Fake Girlfriend

Who is My Destiny?

I'm happy to start my second day of school. I start to become close friends with
Exotics. At lunch I sits with them, and we stay together all the time. Some girls at school
think I'm weird to hang out with guys alot. But it's hard for me to hang out with those
girls. They always gossip and I hate that. Maybe they're just jealous of me hanging out with a group of good looking guys.

    One day, when we all sit together in our school gym, one girl come running into the
gym and try to drag Kai outside. Kai refuse but that girl keeps on dragging him out saying
that she have something to show him. She keeps acting cute, and drag until Kai give in and
follow her out. The other guys follow them out quietly to see. Then Sehun whisper to me.

Sehun: Hey, do you know that she likes Kai?

Krystal: No, who is she?

Sehun: Her name is Choi Yura. She likes Kai when he first came to this school and keeps on disturbing him. She even sends fried chicken to his house everyday, cause he likes chicken.

Krystal: Do Kai likes her too?

Sehun: No, he tried telling her that he doesn't like her too, but she keeps on hanging on to him.

Krystal: Then, why do he still let her keep that up?

Sehun: Because he's a good guy, he don't want to hurt girls. He says he tried telling her to stop, but she don't. So he just try to ignore her and stay away from her as much as possible.

Krystal: But she still finds him and trying to grab his attention?

Sehun: Yes, I'm glad she's not in our class. If not, Kai would be depressed. (He let out a sigh)

Krystal: But why? It's just that a person likes him.

Sehun: You don't understand. Last time, she post a video of herself in public saying
that it is for Kai. He got embarrassed by everyone in the whole school. She won't stop even
if Kai told her so.

Krystal: My goodness.....

    The guys return with Kai, and they all laugh except Kai. They all start talking about what had happen. Only Kai looks upset and stare into space.

Baekhyun: You know what she does?

Lay: She starts singing the Kiyomi song loudly with the action for Kai. Everyone in the whole school is looking and teasing.

Kai: (In an upseting tone) Do you think this is funny?

    Then they stop when they realize that Kai is very mad. They starts walking out of the room. Leaving him alone. Sehun drag me outside.

Krystal: Why don't you guys talk to him?

Sehun: When he's angry he don't want to talk to anyone. He won't say a word.

Luhan: And it's best to leave him alone when he's mad.

Lay: He never been as mad as today.

Krystal: But why? I think he need someone to talk to him. It's serious.

Kris: I don't know. But I think it's time for someone to talk to him about this. It has been going on for so long. We try to talk to him but he won't respond. Maybe he will when you talk to him. He seems to like you.

Baekhyun: Yeah, we're not sure yet. But I think you can go and talk to him. We will leave
you guys for now.

    I'm kind of surprise to hear them saying that Kai likes me, but anyway I need to talk to him about this. I walk back into the room and sit near him. He look at me and turn away.

Krystal: Are you okay?

Kai: I don't understand. I know that she likes me, but this is too much.

Krystal: You should tell her to stop.

Kai: I tried, but it's only getting worst. She says that she won't stop until I like her.
I don't know what will she do next. It's hard for me to focus on my study after that incident. Everyone keeps teasing me and I don't like it.

Krystal: Why don't you tell them so?

Kai: I do, but the teasing just won't stop.

Krystal: I don't think she really likes you, Kai. If she do, she will respect your decision. Not keep on forcing you to like her back.

Kai: I know, it's just a game of hers, she thought she could win if I like her back. Do you
think this will stop if I have a girlfriend?

Krystal: But what if she still does?

Kai: Everyone would understand, including her. That I already have a girlfriend and she soon know that she's losing this game.

Krystal: But who will be your girlfriend?

Kai: Can you?

Krystal: Me?

Kai: Yes, just pretend that you are.

Krystal: I don't know, but....

Kai: Will you help me? I'm not forcing you. If you don't want to it's okay.

    I sit and think for a while. I need to help him. I can't bear seeing everyone
making fun of him. Wait, do I like him? No way, it's just helping a friend out so it's okay.

Krystal: Okay, I will help you. (I said as I hold his hand)

    Kai smile at me and we both walk out of the gym. We find the others waiting for us
near the gym. They apologize to Kai about the teasings they had done.


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Chapter 9: awesomeee~~ <33
exo124 #2
Chapter 10: Really nice story!