Trouble Makers.
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             This week at school, well it's safe to say it was the weirdest one I've had. Everything was quiet.. too quiet. I mean I walked down the hall way and people would happily say hi to me, even Hyumi would end up walking with me to class despite EXO following me wherever I went. She practically hit it off with them very easily.

Which was unusual for them. I'd like to say I changed them for the better but I highly doubt it, I think they were like this before but just refused to show it.

Even Leo was abnormally quiet. Even his hoodlums. Wow, I never thought I'd say that word!

What was really strange, was Minyoung was stupidly quiet. It gave me an unnerving chill.

"Hey, you're spacing out" Kyungsoo waved a hand infront of my face.

I jumped. "You scared me!"

"What are you thinking about?" Kris frowns.

I sigh. "You're all a little too nosey."

Sehun looks at me unconvinced by my answer. "Well?"

"Oh my god," I sigh again. "I was just thinking, that today has been very quiet and its making me nervous"

"Has it?" Xiumin raises an eyebrow.

Suho thinks for a second. "She's right.. it has been awfully easy today"

"Really?.. I don't think so.." Chanyeol shrugs.

I run a hand over my face. "Minyoung walked past me and had NOTHING to say, doesn't that sound a little weird?"

"Yeah that's definitely the weirdest thing I've heard in a while" Baekhyun mutters.

Chen sighs. "That is unnerving"

"I don't know.." Kai shrugs.

Luhan nods. "Yeah, nothing seems different"

I frown at them both. "Leo has been quiet too. Don't you think that's strange?"

"Okay now I'm getting chills" Tao rubs his arms.

Lay rolled his eyes. "Oh, now you've set him off"

"No, you know what?.. Lumi's right... people said hello to me today" Sehun pointed out. "I can't remember the last time I had a conversation with someone I didn't know"

"Now that you mention it... Someone helped me in Geography earlier" Chanyeol muttered.

I sighed. "I don't like it.. and that's coming from me.."

Kai sighs. "You're making me have chills too"

"Yeah, let's.. not think about it" Luhan mutters.

It was lunch time, so we all had basically nothing to do. "I'm going to go see how far I can push it"

"Wait, what do you mean by that?" Kris goes to stand up, But I force him down with my hands on his shoulders.

"It means, I'm going to walk around alone and see if anything happens." I

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Chapter 31: I'm so exited for the sequel!
Chapter 29: ... That's not good..
Chapter 19: Aaaaw they're so exited it's so adorable!
Chapter 14: Well... Damn...
Chapter 13: Ooh is it gonna go down..
Chapter 11: Is Leo nice, or is he just playing..? We will see haha
Chapter 7: I hope she'll take revenge on those girls
Chapter 6: Hahaha this will be good. She's like control them! Boss!!
Chapter 3: I hope she'll be this tough throughout the story! I like it when she's talking back and stand up for herself!
XxjuliixX #10
Chapter 6: I already love this story ♥ I just can't stop laughing with the whole disney name thing :D
I'm very excited how this story will go on :3