EXO: Red Skys and Royal Cards

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Red Skys and Royal Cards

Author:  Wynter
Genre: fantasy, supernatural
Characters:  OC, EXO
Status:  Ongoing
Chapters: 114+

What happens when you are thrown into a world and a war you never knew existed?

The world isn't the same as it once was. The blue sky I used to look up at with the fluffy white clouds floating past has vanished and was replaced with a sky so red, it looks like a sea of blood floating above our heads.
The people aren't the same either. Our way of life has changed so much, but only know that if you are one of the few who knows why it has changed. I used to be blissfully unaware of how much things have changed; my parents still don't even know the extent of the changes like most of the population.
If you are curious as to how I was exposed to all this, I would have to tell you it's a long stor
y. So long that the people I tried to tell it to in the past would just brush me off and leave.
But if you want to know what really happened to the world and what so many are so oblivious to, I ask that you hear my whole story through and not just brush me off as some crazy person.
My story will shatter your views of the world and I apologize in advance but everyone should know of the war that is happening right in front of them even if they can't see it.
I will tell you how I was shoved into this war without even knowing I was part of it.

A world of secrets and magic. A world of Cards.

Lovi's opinion:

❝ Oh I have so much to tell about this story but I'll refrain myself because I'm afraid it will come out as a neative opinion and I'm definitely not aiming for that.
Pros first:
- Interesting plot. It's not the first time I encounter a fanfic related to magical cards but I must say I like how this one is developed
- The main lead is somwhat like the average girl out there but there are still times when the author attempts to make her flaws look like strengths and that's a bit of turn off for me.
- It's looooooong. I love long fics c:

Cons (please don't hate me for this):
- First of all, typos. There are a lot of them. While some can be ignored others may be a little annoying.
- Too many POVs. This is more a personal preference though. I'm not a fan of frequent POVs changes and I feel like the abondance of POVs slows down the pace of the story.
- Another aspect related to the POVs, I wished that using different prospectives showcased more every character's individuality instead I've noticed that if the authour didn't specify who's narrating at the beginning of the chapter (other than the main lead) I had no idea whose thoughts I'm reading.❞

Plot originality: 4/5
Grammar / writing errors: 2.5/5
Pace: irregular; sometimes fast and other times slow
Character development:  fast paced
Update status: regular, frequent

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Guess who's back? Nah, not me. Added: Exo; The Fallen


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Mukeminty21 #1
Chapter 2: Hey I can't read this what happens
hello! Not sure if you're still updating this recommendation fics but I happen to share the same genres of interest and I really want to recommend 'Seijira Academy'. http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/625509/seijira-academy-fantasy-romance-school-exo-kai-love-luhan
It's a really well-written fic featuring OT12; in this fic, they are grouped differently and with differing powers from the mama mv, and it kinda reminds me of percy jackson/harry potter idk but you should really give this fic a chance! The sequel's still ongoing but the first installment is really really good.
Chapter 22: 7th DEMON IS THE BEST!
Myst_Dance #4
hello! I just came upon here and saw this!! I recommend a story that had just recently been made.
Guarding The Princess.
Although this story only had two chapter so far, its pretty good. The characters are Exo and an Oc. It's a supernatural and Fantasy story. I highly recommend this story because I believe it will be a great story for the author and the readers!
I've just recently read it and it's pretty nice so far, it might be one of the very good supernaturalau! story that came upon on fanfics! I'm babbling on a story that only got two chapter! But it's been recently made!!! Please check it out!
Chapter 44: 1. Congraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaats <3
2. Why in the world were you awake at that hour??? DX
Chapter 44: NO PROBLEMO~
Chapter 11: I love this storyyyyyy
It's so cool that it's on your list.
OMG, I'm just so happy to see it here haha T^T
Chapter 11: I just happened to stumble upon this.
Thank you SO much for recommending 'Tempestuous'! I really appreciate it :)
Chapter 22: Oh my gosh, thank you so much for recommending my story here (and I didn't even know it OTL) ;__; It's such an honor <3 Thank you, thank you, thank you!