What is pride?

Chanyeolreo & Chenliet?....No way in hell!

Chanyeol's POV

Sourrounded by motoric growls and cheering sounds of the fans, I was racing against the other ranchers in Apgujeong. Today was the day, on which the ranchers can show off their go-kart-racing skills. Everyone knew that the possible winners were me or Kris from the Kim Ranch. Right now I'm at the front, side by side with whom I think should be Kris.

You never gonna win this race, bastard! I'll win for sure!

I'm convinced that I'm going to win this race. With the feeling of self-confidence, I overtook him by 2 meters.

Bye Kris-Loser. Have fun seeing my back, giraffe!! (you are also a giraffe Cheolie -.-“)

Approximately 5 meters before the finish line, being sure that I have won the race I looked up to wave to my fans.




What the?! Isn't that Kris? What is he doing at the cheering side. Wasn't he racing against me?

I saw an injured Kris smirking his ugly -face at me.

What is going on? Who was I racing against?

I was so confused that I didn't notice, I was overtaken. As I noticed, I was already to late, this someone headed straight to the finish line and came first. I geared up to came second.

I've got to see the face of him!

As the winner took off his helmet, I was met with cherry cheeks and ruffled, short black hair. He had high cheekbones, tall, slim figure and pointy lips.

That was Kim Jongdae?!! The little ChenChen princess won over me?!! Impossible....!

I couldn't grasp the situation, as fans were congratulating him and cheering him on. I look over to my family who were cheering on me. I slowly approached them.

„Sorry guys, I lost!“

„Buuuh what was that Chanyeol! I thought you were so sure to win this, I mean, you're the mighty Yeolie! So dissapointed....tch.“

„Luhan stop it. He didn't lose on purpose. He did his best!“, Minseok tried to calm Luhan, his younger brother, down.

„It was a very interesting race Yeolie“, he said while patting his youngest brother's shoulders.

„Dad I'm sorry, out of all people, I had to lose to someone from the Kim Ranch“, Chanyeol repeated again.

„It's okay son, there is always a next time.“, he said while nodding.

„Hahaha what a loser family, naturally except our Yonhee!“

I heard a disgusting voice approaching us, very well knowing who it belonged to: the head of the Kim family, Kim Seungchul.

„I'm not yours, Kim Seungchul!“, my mother hissed at him.

„Hahaha my little angel, as fierce as always. Your son lost to my precious youngest son. Hahahah, indeed our ranch is by far better than yours Dongwon. Admit it already hahahah.“

Ignoring my mother's remark, he was now directing his creepy voice at my father. Soon his two sons approached him, joining their gazes at us. Kris still wearing his ugly smirk and Jongdae, well, looking out of place.

„Hahaha now Chanyeol, how does it feel to lose for the first time?“, Kris asking with his creepy hell-low voice.

„Brother, Father, let's go home, the race is finished.“, Jongdae butted in.

What is he, acting all mighty!

„What? You think you better than me now ChenChen princess?! How about you stop acting all mighty and shut up!“, I hissed at him.

„What?!....Oh please don't get butthurt Chanyeol. It was not my fault that you were losing against me. You have to blame your incompetence for that!“, Chen argued.


I stayed speechless.

„Hahaha that's my brother. Now you can't say anything huh Chanyeol-Loser!“, Kris backing up his brother proudly.

„How about we just going our separate ways. I'm sick of this fights!“, my mother brought out a suggestion.

„Well my Yonhee, if you wish...“, Seungchul said while trying to grab my mother's hand before my father shielded it.

„Keep your hand by yourself, bastard!“, my father hissed.

With a low laugh Seungchul distanced himself with his family following him. While holding his winner cup, Jongdae looked back one last time.


While riding back to my farm, I couldn't stop thinking about Jongdae.

That girly bastard! Just you wait, ChenChen!


3rd POV

With his cup in his hand, Jongdae was going to the meadow in front of his house. Today was a very good day for him. He slowly approached the fence when he noticed something grabbing at his feet. He stepped on long grass, who are now twirling around his feet. Before freeing himself he put the cup on the fence. Jongdae was so busy with the tangled grass that he didn't see someone approaching him on the other side.

Chanyeol was going for ride because of his bad mood until he saw someone at the fence. He took care of his horse and slowling walked to the fence, trying not to cause any noise so that the other won't notice him. The cup on the fence grapped his attention.

Huh, so this is the cup...let's see what I can do with that! Hehehe (creepy laughing inside) (he's not a psychopath guys- writer)

While the other was distracted with something, Chanyeol slightly touched the cup, which fell to the ground, coming in touch with a big stone. The voice of the fallen cup brought Jongdae to look up.

„What was that sound?....Ahh my cup, oh no there is a dent!“, Jongdae screamed hysterically.


„You!! Chanyeol! You threw my cup to the ground! You bad loser!“, Jongdae hissed when he noticed where the laugh was coming from.

„Wooah wooahh, chill princess. Maybe it was the wind. Ever thought of that?“, Chanyeol arugued back.

„Whaa....seriously. There isn't even a single fart in the air. I can't feel any breeze. It was you Chanyeol, admit it, damn coward!“, Jongdae accusing him again.

„Come on princess, don't be 'butthurt'! Hahahah!“

„Don't call me princess, my name is Jongdae!“, Jongdae said, now raising his voice.

„Well that was how your mother introduced you hahah“, Chanyeol couldn't hold back anymore. He grinned widely.

Jongdae and Chanyeol went to the same kindergarten. On the first day, Lisa had cross-dress Jongdae and introduced him as princess ChenChen to his little friends. She tought he was so adorable.

„I even thought you were a girl back then. Seriously ChenChen, you were quite cute“, Chanyeol added, intended to embarras him. Jongdae blushed at his comment.

„Woahhh princess, why're you blushing? You sure, you're not a girl?“, the teasing continued.

„Yahhhh Park Chanyeol, you damn bastard!!“, Jongdae now exploded.

Jongdae jumped over the fence to the other side, wanted to grab Chanyeol by the collar. He wanted to look cool but stumbled on some roots and fell in Chanyeol's arms. His face touched his chest. Jongdae looked up and realised, their faces were so close. Feeling his breath, Jongdae blushed.

Wahh....I know he was tall, but never this tall! He smells nice...- Jongdae

Chanyeol locked his eyes with Jongdae.

Such beautiful eyes....-Chanyeol

The tension built up. Both of them became silent as their feeling each others breath. Their faces still centimeters away from each other. (I guess rose petals are flying around them, like in some manga hahah xD- writer)

Chanyeol slowly came closer with his handsome face. It was a matter of time until their lips would touch....





„Yoouuhoooo!! My dear soon-to-be husband where are you?“







A/N: Guuys, I'm on a roll. And here you have it, the first chap...yuhhehee (applause, applause)!! hope you enoy it! Take your guesses on whom the voice belong to! See ya!!

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Chenchenlay #1
Chapter 5: OMC !!! Why don't you update authornim..Such a masterpiece ...Wae ?????
Chapter 5: This is freakin' funny~ XD
Chapter 5: Hello! ^^ I just found this story and I just love how you captured all the characters! Especially Chenyeol and Xiuhan :P
Chapter 5: Hello! ^^ I just found this story and I just love how you captured all the characters! Especially Chenyeol and Xiuhan :P
justme178 #7
Chapter 4: waa i didn't expect that..i wish chen fell from stairs or something it's i think that it's not fun sleeping with someone without knowing it right
Chapter 3: omg this sounds sooo good!
Chapter 3: Channie is Romeo so he is the one who have to go to Chenchen e.e Yeollie is dreaming right? XD and did I just spot Krisbaek?
justme178 #10
Chapter 3: i love this..i can't wait the update..i still try to think that chanyeol is dreaming i still wish that chen won't give in so quickly...thank you author nim gor this amaizing story^_^