
Hitting Two Birds With One Stone
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"Noooooooooonaaaaaa~ noooooooonaaaaaaaa~" I heard all the way from my toilet at least 8 times. Well, it's not like I lived in a mansion, but his voice even echoed through the sounds of the running water I was showering in. It was 10:30 in the morning and I had no intentions of going to supposed 'date' with Jongin. 

"Noona! You better....." and his voice broke off as I played Block B's Very Good. I didn't want to see him after what had happened last night. 

Finally, I was at peace and I was done with my shower. He too had been quiet so I guess he gave up and left. I wrapped myself in my towel and stared at how flat my body looked. How will I ever find a boyfriend with a cardboard of a body? Sigh. I looked at the mirror and gave my sweetest smile. Ahhh they'll definitely fall for these dimples. I needed to feel better about myself especially after how I completely broke it off with Jongin when we could have had a chance. Or was I being delusional? Anyhow, it was fun while it lasted. 

"Hi noo-" his voice then cut off. We were 5 feet away from each other, both stuck staring at each other. Only the worst part was that I was still in my towel. He was dressed in a blue polo and sleek skinnies with his hair neatly gelled. I didn't know how to react and just kept staring into his eyes till I saw his eyes divert from mine to the rest of my body.

"Aish, you flirt!! Get lost! Do you really want me to call the cops? This is going to be your 2nd offense!" and I ran to the room to immediately get myself a bit more dressed. I grabbed my favorite over-sized jacket and put on my undies. First he had to see me fangirling over him and now he had to see me as my flat chested ugly and boring self. Double sigh.

"Don't get me wrong, noona! I was calling out your name from outside then your neighbor got disturbed and told me to shut up but then it

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Chapter 14: Aww man :(
But it's okay, I'll wait ^^
Fighting!!! :D
nice story^^
Chapter 13: Uhh...
I don't know what to say about this chapter.
Anyway, I really hope Jongin will do something for her.
I mean make up with their relationship.
Keep it up, author-nim ^^
I'll support you until the end :)
Chapter 12: Kyaaaa!!!
Hahahaha xD.
I knew it. I knew that Kai likes her.
Can't wait for the next chapter though :)
Chapter 11: KYAAAAAAAAA!!!
Hahahaha xD
Keep it up cuz I love this story ><
Chapter 7: Kyaaaaa!!! Couldn't help but to smile while reading this :)
Keep it up, author-nim