
You'll Always Be My Star Queen.

You gasped. "Seungie..."

He face broke in a big smile. "Minnie Mouse, it's you!" He pulled you into a bear hug.

You were paralyzed, unable to do anything; but you quickly hugged him back, hiding your face in the crook of his neck. And the tears started to fall again.

"I t-though..." You stuttered. "I thought I wouldn't be able to see you again."

He smiled again and wiped your tears with his thumb. "So did I. You changed a lot you know." He teased.

You flicked his shoulder playfully and pouted. "So did you. Who was going to imagine that the extremely shy Jang Hyunseung was going to be an idol?" You teased back.

He blushed hard while you giggled and ruffled his hair. "Ha! I made you blush!" You snickered. 

He sighed wistfully. "Just like back then." 

You did a chessy smile. "I know right? Good times."

You two were on your own world until you heard a cough. "I don't mean to interrupt your lovely...reunion, but...Are we missing something?" Asked Junhyung, smirking.

You the realized that the position you were right now could be easily...mistaken.

You blushed madly and let go of him, but that only made his grip on you go tighter.

Then, you bit your lip and began explaining. "...And that's all." You finished.

"So hyung knew noona since childhood?" Asked Dongwoon confusedly.

You nodded. "He was my best friend. And he still is." You said, beaming brightly at him.

*Ah, I missed this smile.* He thought.

Suddenly, Doojoon started pushing out of the room everyone unless you and Hyunseung. "Let's go guys. They have lots of catching to do." He said, winking at Hyunseung and mouthing 'You tell us later!'.

He just rolled his eyes and mouthed back 'Shut up.' .


[Some time later.]

After a long, long chat with Hyunseung, you were taking selcas with him and your award and tweeting them.

Then his phone beeped. It was Junhyung: 'Hyung we're waiting for you at the van. Have you seen what time is it?'

"Always nagging..." He mumbled.

You looked at him weirdly. "Is there something wrong?"

He sighed. "I have to walk to the van already. It's pretty late."

You looked at the clock. "OMONA! It is that late?"

He took his things and, before standing in front of the door. "I was thinking...We c-could go have an ice cream...Like we did before."

You smiled and hugged him. "I would like that!" You giggled.

"So...I text you when I'm free?" He asked awkwardly. Thank the Heavens you didn't notice it.

"You do that!" You said excitedly, poking his cheek.

He was about to leave when you hugged him from behind and tip-toed to give him a slight kiss on the cheek and waving him good-bye.

Then Bom came nagging. "Where were you, huh? You were making us worried!"

"Sorry..." You apologized pouting with all your aegyo. "I was..."


Hyunseung walked all the path to the van flushed like a tomato (an adorable one, of course). *She kissed me!* He tought happily. He felt like dancing in the moment.

When you were little, you sure hugged him, but you never ever kissed him, not even on the cheeks. You didn't have the courage.

Hand on his cheek, he walked to the automobile just to be dragged inside by his band mates.

"You tell us everything."


Kekeke~ Did you like the chap?

I hope so. I worked hard you know ;)

I'm having a HUGE writer's block with my other fic. I feel bad for updating this and not 'Diary of a witch' but I really don't have any crazy ideas by the moment.

There was a kiss! (a lame kiss, but a kiss after all!)





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heyyy plz update this
Kekeke aigoo seungie oppa is jealous kekkekeke ;> ^.^ <br />
<br />
update soon ;)
luvseungie4ever #3
i like it...<br />
update soon..plz
good story..<br />
update soon when you have a time...<br />
yuxuan #5
pls update soon i like this story
Oh Oh Naughty Hyunseung just claim his territory LOL..<br />
scene just killed me.. LOL..<br />
<br />
Update soon <3
Yannna #7
lol he is so cute
I'm curious~~ What is pepero day anyway???
Heehee always :3<br />
Update Soon