Mr. Oh Sehun's "Labelled" Girlfriend

Chapter 5



Hearing her friends muttering on the background I finally decided to get up. I opened my eyes and met their curious gazes. I turned to Ah Yeon and she was just shrugging signing that she tried to explain to them but they didn’t listen.

“Tell me, are you two taking your “oh-so-relationship” seriously?” Mina finally asked. I sighed and Ah Yeon did the same.

“I explained, they don’t listen.” She exclaimed and headed to the kitchen.

“No we’re not. We’re just ahmmm... maybe good friends. If we’re seriously dating don’t you think Eunhee will tell you girls right away?” I answered them and looked down at Eunhee who was still sleeping. I gently got up and laid her down, making sure she was comfortable.

“Hmmm… If you say so.” Mina and Hye Su exclaimed and marched towards to the kitchen. I followed them.

“No food here. Let’s go.” Just when I reached the kitchen Ah Yeon exited it. I dumbly followed the three who were heading out of the apartment.

“Where are you going?” I asked.

“Will buy some groceries, we’ll come back a bit later, you can go home now if you want, just be sure to lock the door.” Ah Yeon said casually as she wore her shoes along with her friends.

I glanced back at Eunhee and decided to stay, we drank quite a lot last night so probably she’ll have some hang over.

“No, it’s alright. I’ll stay. Please buy me food as well and advil for Eunhee.” I exclaimed and grabbed some bill from my wallet.

“Take it.” I added when they didn’t take it and were just staring at me.

“Ahmm.. Girls?” I exclaimed, waving my hands in front of their face. Finally, they snapped back.

“Yeah, sure.” Mina said and hurried their way out of the door.

As soon as they left I headed to the kitchen and brewed some coffee.


“Ahmmm… Where are they?” I heard Eunhee talking to herself in the living room. She woke up just in time for the coffee. I grabbed the two mug of coffee and headed back to the living room, where I met her curious gaze.

“Oh, you’re still here. Where are they?” She asked with a small frown. I sat beside her and passed her the coffee. She took it and said her thanks.

“They went out for a bit. The bought some food for lunch. I guess they won’t let you spend your birthday on your own.” I explained to her in which she nodded to.

“I see. You?” She turned to me with her tilted head. Hm… Yeah, how about me?

“I guess I’ll stay?” I exclaimed and grinned at her. She rolled her eyes upon hearing my response, making me chuckle.

“Aish… You’re such a clingy boyfriend.” Eunhee exclaimed, focusing on her coffee instead.

“How’s your head?” I asked. She turned to me again and was about to answer when the doorbell rang.

“Aisssh… Am I too popular lately?” She mumbled to herself and went to open the door. I just waited, making myself comfortable.

“Oh Kris! You don’t have to do this but thanks.” I heard her say, oh it’s probably a friend because all the annoyance on her voice a while ago has totally disappeared.

“It’s your birthday, it’s the least I can do.” A deep voice exclaimed, it’s a guy and it’s familiar too.

“The girls are here too, you could wait for them in the living room, stay for lunch. I’ll cook.” She exclaimed and then I heard their steps.

“You’ll cook? Really? Owaah! This might be my lucky day. I’ll taste your cooking again.” The guy replied, I can hear a hint of excitement from it.

“I guess it is.”

“Oh, you’re here?” So it was Kris.

“Yeah, why would I miss my girlfriend’s birthday?” I answered him back and winked at Eunhee.

“Stop it Sehun, it’s disgusting.” She said and made a face. I just laughed at her reaction. She pulled Kris and made him seat on the couch I’m sitting on.

“I’ll just put this cake inside the fridge. We can eat it later.” She chimed and skipped her way to the kitchen.

“It’s your favourite by the way.” Kris exclaimed after her. She squealed in delight hearing what the guy just said. Aisssh… I can’t believe how excited this girl can be when it comes to food.

“Really, really?! Strawberry shortcake from Leila’s?!” We both heard her exclaimed in the kitchen.

“Omoooo!! It really is!! I’ll get a slice now.” She continued on. I turned back to Kris and he was smiling upon hearing Eunhee’s reaction.

“Yah, Eunhee have you eaten a proper meal?” Kris exclaimed but Eunhee was already back with a plate of cake.

“Aniya, but I don’t care. Thank you Kris!” She ran back and sat beside Kris.

“How long did you line up for this?” She asked, I guess the cake must be really special.

“I didn’t, I made a reservation few months back just to make sure that I’ll be able to get that today.” He answered and flashed her a smile. Hmmm… I spy someone fancying someone.

“Oh? You can do that? Aaaahh… Can I call and make a reservation?” Eunhee exclaimed with a very bright smile, she immediately tried to grab her phone that was lying on the coffee table when Kris held her wrist preventing her from doing so.

“Nope, you can’t do that. I knew the owner that’s why he made an exception.” Kris said, making the girl pout.

“Fine…” She gloomily said and started eating her beloved cake. Realizing that Eunhee was too busy with her cake, Kris finally turned her attention to me.

“I didn’t expect you to be here this early.” He said, eyeing on me suspiciously.

“We had a party last night, it got too late so I stayed over.” I casually exclaimed and was able to see the sudden change on his face. Hmmm… Is someone jealous? I smirked at him and he immediately looked away.

“Ah… Too bad I wasn’t able to come yesterday. I have to go out of town just to fetch the cake.” He said,

“Hmmm… I see. You did that much of an effort for my girlfriend ne? I suddenly felt jealous.” I replied, he looked back at me with a raised brow.

“Yeah, I’ll do that much for her.” He answered back and smiled.

So he really does like her, then why isn’t he confessing yet? They’ve known each other for so long, I’m sure he had more than a hundred chances to confess already, perhaps he already confessed and this glutton girl rejected him. Hmm… But that doesn’t make sense. Should I provoke him then?

“What are you smiling about?” I heard someone say, I snapped back and saw Kris and Eunhee staring at me. I shook my head immediately, telling them it was nothing. The two reluctantly looked at me but let it go.

“Anyway, you’re going to paint the wall again? Should I help?” Kris exclaimed, standing up from his seat as he observed the empty wall.

“Yeah right Picasso.” Eunhee said sarcastically, oh yes, we all know how ‘talented’ Kris is when it comes to art. I tried to supress my laughter but I just ended up bursting out. Kris glared at me while Eunhee joined me.

“Aish! Shut up you two!” But instead we just continued on laughing.

“Seriously, I would like to help.” Kris exclaimed in a serious tone. I looked at Eunhee and she was just staring at the guy.

“Okay, fine. Let’s just all paint on it. I think it would be fun… and memorable.” Eunhee answered with a small smile. Kris and I exchanged looks and nodded.

When the three girls came back, Eunhee immediately gathered the grocery they bought and whipped up a delicious lunch for us. It was fascinating how she can move so gracefully in the kitchen and that within less than an hour we were already having our meal. She cooked kimchi spaghetti and stir fry beef and vegetables. It was simple but delicious.

After we finished the food, we cleaned up and proceed to painting the wall. Eunhee came up with the idea of painting some trees but instead of painting simple leaves, we’re going to use our hands. We had a lot of fun, playing with the paint and with each other. Our shirts and faces were full of paint but we didn’t care about it (well at least while we’re playing around) because it was just that fun.

“Now look what you’ve done!” Kris finally whined as he realized that he was actually wearing one of his favourite shirts. “My mom gave this.” He pouted, looking so sad over his dirty shirt.

“Awww.. UMMA!” We all exclaimed in sync and as we realized what we just did, we laughed together, leaving Kris pouting to himself.

“Today was seriously fun. Thanks guys.” Eunhee exclaimed with a huge grin.

“No problem! Happy Birthday Eunhee-ah!!” The girls screamed as they tackled her down and gave her a tight hug.

“Omooo!! Stop! Stop!” Eunhee cried out.

That day I went home with dirty clothes but the grin on my face was enough proof that I don’t give a about it. Today was so much fun. I have never thought that I will be friends with their group, I always thought that we live in too different leagues for us to get along but I guess when given the chance, people might actually get along.


The next day, I fetched Eunhee just like every morning since we got together. I would come to her house early in the morning and she’ll prepare breakfast for us before leaving. It was a nice feeling. We’re not really dating but somehow it felt nice. I wonder why she never got in a relationship, guys will be lucky to have her. Then again, maybe they haven’t gotten close enough to her for them to understand that behind her sharp and strong façade was just a regular girl who’s just having a hard time expressing her feelings.

When we arrived school, I was quite surprised that Haerin was there to meet us and she was not with her crew. I was planning to ignore her but she blocked our way. I looked down at Eunhee who was looking indifferent about Haerin’s action.

“I want to talk to you.” Haerin exclaimed looking directly at me. I sighed and answered.

“Fine, talk.” I said but Haerin gazed at Eunhee.

“Alone.” She exclaimed.

Before I could even answer Eunhee left us. I watched her until she disappear, turning by the corner.

“What is it?” I finally stared down at Haerin.

“Are you seriously dating her?” She asked, oh she finally asked that I guess she wasn’t expecting the length of relationship I have with Eunhee because before when I want to make her jealous I hooked up with girls for a maximum of 1 week. I guess Haerin didn’t expect that after a month I’m still with Eunhee.

“Yeah.” I answered, making sure not to miss any of her reaction. Her pupils shook—she’s hurt.

“This is not you Sehun.” She exclaimed as she looked away.

“They what is me?” I asked her, she turned back to me and was about to open when I cut her.

“Sehun who chased after you? Sehun who’ll just make you jealous using other girls? Maybe I’m tired Haerin because whatever method I used for you I can never have you. What do you want me to do? I was sincere since the beginning. I did everything for you. But then that didn’t work out. I also tried to be the bad boy, the player but still it didn’t work out? So what Sehun do you want me to be for you to accept me? I love you Haerin, I have never failed to remind you that but now what? I won’t know what you truly feel if you’re not going to be blunt about it. I’m a guy, I want to keep it simple and less complicated.” I said, making sure I will stay cool and composed. I was expecting her to demand and tell me to leave Eunhee but it never came, she just stared at me, her eyes glistening in tears though none was able to escape those pair of brown orbs.

“We’re dating, we’re taking care of each other but nothing else. I need someone like that. Tell me if you’re willing to be in her place and I’ll leave her. So stop messing up with her, don’t hurt her and never insult her again because the more you do that the farther the distance you create between the two of us.” I sighed and ended it there. The bell was already ringing; I need to get to class. Without any other words, I left her standing in the middle of the corridors.


“Hey are you alright?” I heard someone say, I looked up and realized that it was already break time and Eunhee was standing in front of my desk. All morning I’ve only been thinking about my encounter with Haerin. Am I too harsh with her? I wonder if she’s alright? Or did I do the right move? I’m just being honest… it felt good being honest.

“Ahmm… Yeah.” I exclaimed, forcing a smile in which I think she didn’t believe.

“Are you going to eat lunch with me or I just go with the girls?” She asked, glancing at her friends who were waiting by the door.

“How about let’s join them today?” I said, she smiled upon hearing it. “Sure.” She exclaimed and offered a hand to me. I was taken aback for a while but I gladly took it. I need it. I need her, pulling me up when I’m in doubt, giving me comfort just at the moments I need it the most. I’m not even sure if she was aware of the effects of her actions to me.

Our hands were laced as we exited of the room. As if I’m being mocked the first one I meet on the hall was Haerin. She stared at me then down to my hand but instead of letting go I tightened my hold to Eunhee making her instantly look up to me with a curious expression. But I simply shook my head and smiled at her, my way of telling her to not be bothered about it. I looked back at Haerin and she was still looking at me. I smiled at her but she simply looked away.

Even though I like Eunhee a lot, I still wish for Haerin to be the one beside me… Am I a martyr or I’m just plain stupid?

The girl has stolen my heart, is it about time to take it back?


I was planning to update earlier this week but I got quite busy with my friends. XD
Anyway! Here it is. :D ^^v

Thank you so much for all who have subscribed. :D


Ps. Not proofread as usual. ;)






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We love this soooo much!! Hope u can update again, soon!! Hwaiting!!
qinmad #2
Chapter 9: Obviously. How many MORE fanfics will be labelled (look what I did here!) as "not-to-be-continued" after I start reading them? I was having a heart attack when I spotted the "New story update!" and this is what I'm getting... Good thing you're going to write something else tho! I'll be waiting! Hwaiting~~ :) xx
qinmad #3
Chapter 8: I hope you will update soon! I just happened to find this story and I'm miserable bc you haven't updated in a while :(
krisyeol6100 #4
Chapter 8: author-nim update juseyoo~
Chapter 6: Why can't I stop laughing while reading this. As per usual, verbal comment when we meet ^^v
heelloo #6
Chapter 5: Please update soon!! I love your story!!
Chapter 5: Crying....
Love the story! Can't wait for more of it!
DeeDee_24 #9
Chapter 2: Hmmmm.....at least kris knows the situation right? Haha. All the boys are scared of her. Good. Put them in their place ;)