Next Morning

Chanyeolreo & Chenliet?....No way in hell!

3rd POV

„Heh…heh..Park you think you‘re so great or what he! Let me tell yaa, nobaaady beeats me in drinking! Accept your loss loser! “

„Pfft, who are yaa talking to, the drinking king is right here, princess! Better give up before you throw uup! “

„Drink, drink, drink! “ There were shoutings all over from people who were cheering them on.

„Jongdae don’t give up, you’ll win! “, Yoona was cheering hysterically on her friend.

„Park, don’t disappoint me man! “, even Lee Seungi was cheering.



All began with the afterparty. Everyone was eating in piece until it was time to cheer for the newlyweds. Park Chanyeol couldn’t leave Jongdae alone and had to tease Jongdae that he better not drink. It would’ve been better for the princess he said. With all his pride, of course Jongdae had to counter the attack with a challenge. That’s right, a drinking challenge! Yoona who really likes challenges became excited by hearing it and ordered the waiters to immediately bring 100 glasses of alcoholic beverages. Well, and so it started.



Both of them couldn’t even stand stable but they still think they can go on. With ever drink; they would smirk at their opponent to provoke even more. Neither of them wanted to give up and so it ended in a tie.

“Park Chanyaee-ll, I’ve waaann! ”

“Some boollsh--eeet you talking!”, Chanyeol hiccupped while counter the attack.

“Well, well….we can’t go on like this. We need to have a winner otherwise it’s not exciting!”, Yoona claimed, thinking hard to find out how to determine the winner.

“Ahh…I have an idea. Let’s party time! This it’s a dance challenge, whoever drops the best moves becomes the winner! DJ put the music on!”

Soon the beats were dropped, turning the evening into party mood.

“Leaat mehh take the dance floor! I am known as the dancing machine! Chencing machine! You’ve got no chance, Chanyell!” And with this, Jongdae moves first and began to ride to the rhythm.

“Hmp…see who’s talking! My dancing skills were acknowledged by my family!”

Chanyeol walked straight to Jongdae and challenged him with his best move. Jongdae not wanting to lose, attacked right back.

And it goes on like that like a table tennis game.



After some time Jongdae couldn’t anymore and decided to strike with his last move. He jumped straight on Chanyeol, wanting to push him aside, but because he is smaller in comparison, he was pushed aside instead. Jongdae couldn’t control his body and fell down on his bottom on the hard floor. After a painful cry he soon fell unconscious. Baekhyun seeing his fall, sprinted to Jongdae to look after him.

“Well Baek, I think you have to take him to his room” Yoona walked to the two friends and suggested taking Jongdae back to sleep.

“Yeah, I think it’s for the best. Such a hopeless guy, this friend of mine”

With that sentence Baekhyun took Jongdae with him to Jongdae’s room.

“You little pig, why are you so heavy! You better be grateful for such a wonderful friend like me!” Baekhyun hissed under his breath.



Chanyeol was crowned the winner and celebrates this with more alcohol. Well, it wasn’t such a great idea because later on he felt nauseous and had to vomit. The people watching were engrossed so Yoona had to take over and call it an end. And this is how the party ended

Chanyeol  still covered with his own vomit, decided to wash it off and go to sleep. He had to focus to find his way back to his room. After thinking for some time, he started to sway to the direction he thought was right. He soon arrived before a door and thought finally he made it. Chanyeol began to take off his shirt, which stunk horrible, and soon after also his pants while entering the room. Instead of going straight to the shower, he laid down to the bed, which soon came into his vision. He lied down not noticing anything strange. It didn’t take long until he fell asleep under the influence of alcohol.



Baekhyun struggled to wake up. He was staying with Jongdae because he was very worried for his friend. He made sure Jondae slept comfortable by removing Jongdae’s clothes which reeked with alcohol and washing him up with a towel.

 Even before coming to his senses, Baekhyun could smell an odour which smelt like rotten eggs.

The hell is this smell…

He tried to find the source of this foul odour and soon discovered that Chanyeol was lying beside him.

Park? What is he doing here? Now I know why it was so cramped….. Eww…this bastard sure vomited! I better get up, can’t sleep with such an odour beside me…

Baekhyun judged Chanyeol hard while getting up. He looked to his friend on the other side with worry.

I’ll come back later to check on you ChenChen ….

Baekhyun took a last glance before leaving the room.



(And we’re now there where the last chapter ended)

What happened last night?!

Jongdae reached for the blanket which covered the face of that someone. He slowly pulled it and gasped at his discovery.

P-Park Chanyeol!!? W—what is happening here, why is he in my bed and furthermore also only in his boxers!?

Coming to his senses, Jongdae grabbed Chancyeol’s shoulder and shook it hard.

“Wake up Park Chanyeol!!! What the hell is happening here?, he cried out loud.

Chanyeol rubbed his eyes open upon hearing that jarring cry.

“Wh—what is what? Where am I?”, he asked those questions with a confused look still half-asleep.

“You’re in MY room, on MY bed! Come to your senses!!”, Jongdae slapped him across the face.

“Oh…okay just in your room, I’m gonna sleep some little more..” The slap didn’t work.

“OH NO…Don’t you dare, Park Chanyeol! Explain me why we’re both only in our boxers and why my bottom hurts!”

“How should I know that heh? ….Ehm well I guess, from the way I see it…..ehm we kinda ehm….slept together?” After thinking and observing their situation he came to this conclusion.

“Wh—wha…don’t even joke, Chanyeol! That’s not funny!”

“Yeah well, what would you say, Princess? Look at us! Is there any logical solution?” Now that he is awake, his teasing nature is showing up.

“Well…ehm…ehm, okay this has to be something different.....ehm...I don’t know! But nnooooo- That can’t be!” Jongdae not wanting to believe it, cries his heart out.

“Now you’re my wife, ChenChen!”, Chanyeol smirked and winked, “too bad I can’t remember anything”

“n..n-NOOO!” Jongdae didn’t want to admit it, but he sure feels his cheeks heating up.



Baekhyun heard their conversation, not that he wanted to eavesdrop but he came back to look after Jongdae and accidentally heard it. He couldn’t believe his ears. How does Chanyeol even come up with such a makjang-scenario?

Are they stupid or what? I was sleeping between them the whole night and how exactly could they have banged without me noticing? I mean, I’m a light sleeper and can’t stand noises.





Well, they don’t have to know it right. I’m sure; this misunderstanding will help my ChenChen a lot. Haaa…I’m such a wonderful friend, Jongdae must have saved a country in his last life to deserve such a friend like me…hahaHAHAHAmuuahahah—ehem, better get away from here before they notice my presence.

With this (narcissistic) thought, Baekhyun soon made his leave. Let’s hope his plan works.






A/N: Heiihoo guys, long time no see, lo-loong time no see, long time no see....Hahaha sorry for that doom dada reference.

Well, here I am again with an update, a short and sloppy one, but well an update is an update xD I hope you guys have been well and thank you for sticking with me for such a long time. And also thank you for the comments and the upvotes. Okay guys, see you next time! :)) (ah don't you guys find it ironic how they battled in dancing hahaha....reference to weekly idol and a little shade (sorrynotsorry chenbaby)

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Chenchenlay #1
Chapter 5: OMC !!! Why don't you update authornim..Such a masterpiece ...Wae ?????
Chapter 5: This is freakin' funny~ XD
Chapter 5: Hello! ^^ I just found this story and I just love how you captured all the characters! Especially Chenyeol and Xiuhan :P
Chapter 5: Hello! ^^ I just found this story and I just love how you captured all the characters! Especially Chenyeol and Xiuhan :P
justme178 #7
Chapter 4: waa i didn't expect that..i wish chen fell from stairs or something it's i think that it's not fun sleeping with someone without knowing it right
Chapter 3: omg this sounds sooo good!
Chapter 3: Channie is Romeo so he is the one who have to go to Chenchen e.e Yeollie is dreaming right? XD and did I just spot Krisbaek?
justme178 #10
Chapter 3: i love this..i can't wait the update..i still try to think that chanyeol is dreaming i still wish that chen won't give in so quickly...thank you author nim gor this amaizing story^_^