Home Again

Tough Love
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Kyuhyun slowly parted his lips from Minah's, kiss her forehead and wrap his arms around her. Minah lean her head against his chest, blushing. "I never felt love like this before," she whispered.

"Neither did I," whispered Kyuhyun. His hand began to her hair. "You know, Kyuhyun. I-------" Minah was interrupted by Kyuhyun. "Before you said anything, can you call me oppa from now on?"

Minah look up and faced him. "Are you sure? I thought you mention in your rules that--------" she was interrupted again by Kyuhyun putting his finger on her lips. "Forget about those silly rules. They're history. You don't have to follow them anymore."

"You mean.......I'm free from your rules?" asked Minah. Kyuhyun nod his head in respond. Minah smile and hugged him. "Gomawo, oppa," she whispered. "Anyways, as I was saying, I always see your image in my mind everyday. I can't stop thinking about you either," she continued where she left off. 

"Honestly?" asked Kyuhyun. 

"Yeah. After you kissed me tonight, I have finally made up my mind. I'm willing to give you another chance," said Minah.

"Jinja?! You will?" gasped Kyuhyun.

Minah smile and nodded. "On one condition. You must promise that you will never mistreat me again."

Kyuhyun her cheeks. "Of course. I promise."

He gave her a big hug. "Gomawo. For giving me another chance."

Minah respond to his hug. After 1 minute, she began to slip away from the hug. "I've taken too much of your time. I have to go now before Hwa Soo gets worried." She gave a kiss on Kyuhyun's cheek and said, "Good night, oppa."

As Minah turn to leave, Kyuhyun grab her hand. "Wait! Why don't you stay here with me?" he suggested.

"Mianhe, oppa. Hwa Soo must be sick worried now. I have to go," said Minah.

"Sigh! Alright. But tomorrow, can you stay with me? I feel so lonely without you," begged Kyuhyun.

Minah smile and cup his cheeks. "Of course, oppa." She gave a small peck on his lips and left his house. Kyuhyun could only watch her go.

Back in Hwa Soo's apartment, Hwa Soo was pacing up and down, praying that Minah would come back. When she heard the doorbell, Hwa Soo opened the door immediately. She squealed when she saw Minah standing outside. "Minah sshi!" she called with relieved and hugged her. "I was so worried about you. I thought you got kidnapped."

"Oh, Hwa Soo. I'm fine. I just went over to Kyuhyun's house to find him," said Minah.

"Jinja? What did you do there?" asked Hwa Soo. 

"It's personal. I can't tell you," said Minah, smiling. Hwa Soo made an 'O' shape with and nodded with understanding. "Oh, by the way, I'm gonna stay at his house from tomorrow onwards," Minah reminded her. 

"Jinja? Are you sure it's safe to go back there?" Hwa Soo asked worriedly.

Minah held her hands. "It's alright. He promised me that he would never mistreat me again,

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guys, in case you don't know, the sequel is out already. it's called "Love In Between". go and check it out. don't forget to give some lovely comments.


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anne_shiny #1
Chapter 18: I bet the author is from those countries with dollar euro or pounds as its currency, because million in those currencies is so much. But if it's Korean Won, a million is what you spend in a month, which is so easy for celebrity. In real life, Kyuhyun donates about 25 million won in one go, right? So I grin when Kyu say that amount is for jet plane. No offense, I subscribed your story long ago but just able to continue reading now. Which means I enjoy it.
Chapter 36: Yeayyyyyyy happy!!! I love that they are finally falling in love with each other
Chapter 27: Now when they are not married they are behaving like married couple heheh
Chapter 25: Ok im realllly sorry for being super late!! I love rhe updates n its scary to see ryeonggu like that. Poor him
Omg i didn't how i ended up unsubscribe this fic! No wonder something is fishy! I have been experiencing this, not receiving any updates then i found out i somehow unsubscribe them' this is ridiculous! Thanks for post on my wall! Ohmy i missed alot of chapters!
Chapter 36: What a lovely ending, but it's not the end yet, right?
I will wait for the sequel!
lulu88 #7
Chapter 36: It's a lovely end , yaaay they're going to have baby , I'll be waiting for the sequel :))
I already don't like that woman
Chapter 34: Eii who is she ? Hope nothing bad happen
Chapter 33: :) A touch of fantasy. Thanks for updating! Now they're married again.