


Hoya and I stayed at the beach to work on my landing skills. I'd watch as Hoya lands with such ease and finesse that I couldn't believe how long it took me to master landing. For two hours I fell on my repeatedly and had Hoya laughing repeatedly at me. There were a few instances where I fell forward instead of back. I was lucky to have Hoya catch me those few times.

By the time I had at least been able to land without falling down, I was too tired to walk or fly back to the cabin. Hoya and I sat in the sand and continued talking about my life.

“What was your daily routine back home?” Hoya asked.

“During summer I'd spend the majority of it either at the park or library. Every now and then I'd see a movie but I try not to spend money. During school I’d get up early and head on down by myself, having time to sit in the library. I play volleyball in my spare time. Have you ever played volleyball?”

Hoya shook his head.

“Is it fun?” he asked.

“Very! I should teach you guys. Then we can have a a four on four match.”

I got off the ground with the idea we were going to start right away. Then I remembered I was in no mood to go anywhere and sat back down.

“Are you wiped out?” Hoya asked.

I nodded my head.

“I'm new to this whole flying thing obviously since we spent the last few hours working on my landing.”

Hoya got off the ground and grabbed my hands, pulling me up like I weighed nothing.

“Climb on my back, I'll give you a ride,” Hoya said.

“Can you do that?”

“Do you mean will it slow me down? Not at all.”

I climbed onto his back and we made our way back to the cabin. I heard what seemed to be like yelling inside. I couldn't tell who and as we entered, everyone became silent.

“I don't fall on my ,” I announced then realized no one knew what I was talking about.

“I taught her to land,” Hoya clarified.

“I thought you were exploring the forest,” Woohyun said.

I noticed he was cooking something that smelled absolutely delicious.

“We were until we ran into Zinger,” Hoya said.

It seems nothing more needed to be said. Everyone knew what it meant to run into Zinger. I took a chance by making a comment.

“She seemed okay,” I said.

“That's what she wants you to think,” Sungyeol said.

It was after we had finished the food Woohyun had prepared that I brought up volleyball.

“I heard you talking about that one day when I was watching you,” Myungsoo casually said.

From the silence, he figured out how wrong his sentence sounded. He lowered his head and began messing with the guitar, pretending to tune it.

“What is volleyball?” Dongwoo asked.

“Volleyball is my favorite sport. You have a net and you hit a ball back and fourth and well, it would be better to show you. The thing is that there isn't a volleyball here.”

I tried to think of possible volleyball substitutions but I didn't know what was on Never-end.

“We can make a quick trip to your house and grab your volleyball,” Dongwoo suggested.

His idea was met with groans and complaints.

“Do we have to? I'm tired,” Sungjong whined.

“I'm not up for flying,” Sungyeol said.

“Well we don't all have to go to get a simple volleyball,” Myungsoo said, “I'll go since I know what it is and if you want to accompany me, feel free.”

“I want to!” Sungyeol said, hurrying to Myungsoo's side and linking arms with him.

I tired to casually turn away and look at the others.

“So is everyone else staying with me?” I asked.

“I've done my fair share of flying today,” Hoya said and he then flew into his hammock to take a nap.

“If he's staying, I'm staying,” Dongwoo said.

“We're staying,” Woohyun and Sunggyu said together.

Sungjong didn't say anything. He just left the cabin almost unknowingly. Myungsoo and Sungyeol headed off and I wondered if I could possibly sneak out. Dongwoo had joined Hoya over by the hammocks for a nap. Sunggyu and Woohyun were being cuddly with each other so I thought this was my chance. I crept to the door an opened it to see Sungjong was right outside the cabin, sitting on the grass. I shut the door behind me and sat next to him.

“Were you about to sneak out?” he asked me.

“I came to look for you,” I told him.

“Why? I'm just the stupid Tinkerbell. The odd man out.”

“Being Tinkerbell is great. You're the one who gave me the power to fly. I pushed you back but that wouldn't have happened if you had told me why you were going to kiss me then kissed me after that.”

Sungjong didn't answer back but flew up to roof of the cabin. I sighed and stayed on the ground. I had reached my flying limit for the day and I wasn't going to try to get up there. I decided if he was going to be mad with me, I'll just leave. Getting off the ground, I started to head further into the forest. I walked slowly and hope Sungjong either didn't notice me or not care if he did notice me. When I thought I was free, I was being pulled back.

“No going into the forest,” Sunggyu said as he pulled me back in the cabin.

I groaned and took a seat right in the middle of the floor.

“I'm not a child. I can find my way back,” I told him.

“On the chance you don't, we don't want to have to look for you.”

I sat on the floor and wondered how Sunggyu even knew I was walking away. It seemed to take forever for Myungsoo and Sungyeol to get back. It turns out they were getting a net as well.

“I don't own a net,” I told them.

“We know but we just took this from a park. They won't miss it,” Sungyeol said.

I tried to ignore the fact the net was stolen and just went over to Hoya. I had him fly with me on his back to beach where he and Dongwoo set up the net. I showed them how to play and made sure the rules were clear before we picked our teams. I was one captain while Hoya volunteered to be the other. Letting him pick first, he didn't hesitate to pick Dongwoo. I was going to pick Myungsoo but Sungyeol was hopping up and down and waving his hands like crazy.

“Pick me! Pick me!” he pleaded.

He seemed so eager so I decided to pick Myungsoo my next time and let Sungyeol be on my team.

“Myungsoo,” Hoya said.

I resisted glaring at him. How am I supposed to win when he has Myungsoo? I won't be able to spike the ball in fear of hitting Myungsoo.

“Woohyun,” I said.

Hoya then picked Sunggyu leaving me with Sungjong. We began playing and it wasn't even a minute into the game and Hoya flew up in the air to spike the ball. I ducked to avoid the ball and the ball stayed in play as Woohyun somehow managed to hit it back over. Hoya was still in the air and Dongwoo joined him as he went to hit it. Sungyeol was in the back and flew in the air as well. I realized I was at a disadvantage and stopped the game.

“No flying. Period,” I told them.


“No arguing. I can't fly. I mean, I can but my flight is limited.”

“Your flight wouldn't be limited if you had let me kiss you,” Sungjong said.

“I did let you kiss me.”

“No you pushed him away the second his lips touched yours,” Sungyeol said.

Woohyun moved me to stand in front of Sungjong and everyone Sungyeol started chanting.

“Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!”

Sungjong looked at me, wondering if it was okay. I gave a lit nod and he gave me a kiss. I pulled back as I felt myself in the air. Looking down I saw that I had lifted off the ground and so had Sungjong. He looked down shyly and I found it the cutest thing ever. The match continued with the rule that flying was allowed. It made volleyball more fun then it was before.

Hoya, seeming to be an overall athletic person, beat me and my team by three points. After the game, we sat down on the beach and looked out to the ocean. Myungsoo started to come over to sit by me but Sungyeol pulled him down next to him. The spot Myungsoo was heading for was taken by Sungjong. He smiled at me and held out his hand.

“Friends?” he asked.

I smiled back as I took his hand.


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@claustrohpsyyy thanks for the comment! Hope you like the update ^^