Trouble Makers.
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               It was quiet over the next few days, Luhan and Kai hadn't spoken to me since, infact, I felt sort of whiplashed by the whole thing, They were bipolar, I swore on it.

My ribs were alot better, so I went to school the following Thursday.

Ahh, but that didn't stop the whispers. I walked down the hall way, when I noticed the girls toilets open slightly, I raised an eyebrow, creeping alongside of the wall I heard whispers on the other side.

"When she comes past, grab her, that , I know Kai and Luhan weren't here the other day because of her!" That voice was so familiar.

I bit my tongue to prevent myself from laughter when I kicked the door open, causing screams, they all fell ontop of one another, one girl holding her nose. "Oops, were you waiting for me?.. That's a shame. Maybe next time?" I winked at them before walking off to my next class.

I sat down in my seat, Luhan nor Kai arrived yet, I spotted the familiar girl in the hall way, glaring daggers at me, I winked at her before turning away. Ahh.. it's great to be feeling fine.

Kai sat down infront of me minutes later, Luhan a few more after that, they didn't acknowledge me at all. I frowned at the back of Kai's head, really wishing that I could smack the out of it.

Class started shortly aftwards, leaving no room for me to smack the out of Kai and Luhan. I think about the money that my mother and Mr.Kim left for me, I decide on what I wish to purchase after school, if I make it that far.

The bell rang at the end of my second lesson of the day, signalling that it was lunch, what I really wished to do was to find Kai and Luhan, I went into the Cafeteria, I spotted both of them and smiled, just as I was about to walk forward a lunch tray was lifted and smacked me right in the face, causing everyone to stare at me.

I held my face and looked at who did it, of course it would be the crew, I let out a laugh. "Wow, really.. a lunch tray?"

She scoffed. "That's for my friends face you , this is for me" She went to hit me with it again.

I ducked, smacking the tray out of her hands, catching it, with one swift swipe and I smacked her round the face with it. "You're right, it is for you" I smirked.

Everyone stared at me with shock now, including Exo-K and Exo-M.

".. she just hit Minyoung" A girl from the side of the Cafeteria hissed.

I raised an eyebrow.

The supposedly Minyoung, turned to look at me with disgust. "You .." She went to punch me, but I held up the tray, making her fist collide with it, she hissed in pain.

"Oh, was that for me?..." I shrugged.

By now a circle formed around us.

", Lumi what are you doing?" Jay shouted behind me.

I frowned. "I'm knitting a ing sweater, what does it look like I'm doing?"

Minyoung goes to hit me again, this time I duck down, when she stumbles forward I move behind her, smacking her round the back of the head with the tray.

"Can you stop now?.. I'm getting bored" I frowned.

Minyoung looks at me with pure hatred. "You were so ing weak last time we saw you, how the did you get this good."

I sighed. "I was good before, you just play dirty, I mean, really who the beats someone up in the girls toilets?"

I heard Chanyeol's laugh.

Minyoung snapped her attention to him, enough time for me to put the tray on the floor and kick it towards Jay, who shoves it behind her back.

Minyoung turns back at me. "No tray?.. good" She goes to punch me again, I catch her fist, twisting it fully around until her arm is behind her back, she hisses at the pain.

"I don't need a tray... and I don't need to play dirty either" I sighed.

One of her friends thinks they're smart enough to sneak up behind me, but I turn just in time for their punch to be landed across minyoungs face.

"Well.. technically that wasn't me" I shrugged, shoving Minyoung at her friend, they colided with one another.

Now five of them were stood infront of me.

"What, how is that fair?" I frowned.

Jay made a scoffing noise. "Lumi, be careful!"

All five of them came for me, I dodged each one, until I reached the one that mattered the most, Minyoung, I ducked down and kicked her legs from under her, sending her flying onto her .

The other four turned to stare at me in disbelief. Infront of me I could see Kai and Luhan making their way through the crowds.

"" Minyoung spat as she got back up, she turned to her friends. "Get her, now"

I dodged each punch swiftly, trying not to get hit. It was like dancing really, until one girl had gotten my arms tied behind my back, Minyoung smiled as I struggled against her grip.

She walked towards me, but with my legs, I lifted them up, kicking her away from me, her and the other three colided with one another. The girl behind me however, was more difficult, I moved backwards, into Jay who hit the girl over the head with the tray, knocking her out cold. I thanked her and got back into a protective stance.

And that's when Kai and Luhan finally made it into the circle, On either side of me.

Minyoung stared at them in disbelief. "What the ?.. why are you standing up for her?"

"Why are you suddenly taking an interest in her?..." Kai frowned.

Luhan scoffed. "It's because you like us right?"

Minyoung blushed heavily.

Kai let

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Chapter 31: I'm so exited for the sequel!
Chapter 29: ... That's not good..
Chapter 19: Aaaaw they're so exited it's so adorable!
Chapter 14: Well... Damn...
Chapter 13: Ooh is it gonna go down..
Chapter 11: Is Leo nice, or is he just playing..? We will see haha
Chapter 7: I hope she'll take revenge on those girls
Chapter 6: Hahaha this will be good. She's like control them! Boss!!
Chapter 3: I hope she'll be this tough throughout the story! I like it when she's talking back and stand up for herself!
XxjuliixX #10
Chapter 6: I already love this story ♥ I just can't stop laughing with the whole disney name thing :D
I'm very excited how this story will go on :3