First Night



I stayed in the cabin with Sungjong and Myungsoo while the rest went out to get dinner. Sungjong was asleep in his hammock and Myungsoo was playing a beautiful song on the guitar. I was laying on my new bed and thinking of the pros and cons of being in this place called Never-end. I didn't have to hear arguing every night and I could fall asleep to music which was good. However, I was the only girl here if you don't count the nymphs - which Infinite didn't. I had to live with these seven guys. As nice as they seemed, I felt like I had been kidnapped. In a way, I was. I had never actually told them that I would go.

“What do you think of Never-end?” Myungsoo asked.

He stopped playing the wonderful music and set down the guitar. He brought one of the stools by the hammocks and I my side, facing him.

“It seems like a liveable place,” I told him.

“Wait until you see this place at night. All the stars; it's so beautiful.”

“I thought one of the rules was that I had to stay inside once the sun set.”

Myungsoo put a finger up to his lips and gave me a wink. I bit back my smile as the others came into the cabin.

“We have food!” Hoya announced.

Some climbed into their hammocks to eat but I joined Myungsoo, Woohyun and Sungyeol on the stools to eat.

“It's fish. We sometimes eat this, or we may hunt a bear or something. If we're up for the long flight, we go down to earth and steal some food,” Sungyeol explained to me while we were eating.

“Not steal as in take without permission,” Sunggyu clarified from his hammock.

“We pay,” Dongwoo assured me.

“With what?”

“Fine, we steal. It's not that big of a deal,” Hoya said.

I couldn't help but to roll my eyes. I was now living with thieves.

As dinner went on, they told me about Never-end. How the place was big and the word lost showed up so many times. After thirteen times of them mentioning how easy I could get lost, I stopped counting. Besides the place being so big that I could get lost easily, they said that the beach was the place they hung out at the most. They said the forest wasn't that fun because that was where the nymphs resided.

“Why do you hate the nymphs? Or do you even hate them?” I asked.

Everyone looked around, wondering who was going to answer it.

“They can't be trusted,” Sungjong said.

“You hate them because they do things like tell lies? You guys steal food.”

“So? It's only food. What they do is... never mind. It's this big long story. I won't go into it,” Sungyeol said.

Woohyun was quick to change the subject to the kiss between Sungjong and I.

“Are you one of those people that freak about having their first kiss stolen?”

“No, I've had my first kiss. I only freak about strangers kissing me.”

“We aren't strangers. We're friends!” Dongwoo said.

“Was it really that bad kissing me?” Sungjong asked.

I shrugged my shoulders. I kind of liked the kiss. The fact that it was within the first five minutes of us meeting, makes me hate it.

“If you want, you can date him. Poor guys doesn't have anyone. The odd man out,” Sungyeol said.

“I don't need a girlfriend,” Sungjong snapped.

For the second time today, I felt offended by his words. Woohyun chucked a piece of his fish at Sungjong who got hit in the face. He just stuck his tongue out at Woohyun and continued to eat in silence.

After dinner, everyone was tired and ready to go to bed. They all climbed into their hammocks and I learned that Myungsoo was the one who occupied the hammock above mine. I was almost asleep when I felt a poke on my cheek. I opened my eyes and saw Myungsoo.

“Let's go,” he whispered.

He took my hand and we flew out of the cabin quietly. I was then blown away by what I saw. The stars seemed to be brighter and the number of them seemed to be more then what I saw back home. Myungsoo then let go of my hand and I started to fly very clumsily. My heart was racing with the thought I was flying in the air for the first time by myself. It felt though as if I was born to fly. I smiled and looked over at Myungsoo who put one of his thumbs in the air. I experimented by doing a loop in the air. It was so much fun I did another one. I giggled like a little girl and realized I was falling behind. I caught up to Myungsoo and he smiled at me.

“Having fun?” he asked.

I nodded and did one more loop. Then I got serious and followed Myungsoo out to the beach. I was nervous to land by myself and wound up falling back on my . Myungsoo chuckled as he landed with such ease. I pouted as he sat down next to me.

“That hurt,” I told him.

“Landing is always the hardest to do. You'll learn quick.”

I nodded then looked out into the ocean. The moonlight on the ocean was just beautiful. The sounds of the waves were calming and I couldn't think of a better place right now.

“So Woohyun made it clear that he is with Sunggyu. What about everyone else? Are the rest of you dating?” I asked.

“I'm dating Sungyeol at the moment. Hoya is dating Dongwoo. Sungjong acts like he doesn't mind being left out but I know he does.”

That makes me think he hates me.

“Does he even like girls? Because I was feeling offended earlier.”

“We honestly don't know. He doesn't show interest in the nymphs or us.”

That means I could simply not be his type.

I froze as I heard the sound of something in the forest behind us.

“Don't worry, it's most likely a bunny hoping around,” Myungsoo told me.

I didn't believe him. It sounded like something that weighed more then a bunny. He's lives here though so I shouldn't argue with him. I just kept my eyes on the ocean and enjoyed the view.

“Could we do this every night?” I asked Myungsoo.

“Every night? Probably not. If we do it too often, they will suspect something.”

I nodded as I got off the ground and went to stick my feet in the water. I walked back and forth in a small space and enjoyed the cool water. Myungsoo soon joined me and grabbed onto my hand. This time he interlaced our finger and it didn't seem right. Like he was cheating on Sungyeol by doing so. Though, I did like holding onto his hand. In fact, he was my favorite of the seven right now.

He likes guys though, I reminded myself.

I found myself staring at him as he stared at his feet. He was so handsome. I didn't want him to like guys. Myungsoo moved to stand in front of me and he stopped me in my tracks. He looked like he had something to say but instead, he cupped my face with his hands and began to kiss me. I was confused but I didn't fight him. When we pulled away, Myungsoo's eyes were still closed.

“This is Never-end,” he told me, “where anything can happen. I want you to promise me that your going to stay here.”

“I don't really have a choice do I? But why... what was that kiss for?”

“You don't have a choice but I want you to be okay with that. Julia, I'll say it again that this is a place where anything can happen. Things like me questioning whether I truly like Sungyeol.”

Myungsoo went back to sitting on the sand and I followed him, sitting next to him.

“You've barely known me for a day. How can you think you like me over him by just a day.”

“Do you think we just picked a random house to bring someone here? I'm the scout of our group. I've been watching you for a month. Making sure you were someone worth bringing.”

I tried to think back to what embarrassing things I could have done in the past month. As handsome as he was, hearing that he basically stalked me for a month makes me less attracted to him.

“So will you promise that you'll stay for me no matter what happens? Either as my friend or maybe as more in the future.”

“I promise,” I told him holding out my pinky finger.

We locked pinkies and then headed back to the cabin to get some sleep.  

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@claustrohpsyyy thanks for the comment! Hope you like the update ^^