(Not Recorded) Scene #3

When the Cameras are Off

Scene #3 (Not Recorded)
"Baby, Goodnight."

Author's POV

It was past the midnight hour and all the roommates were tucked in and sleeping soundly in their warm and cozy beds, giving each of themselves a well needed rest after yesterday's and today's events had worn them out. At least all except Dongwook.

He had been tossing and turning in his bed for a whole hour  as he tried to find a spot where he could be comfortable but it was no use. He couldn't go to sleep as long as his mind was full of thoughts of the spring goddess that was sleeping only a few feet away from him. Ever since the night she came back from practice, they weren't able to get any time to themselves at all and both of them have been so busy that they didn't even get a chance to call each other or even text regularly. 

Dongwook didn't understand what was taking the producers so long to give them they okay on broadcasting their relationship to everyone. The Roommate Program said that they did encourage dating and that they would win a trip together. He also knew that Bom's dating ban had been lifted for quite sometime now so label, YG Ent; would be okay them being together.

So what is stopping us? He thought to himself as he stared up at the ceiling before closing his eyes and thinking of all the characteristics he knew that made up his lovely girlfriend. She's beautiful...she's sweet...bubbly...friendly...funny...loves food...oh! She can cook too. He thought, which caused him to chuckle to himself as he thought about the night he came home from work to see all of his housemates participating in a cooking contest.

Dongwook's POV (Yesterday Evening)

I sighed deeply as I walked up the steps and towards the front door of the house, ringing the bell so that I could announce my arrival. The door was open so I came in and took off my shoes before putting on house shoes while Soo-Hyun appeared. "Hello."

"Hello. I'm back." I greeted in a less energetic manner.

"You look so tired!" She said as she took a good look at me before we both walked in the house. "Come eat, come eat." 

Minwoo walked over too and stood beside Soo-Hyun. "You look so lifeless." 

I nodded my head. "I'm exhausted." I confessed  to him tiredly as I stopped and looked up to see all the housemates coming from the kitchen, including Bom.

"Hurry up and come eat." The female actress beckoned me before walking off.

"There's amazing pasta!" Seho exclaimed.

"Hello!" Bom  came and told me happily, which brought a smile to my face.

I told her hello back as we all walked back to the dinning table while Mama Shin started to say "Dongwook, Were..."

"Hello." I told Kang Joon, wrapping my arm around the young boy.

He smiled. "Dongwook, hi." He greeted as we made our way to the table.

Then Mama Shin continued with what he was going to say "We're having a cooking contest right now." 

I smiled at everyone."I feel so lucky." I told them before adding "I'll put down my book bag then."

Then someone suggested, "Dongwook is a judge too!"

Mama Shin said "You have to be a judge."

"Sit." Seho told me as he pointed at the chair across from him.

"Oh, so we eat and judge it?" I asked with an excited smile as I pointed towards the food that was set on the table.


"This is a contest?" I asked, my smile getting bigger by the minute.

"It is."

I nodded my head. "Okay! I will be very objective and picky." I told them as I took a seat beside Mama Shin.

"Now we will begin the judging. The dish's name, the ingredients, where you've put emphasis, and the presentation. These will be the criteria for judging. Which team will start?" Mama Shin asked curiously.

Minwoo spoke up. "We will go first."

"You have to decide a name." The chef of the house said.

"This ones name is 'Mr. Octo-Monster' and this ones name is 'Miss Carpaccio Octopus.'" He told us as he pointed at the two dishes. "We were going to set them up on a date. Because Mr. Octo-Monster is so oily, we were wondering what kind of lady would like him but then we found this very refreshing lady right here so we thought these two would be a good match. Try and see if you agree."

"So these two have been set up?" Mama Shin asked. 

They nodded and we tasted the dished they prepared. After we looked at what they cooked, which I thought looked good, I got up to get a piece of watermelon just as Seho, Kang Joon, and Bom were getting ready to present their food. 

"Now team 'I want to become Octopus Tentacle!'" Mama Shin said.

"I want to become an octopus tentacle!" Seho corrected.

Bom told Seho, "I'll go first."

"No, he should." The comedian said, pointing to the handsome flower boy.

"Let's stand up." I heard her whisper, making me want to laugh but I couldn't because my mouth was full. Honestly, I haven't eaten all day so I 'm starving... 

As I walked over, I heard Mama Shin ask if there was a divide in the team when they stood up, causing Bom and Seho to yell out "No!" 

"We're fine, aren't we?" Seho asked Bom with a smile.

She returned it back as she said "Of course!," and they both high-fived each other. I quickly sat down and watched them as they presented their dishes. Kang Joon, then, started the presentation.

"Korea." He said in a confident voice before looking at Bom, who started singing and dancing. 

Anyone can see that I'm hot...

She's so cute. I thought and even though my mouth was full, I smiled anyway as the model and the retired male rock star started laughing until Kang Joon said "Stop... Italy." That signaled Seho to start singing some song in Italian that I hadn't heard of. 

Ma n'atu sole, cchiù bello, oje ne'

O sole mio...

"Stop." Kang Joon said, making Seho bring his song to a halt. These two countries have come together.

"Yes, they have." Bom added which caused Kang Joon to look at her with an amused smile and Seho to poke her a few times until she remembered that she was suppose to hug him and did so. Everyone started laughing, including me.

"Our dish's name is 'The Korea-Italy Love Story.'" Seho said. 

Bom then started naming the ingredients. "As you can see, there's pineapple. And then we have some soft tofu stew mixed in."

"Soft tofu stew?" Mama Shin said in disbelief.

"I'll do it." Seho told the embarrassed black-haired girl, who apologized while blushing. "This is the essence of fusion. We were thinking of how to use the octopus in a fresh, new way. It's representative of Korea, the soft tofu stew- no, the soft tofu stew seasoning and the tomato sauce, together. We put the two together and it was so unexpectedly good."

Sora-Lee and Mama Shin looked at each other skeptically as the latter said "Tomato sauce and soft tofu stew?"

"Tomato sauce and the taste of soft tofu stew broth." Seho told him as I stood up and brought my chair over beside Ga yeon's just so I could try her team's food, which I thought was too salty. 

"You're talking about the packets that were in the fridge, right?" 

Seho nodded his head. "Yes, those."

"We put just a teensy bit in." Bom told the judges, well, Sora and Shin, who were laughing a little bit. I was too busy eating.

"Rather than trying on purpose to use..." Seho started off saying until he noticed me eating. "What are you doing?" He asked me.

I waited until I was done chewing my food. "It's too salty." I told them, which made the other judges laugh.

"Not yet!"

"Thats not ours" Seho said, before smiling excitedly at Bom who smiled back before saying "So we put those in together as a fusion. Korea and Italy joining hands." 

I dipped my chop sticks in the noddles before pulling out one long piece of the dish. "How are you suppose to eat this whole thing?" I asked curiously, gaining an amused smile from everyone and a "Ssh," from Seho. I held my hands up in surrender and stopped eating.

"That's it." Seho said, concluding the presentation. 

Sora Lee finally spoke when she said, "Then why don't we try 'Octopus Tentacles' first?"

"'We want to be an octopus tentacle?'" Mama Shin asked, which made her nod. 

"Please give me a plate too." I asked politely and the other judges and I took our time trying the food to taste and savor the flavor of it. Well, at least I know I did. This is really good...

"Just tell us how it tastes." Seho asked curiously.

"Is it good?"

The model nodded. "It's absolutely delicious. Exactly my style." Bom's team began to celebrate and give each other high-five while singing.

"It's not decided yet." 


"It's not decided yet." Mama Shin repeated with an amused smile.

"Yes, of course."

Then we tried Soo-Hyun, Ga yeon, and Minwoo's dishes next and after a while, Mama Shin told them what he thought, in the end picking their team over Bom, Seho's, and Kang Joon's team. Then just as Sora Lee and Mama Shin talked it over some more, Seho noticed that I had started back eating and focused his eyes on me

"The judges are talking." He told me before adding, "I know you're hungry, but...the judges are conferring." 

I held my hand out with an amused smile on my lips as I chewed my plate slowly, nodding my head as I looked at between him and Bom, who was laughing along with the rest of the roommates. "Who are you? Why have you come to eat?" Seho continued to tease as I held my over my mouth.

"I will just eat my meal." I told him simply.

Finally, Sora Lee told everyone about the observations she made on all of the dishes and even those she praise Bom's team highly, she ended up choosing Ga yeon's team because they tried harder in her opinion, which deemed that team as the winner of the competition. Of course, Seho, Kang Joon, and my girlfriend were sad about losing, which made me feel a little bit bad for them.

"There will be an extra opinion from Lee Dongwook now." Mama Shin said, making everyone laugh as they looked over at me.

I took another bite of octopus before I said, "I just feel grateful to eat a big meal like this." Then I went ahead and told them my opinion. "I prefer oil pastas in general. And this to tomato pasta, I'm sorry, but it tastes like every other pasta I've had." Then I added, "But it's not like other pasta, it has soft tofu stew seasoning in it. I can't really taste it.... The oil pasta can be a little greasy, but the cabbage salad counters it very well so the two dishes go well together. That's why I choose...the tomato team!"

The three teammates jumped up in excitement, causing me to laugh, and they each held their hands out so that I could give them a high five. When I got to Bom's hands, they were so soft that I almost held them but I quickly fought the dying urge to do so and went over to Kang Joon's instead.

"Okay, do the dishes!" The retired rockstar said which caused everyone to laugh.


We all thank each other for the meal and I leaned back in the chair and stretched, watching my girlfriend on a sly as she started gathering dirty plates and made her way to the kitchen to help clean. I knew I wasn't going to be able to have her all to myself tonight so I decided to go ahead and get some shut eye for the night.


I laughed quietly to myself as remember how defeated Bom looked until I choose her team. Just seeing her smile brought joy to my heart and I instantly forgot about the food that was in front of me. I knew I eaten enough and all I needed was her and her alone to ease the stress from my hard day at work. Too bad the cameras were as good as new...just like they are now...

I then thought about how my tv dad, Lee Deok-Hwa visited the Roommate House and how I introduced him to Bom...

Dongwook's POV (Earlier Today...)

I stood in the kitchen and watched Mama Shin as he prepared the dinner that we all would be eating later tonight, while everyone else was either decorating the house or practicing little performances for my special guest and co-star, Lee Deok Hwa. This morning, I told everyone that a special guest of mine was coming for a visit later on and they seemed really excited, trying to guess who the actor was through out half the day but failed miserably. I gave them a lot of hints, such as telling them that he was older than me and that he is known for the y and cool image, but they still had no clue who this person could be which deeply amused me.

I wanted to know what Bom's guess would have been, since most of the people who tried to assume who the male actor was were most of the female cast members of the house, but she was upstairs, sleeping peacefully under her zebra print/sequence covers and recovering from a hard night's practice at the studio. Knowing that one of the cast mates would fill her in one what was going on, I didn't worry about it too much  even though the very thing that I was excited about and anticipating was the meeting between my tv dad and my secret girlfriend. 

Due to being on set with him all the time and practicing lines off set, we spent a lot of time together, just talking man to man about things that we've experienced and people that we've grown to love and adore and Park Bom just so happened to be one of those people I talked about, probably a lot more often now that we're together. I didn't dare tell him that we were in a relationship though; my heart wouldn't let me. I didn't want to get Bom into in trouble because I slipped up. 

Then again, Deok Hwa had already come to his own conclusions that I liked Park Bom and was all for us being together, which was good because it meant I had his support in case we are allowed to go public but was also bad because he might have a few tricks up his sleeve for making us become closer to each other. Just the thought of that made me a bit nervous. I hope he doesn't try and play matchmaker while he's here... 

Suddenly, the door bell rung throughout the house and everyone, including me, started making their way towards the door as I exclaimed, "He's here!"

Then I heard Seho yell for Bom to come down. "Bom, Bom!"

"Yes?" I heard her answer back.

"Bom, hurry up!" He told her loudly, causing her to run from her room downstairs, poong-poong in hand, to where we were while telling herself, "Hurry, hurry!" in a cute voice. If I wasn't so distracted by trying to see who was about to come in the house, I would have laughed.

I grabbed the house phone and answered it by greeting whoever it was and asking who they were. It was Lee Deok-Hwa, of course, and he told me that he finally arrived. I hung of the phone and pressed the button that would let the older actor in before turning to Ga-Yeon and I said "Ga-Yeon get the flowers!" 

"Who is it that were doing all of this for?" I heard Bom ask Soo-Hyun curiously before glancing at me. Did anyone not tell her we were having a guest? I though to myself because I had assumed that one of the cast mates would fill her in on what I had told them during her slumber. Oh well, I hope she'll like him when they meet...

I quickly walked out of the house and stood at the top of the steps as I watched Lee Deok-Hwa make his way up with the aid of his black cane. "Welcome, Lee Joong Goo." I teased.

"Lee Joong Goo? Why, you little-" He said as he playfully lifted up his cane with both hands, acting like he was about to hit me, only to put it back down while the both of us laughed. "Did you lay out paper  here?" He asked curiously as I held the door open for him.

I patiently waited for him as I replied, "It's a red carpet."

"Don't say it as if you have one." He said, causing me to bend my head back while laughter escaped from my lips. I walked in behind him to find the elder reading the sign on the door that would lead us into the house. "We welcome you?" He read out loud.

I nodded my head. "Yes, we welcome you." I co-signed as I slid past him and slowly opened the door. "He's here!" I exclaimed.

Everyone jumped up and yelled, "Welcome!" while blowing up confetti poppers and clapping, causing me to laugh as I watched Lee Deok-Hwa's surprised yet genuinely happy face, taking in everyone as they sung, "We sincerely welcome you into our home!"

"Wow!" He exclaimed as Ga-yeon and Bom handed him each of their gifts for him- one of Poong-Poong's family members and a bouquet of flowers.

That's when I finally introduced him to everyone. "Here's tonight's special guest- Lee Deok-Hwa!" 

Everybody clapped as he said, "It's great to meet you all!" They all said hello to him before they started introducing themselves. He was first greeted by Sung Woo, quickly asking if he hasn't gotten married yet before they both started laughing. Then Nana introduced herself before complimenting on his looks. 

My eyes shifted to Bom as she stepped up and greeted him next. "Hello." She said softly before bowing to him respectfully. 

"Great to meet you. I'm a fan." He told her, giving her a wide smile before quickly glancing at me in a proud and fatherly way, almost like he was saying "Good job." He must think that she's beautiful... I thought to myself as I avoided his eyes so that I wouldn't blush. Once all of the introductions took place, Deok-Hwa walked over to the seating area while asking, "Can I sit here?" 

I immediately took my eyes off of my girlfriend before I nodded my head. "Yes, sit there for a bit. We're making dinner right now." I told him as I slowly made my way to where he was, a dull orange file now in my hand.

"Dinner?" He repeated in surprise. 


That's when he said, "You didn't need to do that."

"But you should eat." I told him as I turned around.

"Wow." I heard him say behind my back as he looked at the white plush toy and flowers that Bom and Ga-yen gave him at the door.

Lee Sora walked over to him before turning to me. "Could we bring him a refreshment?"

I was just about to answer when my eyes latched on to Bom, who walked over to my roommate and curiously whispered, "Do I call him my 'senior' or my 'teacher'?" Why couldn't she ask me?  Was the first thought that entered my mind before I remembered that we had to be careful around each other when we were in front of the camera. We can't make anyone suspicious of us. 

"Teacher, teacher." Seho answered.

"But I'm a singer." 

Just when I decided to intervene, the comedian said "I'll ask him." He turned around and they both walked over to the older actor. "She was wondering about what title to use with you?"

"Me? Call me what's comfortable." He told her as he looked over at her and smiling.

"It's because I'm a singer..." She said softly as she looked at him with a light smile of her own before trying to come up with what title to call him. "My senior?"

He nodded his head. "That's fine too."

Then the spring goddess said "Older brother?" 

"Older brother? Even better." Lee Deok-Hwa replied with a warm smile. 

"Older brother?" Bom repeated before bending her head back in amusement

They both started laughing as Seho said, "Yes, an elderly brother."

"Yes, brother." Bom concluded with another laugh before clapping her hands together, causing my co-star to laugh. I smiled softly to myself before turning to Lee Sora to answer he question while thinking to myself. So far so good... 

During the first 15 minutes of his visit, Soo-hyun and I gave him a tour of the house, which he was mostly impressed with. First, we showed him the exercise area and then we went upstairs and he got to see the entertainment area. The first room we showed him was the one Bom shared with Sora and Ga-yeon and unbeknownst to her, he said that he would sleep in the bed in the middle, which was hers, while the girls slept on the two outside beds so that they could protect him but I said that it wouldn't work. Then, I showed him, Seho and I's room, which he said was a little messy, before going showing him Soo-hyun and Nana's room and Minwoo and Kang Joon's.

Now we are sitting down and as I'm listening to him and the female actress talk about the last movie that filmed in together, I caught a glimpse of familiar and shiny black hair walking to the end of the stairs and watched as Park Bom came into view, walking softly as she seemed to be going towards the kitchen. Before I had a chance to think about what I was doing, I called her name. "Park Bom!"

She froze dead in spot, her head instantly turned towards us as she looked at me with her big brown doe-like eyes gleaming  with surprise and fear. When she did that, I couldn't even control the expression that was on my face as I smirked mischievously yet amusingly at her while combing my fingers through my hair and putting my snap back. I cant help it. I just love teasing her...

 Soo-Hyun turned towards her and quickly beckoned her over. "Come here, come here!" She said before adding, "You wanted to see him. Come here!" Ah, so she wanted to see me...

Bom smiled softly as heeded to the older girl's call, walking behind us while laughing as Deok-Hwa said, "Why would she have wanted to see him?" My tv Dad glanced at me in a curious yet secretive way, like he knew something that we didn't. My eyes moved from him to my secret girlfriend, who stood behind the couch and watched the elder actor as he pointed back  to her and said, "These girls are really good at singing, aren't they?"

"Thank you." She said politely yet genuinely as she bowed towards him.

"Not only are they good singers but they have individuality." He compliment while Soo-hyun and I nodded our heads in agreement. 

Then Soo-Hyun said, "That, and they're pretty." 

Especially you, Bom...

"I mean, I'm not pretty but..." Bom started to say in a soft voice as she covered and nose with her hand, shyness clearly evident on her face before glancing at me as I, unintentionally sat the side of my face on my enclosed hand while gazing up at her beautiful face. I knew I wasn't suppose to but I couldn't really help myself since she had her midnight colored hair in a ponytail, which showed off her milky skin, her swan-like neck, along with her cheeks, which were rosy from nervousness, and her shimmering mocha brown eyes that were looking right into mine. 

Yes, I was entranced and I completely knew it.

Before anyone could notice what was going on between us in this very moment, she looked down at the floor, her cheeks rosier than before. I decided that it would be best to excuse myself so I lifted my head up and started to stand up as I told her, "Sit here and talk a second, I'll be right back." 

She nodded her head and sat in my seat as I walked towards the kitchen just as I heard Deok Hwa said, "I'm a fan of yours."

By the time I came back and got settled, everyone was in the living room and we all started laughing and talking but it wasn't until then that I realized that I had sat beside Bom and after the probably obvious staring contest that we had earlier, I was a little paranoid about the viewers thinking that we might be dating but at the same time I wasn't planning on doing anything about it because I wanted her near me. 

Unfortunately, she ended up getting up and leaving shortly and by the time she came back, Nana had took her spot (and Poong-Poongie too) so she sat beside her instead. Nana did give her the stuff plushie back so I guess that was okay. After a brief moment of my tv Dad teasing Mama Shin, Seho gave everyone a brief report of  Deok Hwa's history.

Then I asked him, "Did you come here empty handed?"

"I asked around for what to get as a housewarming gift. Soap, or tissue, or- They said, 'A man can't bring those things!' A man I used to play soccer with said, 'An envelope is best.'" Then he stuck his hand in his coat pocket as he said, "So I brought an envelope."

We all said "Woah," in unison and clapped as he handed it to me and I said, "I'll hand it over to the eldest." 

As I gave it to Mama Shin, he said, "We'll gratefully use it for our daily lives."

"I'm giving it with sincerity." Deok Hwa said before turning to Bom, who was sitting on top of the couch with the huge white plushie in her lap and looking as cute as ever, and patted her on her knee as he said, "Buy the kids lots of good things to eat." 

I smiled lightly as I watched her tell him, "Thank you." Then, we gave the envelope to Soo-Hyun and talked about how big it was before going into the kitchen to eat the spicy seafood stew that Shin Sungwoo cooked for our guest. After that we went out back and it was then that I noticed that Lee Deok Hwa and Bom were sitting together, which really made me happy because even though he's a very friendly and well mannered guy, he only sat beside people he was comfortable with and it warmed my heart that he had took such a liking to her.  

Anyways, once we all got settled outside, we all talked about particular scenes that Deok- Hwa did and eventually, Seho acted out one and did really well.

"There was a scene where you hit Dongwook with a cane. Could you show us that scene?" Seho asked.

I laughed and pointed to my tv dad and said, "Why would you do that scene here?"

"Just about five times." Seho said before added, "Even if it's a show, how can his expression not change after getting hit like that?"

Then Deok Hwa turned to Bom and said, "How about Bom plays her?"

Bom's eyes widened in surprise as she said, "What? Me? I don't know how to."

Everybody started laughing as he said, "You just saw how to do it."

"I didn't see it." 

Seho walked over and motioned to grab Bom's hand as the older actor said, "What do you mean you didn't see it?"

"Look, you stay here."

"You have to appear." He told her before turning to me. "Come here! You're dead."

My roommate told Hwa Deok, "Since it's funny, you can really strike him if you want." Then he turned to Park Bom and grabbed her hand again. "Move over here. You can come up from behind." Then she laughed before he added, "He's already started, he's already started."

"I'll get ready." Bom said as she stood up and fixed her shirt before making her way over.

My tv dad gestured his hand towards her as he said, "That's how you should look when you enter because the man you love is getting beaten. The expression is important."

"I'm suddenly feeling nervous." She said, causing me to turn my head and laugh.

"Should we start?" The elder asked.

Seho said, "Okay! Ready? We're rolling!"

Then Lee Deok Hwa got into his character and said, "Do you think you did the right thing?"

"I was wrong." I told him with a sad and disappointed look on my face.

"Then you should receive your punishment." He said before grabbing his cane and pretending to hit me, making strange yet funny noises while doing so. Everyone, including Bom, laughed at the both of us as I slightly ducked each time he faked hit me and laughed a little. 

I glanced at my secret girlfriend and smiled amusingly. "You have to come up from behind." I told her once he stopped and turned towards her.

"Pitifully." My tv dad said, causing Bom to make her way towards us with a strange look on her face, causing me to cover my face and start laughing. "Why are you doing that?"

We both laughed, along with everyone else before she said, "I said, I wasn't going to do it!"

"That's no good! We'll go again." He told her as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and walked her back to her spot.


"You just go again. Just you try again." Seho told her after he stood in front of me while I tried to resist laughing anymore. "Jut do the 'Ack!" He told the older man.

Bom asked, "What kind of face am I supposed to make?"

"A pitiful one." My tv dad answered.

Then the comedian added, "He's hitting the man you love," causing Bom to try and attempt making a pitiful face as she pressed her hands on her heart, which made everyone laugh, including myself.

How cute can she get? 

"Don't laugh at me!" She exclaimed with an embarrassed smile.

"Show the pain you feel at seeing the man you love getting beaten." He told her while she fanned her face while looking up in order to ease away the nervousness.

"Neh." She said as she hit her chest and prepared for the scene.

"We're starting." Lee Deok Hwa said.

The main vocalist of 2ne1 replied, "Neh."

"We're starting, Bom." He told her again.

"Neh. Neh."

Soon Lee Deok Hwa got back into character as he turned around and started back pretending to hit me while I stood there and smiled amusingly with one of my hands behind my back and the other draped across my chest as it hung on to my shoulder. "You little bastard!" He called me before turning to Bom as she made her way over, trying hard not to laugh. 

She started laughing as she ran over to my tv Dad and exclaimed "Oh, don't do it!" We all started laughing as we three made our way back to our seats and I watched as Bom sit down with a laughing smile as she put her hand over her head in a slightly overwhelmed way and cute way. We'll give her an E for Effort..

After that, we all started talking about his famous catch phrases and his famous commercials, eventually having Kang Joon and Soo-Hyun act it out together. Then we asked Chanyeol to try it next and he did a really good job. Nana and Seho did a choreographed dance together after that and it eventually led up to us asking Bom to dance to her group's mega hit song "I Am The Best." 

I didn't realize until she was done that the way I was staring at her would most likely catch the eyes of the viewers and I silently cursed myself in my head for letting myself look so obviously whipped by her. I mean, I'm an actor for Christ sakes so I should know how to at least act like everyone else did. Now that I think about it, I remember that the way I looked at Bom earlier when I called her name could have came off as erted or something. Oh no... I just know that the Bodong shippers are going to have a field day with this one...


I sighed deeply as I stared up at the ceiling for a while before making the final decision to text Bom. That was the only safe method of communication for us right now and, in my opinion, it was better than not communicating at all. Turning to my side, I reached over and grabbed my cell phone from beside me and checked the time before proceeded to text her.

To Bommie- Hey, beautiful. U up?

After about 5 minutes, my phone buzzed and I smiled silently to myself as I grabbed my phone and read it.

From Bommie- I am now. Why are u up so late?

Haha. I guess I woke her up...

To Bommie- I can't sleep...

I didn't have to wait long because she replied back rather quickly.

From Bommie- Awww... My oppa is havin trouble sleepin.

I laughed silently to myself before glancing at Seho, who was still sleeping soundly, so I glanced back at my phone and texted Bom back.

To Bommie- Lol. Yes and I don't think I'm gonna get any rest any time soon... 

From Bommie- Have you tried counting sheep? I've counted corn and it worked like a charm :) 

I shook my head amusingly as I tried to hold back a laugh that I knew would be even louder than the last one while texting my spring goddess back. 

To Bommie- Lol, yeah I did but it didn't work...

From Bommie- Can u try listenin to light music?

After I read Bom's message, I glanced at my sleeping roommate for a while, contemplating on whether I should try that, before shaking my head and relying to Bom's text.

To Bommie- I would but Seho is sleepin and I don't want 2 wake him...

From Bommie- Oh. I can't think of anything else, Oppa :(

The fact that she seemed sad that she couldn't come up with anything, due to the sad face she put at the end of her text, made me smile even more as I replied to her.

To Bommie- Lol, it's okay...I think there's only 1 cure...

She instantly replied back. 

I think the curiosity got to her...

From Bommie- What?

To Bommie- U

I comb my fingers through my hair as I anxiously waited for her reply while a million thoughts flew through my head. Was I too straight forward? I mean, I say things like that to her all the time but since we weren't face to face I was feeling unsure about how she would react. 

Suddenly, the phone buzzed in my hand, startling me for a second, and I quickly opened up the message and checked it.

From Bommie- Lol. U think so?

To Bommie- Yes... I miss u Bom.

She didn't hesitate to reply.

From Bommie- I miss u too Oppa.

A breath of relief flew out of my mouth as I read the message, and a now tired, but nevertheless, happy smile appeared on my face as I replied back.

To Bommie- U still sleepy?

From Bommie- Yeah, what about u?

Ah, she worried about me...

To Bommie- I'm gettin there... I think my cure is workin lol...

From Bommie- I'm glad then. :)

I could tell by how long it took her to text me back that she was tired and I didn't want to keep her up so I decided to try and get some shut eye for the night.

To Bommie- Baby, goodnight.

From Bommie- Lol, Baby goodnight

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KarliCM #1
Chapter 13: I’m upset cause you haven’t update for real I love this fic
Chapter 13: Omg this fanfic is so goodddd thank you author ^^
Chapter 7: ^^ can't wait.
Baaaymaaax #4
lianne21vip #5
Chapter 7: Yesssss!missed them!
Chapter 7: Dont forget to give us the link on this page ne, kitti4eve-san :D

arigatou to ganbatte ^^
Haeun276 #7
Chapter 6: Yessssss pleaseeeee dooooooo itttttt iiiiii loveeeeee bodongggggg
gyuri206 #8
Chapter 6: have you done with the sequel ? I'm waiting for that authornim.
pryllalbz #9
Chapter 6: good morning authornim! when i came across your story in the #bodong tags and started to read it, i really appreciated and admired your creativity and flow of writing.. i am a bodong fan, that's why i didn't hesitate to share it in the FB bodong fan page... i know that other bodong fans would love it, and i am happy that you felt inspired to write a sequel because of the awesome feedbacks... let's keep the bodong story alive authornim! fighting! chukhaminda on the success of yer story! :)
Chapter 6: i cant wait for the sequel :D let's keep bodong couple alive!