Off to Never-end



Another day, another fight. I could hear my parents down in the kitchen arguing about something. It's always something. I try to block it out with my favorite childhood movie, Peter Pan. Even at the age of seventeen, I still love the idea of Neverland. I don't think a day goes by where I don't wish Peter Pan would take me away.

I heard what sounded like a plate being smashed to the ground and turned the volume on my TV up. At that time there was a knock on my window. I looked over and screamed as I saw seven smiling boys at my window. I got up from my bed and squished myself into my tiny closet, closing myself inside. It was unbearable how small it was. I heard my movie being paused and then laughing.

“She was watching Peter Pan. How cute,” a male voice said.

It had to be one of the window boys. How did they get inside?

The closet door then opened and a hand quickly covered my mouth, muffling my second scream.

“We don't want to hurt you,” the handsome boy with his hand over my mouth said.

He flash me a smile and helped me get out of the cramped closet. He took off his hand from my mouth but kept a hold on my wrist.

“W-who a-are you?” I asked.

“We're Infinite! We're here to take you away,” the first male voice I had heard said.

My eyes went wide and I then went to yank my arm free from the handsome boy. It turns out he wasn't holding onto me that tight and I fell back onto the ground. While I was on the ground, I took a look at the seven boys and realized they all were good looking. One guy came over and helped me off the ground, introducing himself as Sunggyu.

“Don't misunderstand what Sungyeol said. We won't kidnapped you. We're here to take you to Never-end.”

“Neverland?” I asked, getting excited.

“No, we aren't Peter Pan. He doesn't exist and neither does Neverland. We live in Never-end. N-E-V-E-R-E-N-D.”

“Never-end,” I slowly repeated.

“Yes. We want you to come with us. It's better then Neverland.”

I heard the sound of a door slamming and cringed at the sound. One of the boys put his hand on my shoulder.

“There is no parents,” he said with probably the sweetest smile I'd ever seen. “You wouldn’t have to turn up Peter Pan to block out the yelling. Just come to Never-end.”

I wanted to say yes. Could I trust these boys though? They hadn't told me there names. Could they even fly?

“How would we get to Never-end?” I asked.

“Flying of course!”

All seven of them were suddenly in the air and were flying around my small room, bumping into each other. Then Sunggyu grabbed the boy that had been in the back the whole time and set him in front of me.

“He is our tinker bell. No, there isn't pixie dust but he does something better,” one boy said winking at me as he landed on my bed.

I wanted to tell him to get off but I didn't get the chance. This cute boy that was supposed to give me the power to fly placed his lips on mine. Cute or not, I pushed him away and he fell back on the ground.

“What the heck!” I yelled as I wiped my mouth.

If they want me so bad in Never-end, randomly kissing me isn't the way to convince me. The boys were laughing at the one who kissed me. He got off the ground and flew out the window, into the night.

“Tinker bell is mad~” the one on my bed said.

All the sudden, I didn't feel the ground under my feet. I looked down and noticed I was floating in the air. The boys joined me in the air and the handsome one grabbed my hand.

“Let's go find Sungjong,” he said.

Everyone flew out the room and handsome boy and I trailed behind him. It was all because I was new when it came to flying and handsome boy had to fly for the both of us.

“Is Sungjong the person who kissed me?” I asked.

“Yeah, Sungjong only kissed you because you needed to be able to fly. He doesn't carry pixie dust with him but he carries the ability to make people fly in him. The only way to transfer it is with a kiss. By the way, I'm Myungsoo.”

“I'm Julia. Could you tell me who the others are?”

“The one on your bed was Woohyun. Your already know our leader, Sunggyu. Dongwoo was the one that put his hand on your shoulder. Hoya didn't really say much – actually anything – but he is shy when it comes to girls. He was the one with his muscles showing. Sungyeol, I apologize on his behalf. His saying that we were going to take you was not smart on his half.”

Sungyeol then flew back where we were and knocked into Myungsoo, making his flying unsteady and making me scream for the third time.

“Are you talking about me?” he asked Myungsoo.

“Yes, I'm telling Julia about how your awful at first impressions. Now just go back to the front and don't come back until you can do something that won't scare her.”

Sungyeol stuck his tongue out at Myungsoo before heading back to the front. We caught up with Sungjong who was making his way back to Never-end without us. It then dawned on me that I never actually told them I'd go with them.

“Stop!” I ordered.

They all stopped flying and looked at me.

“I don't want to go,” I told them.

“We're already half way there. You can't change your mind,” Woohyun said.

“Change my mind? When did I ever tell you yes? Never-end sounds nice but...”

“Then it's settled,” Sungyeol said, “we go!”

Everyone continued to fly and no matter how much I whined and complained they didn't stop until we arrived. I couldn't believe my eyes as I looked at the huge island. Never-end.  

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@claustrohpsyyy thanks for the comment! Hope you like the update ^^