


We landed on the beach and the water felt nice on my feet. I squished my toes in the sand and smiled.

“Welcome to Never-end,” Dongwoo told me.

“Never-end,” I slowly said once again as I looked around the beach.

“First thing we have to do is go over the rules,” Sunggyu told me.

I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. I never expected for there to be rules at a place like this. What kind of rules could there even be?

“The first rule is...”

“The first rule is to stay away from Sunggyu, because he is mine,” Woohyun said as he linked arms with Sunggyu.

Sunggyu pushed him away and let out a sigh.

“We were supposed to wait to tell her about that. Who knows what she thinks about that?” Sunggyu said annoyed.

“I don't mind if you guys date each other or whatever. You love who you love.”

Woohyun linked arms with Sunggyu again as he told me the rules.

“You can't wander around alone. The reason is we don't want you to get lost. In the forest, there are some nymphs but you can't trust them. So if you were to run into one, don't believe what they say. When it comes to exploring, one of us has to go with you.”

“That sounds like I won't have privacy,” I said.

“Privacy? Ha! Who needs it?” Sungyeol said.

I raised my hand in the air as well as point to myself.

“I need my privacy. Everyone does.”

“We will solve that later. Right now you just need to know that you can't explore by yourself and you have to be back by sundown.”

“I need a chaperone and I have a curfew? What kind of place is this?' I asked.

“It's Never-end!” Dongwoo exclaimed.

Sungyeol slung an arm around my shoulder and made me face the water.

“Look at the view. Isn't it worth a few rules just to see the beautiful view of the sun and the ocean?”

“I don't know,” I said removing Sungyeol's arm.

I turned back around where the beach led into a forest and started to walk forward. Infinite followed behind and soon took over. They led me to where they lived; a log cabin that did not look big enough for seven people to live in.

“We built it with the help of the nymphs,” Woohyun said giving a high-five to Sungyeol.

I noticed Sunggyu didn't seem happy about it.

“We didn't need their help,” Sunggyu said, bitter.

Sungjong hurried inside the cabin and slammed the door shut.

“I think you should apologize,” Hoya said, finally speaking.

“Apologize? What for?”

“For pushing him on the ground when he was giving you the ability to fly. You didn't even thank him.”

“He just kissed me without warning. No one even told me what the kiss would do. It's not my fault and I refuse to say that I'm sorry!”

The boys panicked at my rising voice.

“Just calm down. We realize now how it looked. You don't have to apologize,” Dongwoo said.

The way they agreed so quick, I found it weird. I went inside the cabin and found it was one big room. Against the farthest wall were seven hammocks. Sungjong was in the bottom right hammock with a teddy bear in his hands. I watched him take out his frustration on it. I cleared my throat to get his attention and he looked up at me as he stopped his fist in mid-punch.

Maybe I should apologize.

I went up to the hammock and with no emotion told him that I was sorry.

“You don't seem like it,” Sungjong said.

“They told me that I needed to. But why should I? You are the one that kissed me. Shouldn't you apologize to me? I mean, sure I'll say sorry for pushing you to the ground because I didn't mean to do that. Next time, warn a girl before you kiss her.”

“Well you can fly now so there is no point in kissing you.”

I, for some reason, felt offended. As if I wasn't good enough to kiss. The other boys came in and started to hang up another hammock next to Sungjong's.

“Am I supposed to sleep there?” I asked.

“Of course you are. Where else are you going to sleep?” Woohyun asked.

I looked around the room and saw I didn't really have any other options. Besides the hammocks, there was a few tree stump stools. There was a pile full of clothes and a guitar next to it. No place to sleep besides next to Sungjong and below and unknown person.

Living here will sure be interesting.  

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@claustrohpsyyy thanks for the comment! Hope you like the update ^^