The Abandoned One

Is It Love Yet?

part of the 100 theme challenge (#28: abandoned)

“Sehun.” The guy spoke in a straight forward manner, though Sumi was a little taken back by his voice. Sehun then continued to move his head around to examine his surroundings. 

"So your name is Sehun…?” Sumi was waiting for him to speak his full name.

“Sehun.” He spoke firmly. “That’s all I can remember.” His eyes seemed to be trying to search for something.

Wait so let me get this straight. Sumi thought to herself. So suddenly I meet this really good looking guy who appears to have some sort of amnesia. Her daydreaming mind suddenly began to wander. Does it mean that he would have to believe what I say then?

“Sehun oppa,” Sumi lifted her voice. “Don’t you remember me? I’m your girlfriend, Kim Sumi.” Her hand was about to touch his shoulder when he glared at her and a big gust of wind lifted Sumi into the air and a few feet away from him. Sumi’s body was aching from the impact. 

Sehun rolled his eyes. “I may not know about who I am, but I’m not stupid.”

Ouch what was that? Sumi massaged her head and let her quick temper get the better of her. “Hey! Mr. whoeveryouare! It’s not cool to just magically blow someone away and injure her after she tried to ask if you were alright!”

Sehun looked down onto his right palm. That was my doing, right? Was he human? He felt abandoned – emotionally empty, as if something important was missing. His mind was telling him that he had these special powers, but why? It was the only clue he had to his identity, apart from his name. He closed his eyes and created an image in his mind. In seconds, a small twister hovered above his hand.

With a panicked look, Sumi tried to pull herself together. “W-what are you? H-how did you do that?” She felt like she was in one of those fantasy movies, except instead of being on the good side, she was some sort of an antagonist.

There was no need for Sehun to respond. He felt that this girl did not have the answers he was seeking. The questions in his mind had to be solved, and that was all that he cared about. He stood up and walked away – surely what he was looking for was to be found somewhere else. As for Sumi, she took a breath of relief knowing that her lifespan had not been cut short by a strange encounter.

“I sure hope I never see that guy again.” Sumi spoke out loud to herself. “Maybe this was all just my daydreams acting up. I think I should head home to take a nap or something.”

Sumi lived alone in a small apartment flat. Her parents were researchers who were way too busy to take care of Sumi, therefore they bought her a place near her school. Although Sumi hasn’t seen her parents for seven years, they continued to provide her with an allowance and occasionally sent her short handwritten letters asking how she was doing. The mail never had a return postage, but that didn’t bother Sumi much as she had always hoped that one day she will be able to meet her parents in person. Her apartment only consisted of a main area, a small bedroom and a bathroom. The place wasn’t particularly messy, as Sumi called it “organized chaos”. She moved aside a pile of clean laundry on her bed and flopped right onto the covers.

“Let it be just a dream.” Sumi mumbled as she dozed off. 


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Chapter 5: ooohhhh I wonder what's happening to them..... i like your story but the pacing is a little too quick (in my opinion) so yeah...but I like it....I wonder what Kai is up to