Kai; Who are you?

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Who Are You?

Author: Jeojadu

Genre: action, angst, romance

Characters:  OC, EXO

Status:  Ongoing

Chapters: 40+


How far would you go to protect the person you love?

Choi Cho Ara, is an heiress worth billions of pounds, one of the richest girls in South Korea. But instead of embracing the rich lifestyle she could be leading, Ara tries to keep her wealth a secret so that she can be a relatively normal girl, and also for her own safety.


There are people who want to kill her. There are people who will do anything to kidnap her in the hope of stealing her money and her Father’s business. When the handsome but mysterious Kim Jongin moves next door to her apartment, Ara thinks he’s just going to be another added problem to her list. But when he saves her from an attack late at night, Ara begins to rely on his protection more than she should.

But the biggest question of all is…

Who is Kim Jongin?

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Guess who's back? Nah, not me. Added: Exo; The Fallen


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Mukeminty21 #1
Chapter 2: Hey I can't read this what happens
hello! Not sure if you're still updating this recommendation fics but I happen to share the same genres of interest and I really want to recommend 'Seijira Academy'. http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/625509/seijira-academy-fantasy-romance-school-exo-kai-love-luhan
It's a really well-written fic featuring OT12; in this fic, they are grouped differently and with differing powers from the mama mv, and it kinda reminds me of percy jackson/harry potter idk but you should really give this fic a chance! The sequel's still ongoing but the first installment is really really good.
Chapter 22: 7th DEMON IS THE BEST!
Myst_Dance #4
hello! I just came upon here and saw this!! I recommend a story that had just recently been made.
Guarding The Princess.
Although this story only had two chapter so far, its pretty good. The characters are Exo and an Oc. It's a supernatural and Fantasy story. I highly recommend this story because I believe it will be a great story for the author and the readers!
I've just recently read it and it's pretty nice so far, it might be one of the very good supernaturalau! story that came upon on fanfics! I'm babbling on a story that only got two chapter! But it's been recently made!!! Please check it out!
Chapter 44: 1. Congraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaats <3
2. Why in the world were you awake at that hour??? DX
Chapter 44: NO PROBLEMO~
Chapter 11: I love this storyyyyyy
It's so cool that it's on your list.
OMG, I'm just so happy to see it here haha T^T
Chapter 11: I just happened to stumble upon this.
Thank you SO much for recommending 'Tempestuous'! I really appreciate it :)
Chapter 22: Oh my gosh, thank you so much for recommending my story here (and I didn't even know it OTL) ;__; It's such an honor <3 Thank you, thank you, thank you!