Good? Night

Hitting Two Birds With One Stone
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He did indeed walk me to my doorstep. He must have been taken aback by the fact that I lived in such a small aprtment with the way he stared at it. Even though he didn't enter, anyone could tell just from the exterior how cramped it was but he didn't say anything, and just smiled at me. But I knew what he was really thinking. He was apalled by the fact that I was just a poor girl.. I had no chance of ever seeing him again then. He was going to break off communication with me once he left. It was done. After all, I did work just as their maid.. *sigh*

"Ya! Why do you look depressed?" he said while pulling my chin up. "Are you embarassed by any chance?"

I didn't respond but had this huge urge to scream out "YES!!"

"I've never experienced living alone. All my life I've lived with my family, and then now with my members. Does it get lonely living alone?"

"Sometimes, yeah it does. I miss my family and having people to talk to any time of the day, but I guess I need to adjust."

"How about you don't? I mean, you don't need to be lonely all the time.. I can accompany you when you want. I can come here when my schedule's done. It'll be nice to hang out and you said so yourself it gets lonely for you..."

"No!" Why in the world would I make someone I just met today live in with me?

"I'm not planning to live in with you, don't worry. I'll just drop by once in a while if you want, or we could just simply hang out. It's your call." 

This kid definitely had the ability to read my mind... and he most definitely had the ability to capture my heart.

"Thank you.. Thank you Kim Jongin for being so nice to someone you've just met. I really do appreciate your effort but I think we must both act professionally. I work for you and the rest of EXO. I don't think it'd be practical to spend this much time with you. Your company might even fire me if they found out we were getting too personal with each other and I can't risk losing this job. I'm sorry, goodnight." I tried to slam the door behind me but before I

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Chapter 14: Aww man :(
But it's okay, I'll wait ^^
Fighting!!! :D
nice story^^
Chapter 13: Uhh...
I don't know what to say about this chapter.
Anyway, I really hope Jongin will do something for her.
I mean make up with their relationship.
Keep it up, author-nim ^^
I'll support you until the end :)
Chapter 12: Kyaaaa!!!
Hahahaha xD.
I knew it. I knew that Kai likes her.
Can't wait for the next chapter though :)
Chapter 11: KYAAAAAAAAA!!!
Hahahaha xD
Keep it up cuz I love this story ><
Chapter 7: Kyaaaaa!!! Couldn't help but to smile while reading this :)
Keep it up, author-nim