hand over . ‘You’re too loud.’ Just then my phone vibrated against my pocket. I checked it to see that it was my alarm for my next class. ‘Gotta go. I’ll tell you the other terms later. Meet me at Omedeto after your last class.’ I left her there and went to my next class.


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Fr0zenMus1c #1
Chapter 6: It’s been 3 year but I’m still hoping you’ll update this story.
Chapter 6: authornim,pls starting to love dis story..cnt wait to read more chaps...fighting!
applerkang #3
Chapter 6: Wut? How can you not update this story authornim? TT_TT it's so good. Please don't give this up.
Nyane88 #4
Chapter 6: Authornimmmmm you've got to update this often...its soooooooooooo gooooodddddd!!!!! I had to actually control myself from giggling like a retard Hehe ^^
Please palli update juseyo authornim
Chapter 6: Omo please tell me you're still alive and just hybernating under a rock....couse if you've been abducted by an allien I'll surely die.... Please stop procrastinating and update juseyo
bumweh #6
Chapter 6: Waaah more update juseyo...
salexsha13 #7
Chapter 5: Next chapter palli juseyoooo
heiress #8
Chapter 6: Make Jiyong ubeeeeer jealous!!!
cottonmouth95 #9
Chapter 6: I soooo love you now author!!^_^
cottonmouth95 #10
Chapter 6: Jungkooooooookie!!!! Kyaaaaah!! While reading i thought the guy would be Tabi, Taeyang or Hae but Jung-effin-kook!! Wtf?! I'm so happy!!! Spitting rainbows!!