The Unapparent Reward

Is It Love Yet?

part of the 100 theme challenge (#62: reward)


Sumi did not understand what Sehun had just demanded from. A “banana waffle?” – was that some sort of codename for something that she had no knowledge about? Was he going to threaten her? She read from his eyes that he wanted something really badly. The only banana waffle she knew about was from a shop that she used to go to when she was smaller.

“What do you mean by banana waffles?” Sumi wanted clarification, but Sehun simply glared back and she could feel a slight breeze arising in her apartment.

“Ah…okay okay we’ll go get banana waffles. Lemme go change.” Sumi thought about calling the police, but they would either: consider her crazy for saying that he can control the wind, or Sehun would be able to avoid their attempts to capture him.

Sumi hastily led Sehun towards the shop. He was following close enough to not be considered as a stalker, but it felt creepy to Sumi. People walking by glanced at them, wondering what kind of relationship they had. She swore she could hear things like “Did they have a fight?” and “Oh! She’s so lucky that her boyfriend looks so awesome. She shouldn’t let them get angry like that.”

“What kind of reward do I even get for buying him banana waffles?!” Sumi pouted. “People are just spreading rumors now.”

The café door opened up with a small bell jingle. “Wecome!” Luhan politely chirped. “Oh you’re the guy from yesterday!”

Sumi glanced at Sehun. “You already came here and now you want more?”

“Ah no!” Luhan exclaimed lightly. “He came in, but then left after I asked what he would like.” He looked towards Sehun. “Have you decided what you’d like this time?”

Sehun’s decision did not falter. He really wanted that banana waffle and he pointed to the sample.

“Ah, why don’t you just say it to him?” Sumi was getting a little impatient.

“B-anana…” Sehun continued to point at it.

A spike of pain struck Luhan’s head when Sehun spoke. He almost dropped the pencil from the shock. Not this again…they’re getting more frequent. He thought to himself. He placed the order to the kitchen and stepped to the cash register as Sumi prepared to pay for the food.

“I used to come here so much when I was smaller…” Sumi was delighted at remembering the past.

Luhan looked up at her. “Really? I’ve been working here for a long time now since my friend’s father owns this shop and I don’t think I’ve ever seen your face before.”

“No way.” Sumi dug through her bag for the wallet. “I know every single worker in this café – even the owner!”

Their conversation was cut short when the food bell rang and the delicious banana waffle appeared at the kitchen countertop. As Sehun got a little too excited for the food, he let out a sneeze that activated his powers. The wind lifted the two chairs at the table that Sehun was sitting at and they flew towards the wall.

“Ahh h-how…what are you doing?” Luhan’s eyes widened in panic. By instinct he lifted his two hands and his palms faced the directions of the chairs. In that instant, the pain from his head was gone. As a result, the two chairs stopped in mid-air right before the impact. 

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Chapter 5: ooohhhh I wonder what's happening to them..... i like your story but the pacing is a little too quick (in my opinion) so yeah...but I like it....I wonder what Kai is up to