First Day

HS Love

Chirp Chirp*

"Paffu! Woof!" As Snowie, my puppy bounced on my bed

"Snowie! Good morning" and Yuri hugged the puppy

"Hunny! Come down for breakfast!" Yelled by mom

"Okay mom after I get dress and put on my makeup." And I let Snowie go downstairs & went to the bathroom.

"Hmhnhm." Yuri hums as she put her makeup on. She went to her enormous closet and got her uniform. She decorated it a bit, so it looked floral and more prettier. Then she went downstairs and are breakfast. Lastly she finished.

"Have a good day Yuri! The butler is outside waiting for you & he's driving you to school everyday ok?" -Mom

"Okay. You two have a good day too." As Yuri blew her dad and mom kisses.

"Be careful Yuri!" -Dad
"I know Dad!" And Yuri went to the shoe rack & wore her black flats.
She went to the BMW car and brought her bag. 

"Hello. Miss Yuri." And the butler opened the door.

"Thank you." -Yuri & the butler smiled warmly. After they arrived at the school, the butler said "have a great day miss." 

Yuri walked in and stared. She was lost, and she couldn't find her class. She asked a girl that looked friendly. The girl was Seohyun and she was the daughter of one of Yuri's family business collaborations. She was pretty and very friendly. They were in the same class and walked to 322 together. Soon enough, through the few minutes of walking to class, they became fast best friends. They walked into class and the teacher stopped Yuri. 

"Ah you must be the new student. Students, quiet down! We have a new student joining us today. Please welcome her."-Teacher

"Hi. I'm Yuri shin Hye and I just came back from America. I hope we can get along together and become fast friends." And she smiled & everyone liked her.

"Hey Yuri! I thought we would be in the same class and we are!" -chanyeol
"Hey chanyeol" and Yuri smiled warmly at him & chanyeol blushed.
"Awe. Yuri's makin chanyeol blush. " said a boy and everyone laughed. 
"Stop it sehun!" -Chanyeol.
"ahem. Yuri, you will sit next to Luhan and baekhyun. Luhan and baekhyun please raise your hands so yuri will know who are you."-teacher. And they did. 

Yuri went awkwardly to them when everyone was staring. 
"Hello. Nice to meet you" waved Yuri.
"Hey." -Luhan
"Hello Yuri." And baekhyun smiled.

*The bell rang and class began*

After history class was over, many boys came up to Yuri asking her questions and complimenting her. Yuri answered some of the questions, but noticed Seohyun and walked up to her. 
"Hi hi Seohyun" -Yuri
"Hey Yuri! How was the class?" -Seohyun 
"Hm pretty Good. But I learned those in America already so hehe."-Yuri
"Wanna go get lunch together? And let's meet my best buddy Kara from class 311." -Seohyun.
"Okay. Let's go" and off they went.

"Hey Seohyun!"-????
"Hey Kara! I was looking for you!"-Seohyun.
"Hi. You must be Kara."-Yuri
"OMG OMG OMG. You're kidding me right. You're Yuri, the beautiful new student that everyone was talking about? OMG" -Kara.
"I think you're exaggerating. But thanks" -Yuri
"Okay so why won't we get lunch? Since we're best buddies forever, perhaps?"-Seohyun
"Hm.Sounds perfect." -Kara&Yuri

With Yuri in the middle, people stared at her when she walked to the cafeteria. Many boys flirted with her and said hello, but Yuri didn't pay attention to them, and was laughing & talking with her two new bestfriends. Seohyun went on the lunch line to get lunch while Yuri and Kara brought their own lunch. Yuri and Kara talked a lot and knew each other more and more each minute. 

"Be careful! Sheesh! Gosh do you have to ruin my school uniform that is like new? Ugh."-????
"I-I'm sorry." Seohyun apologized.
"W-why you! Is sorry even enough?!"-????



•End of Chapter Two. Want to read more? Stay tuned!• enjoy & subscribe ❤️

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rainbowkimchi #1
Chapter 15: i kinda wish it was longer huhu