


The next day I begged Infinite to let me go explore the forest. After much pleading, they gave in and Hoya went with me. The more I saw of Never-end the more I loved it!

Hoya and I didn't do much talking at first. I was too busy admiring everything. When the trees started to bore me, we started to talk about my life.

“So what was going on when we came and picked you up. What was with the yelling?” Hoya asked me.

“It was my parents. They've been fighting for a long time now. I don't know why they don't just separate.”

“Are you glad we took you away from that?”

I thought about my parents and what my mom would do once she noticed I was gone. It might take her a while, but I knew my mom well. She would eventually figure out and worry for me. Possibly crying and without a doubt starting more fights with my dad. I then thought about my promise I made last night with Myungsoo.

“Yes, I'm glad,” I told Hoya and gave him a smile to confirm it.

He smiled back then stopped walking as he heard a laugh. By the annoyed look that was suddenly on his face, I'm guessing that it was a nymph. Soon a beautiful girl hopped down from a tree and landed right in front of me. The shock of her sudden appearance made me fall back on my and Hoya quickly helped me up.

“Does Hoya have himself a girlfriend? Is Dongwoo not good enough anymore? I'd be happy to take his place. No reason bringing this here.”

This nymph still smiled despite what she was saying. She reminded me of one of those cheerleaders that is forced to smile wide no matter what.

“She's Julia and she did not take Dongwoo's place in my heart.”

“Then why is she here? I heard Myungsoo fell for a girl. Is this the girl?”

Could that have been the noise I heard last night? The sound of a nymph?

“Zinger, just quit it. Come on Julia.”

Hoya grabbed my hand and tried to pull us away but Zinger got a hold of my arm.

“Please stay and chat. You boys never chat with us. It's always...”

“Zinger, I need to speak to you in private.”

Hoya let go of my arm and Zinger happily followed him to a distance where I couldn't hear them. I was watching them talk and trying to make out what either were saying but I couldn't tell. I felt a tap on my shoulder and thought it would be someone from Infinite. It however appeared to be another nymph. Her smile seemed to be more sincere and honest.

“I heard Infinite brought someone to Never-end. If you ever want to get away from the boys, your always welcome to visit me. I'm Luna. What's your name?”

“I'm Julia,” I told her.

I didn't get to say more because Hoya came back and grabbed my hand. He flew into the air and it seemed my weight didn't affect his flight. I tried to fly by myself but Hoya's speed was too great for me and he was simply pulling me along.

“The nymphs drive me insane,” Hoya grumbled.

“They don't seem that bad. At least with Zinger it just seems like she likes you. Maybe all the others simply have a thing for you too.”

“I know for a fact some of them like me and like my Dongwoo. I think they all have one of us that they admire. They know we don't like girls but they don't seem to care.”

We landed on the beach and once again I fell on my . Hoya chuckled at me as I got up and wiped off the sand from my .

“It's not funny,” I whined.

“From my perspective, it kind of is.”

I rolled my eyes and decided to change the subject from my fail at landing.

“What did you talk to Zinger about?”

“If you were supposed to know, then I wouldn't have pulled her away.”

“Why can't I know?”

“Just forget about it.”

I pouted and moved out to the water to stick my feet in.

What couldn't I know? 

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@claustrohpsyyy thanks for the comment! Hope you like the update ^^