The Banana Waffles

Is It Love Yet?

part of the 100 theme challenge (#93: banana)


In the evening, Sehun walked alone on the streets of Hongdae. He sometimes received looks from passerby girls, but his cold glare made them hesitate to approach him. None of them look trustworthy to him at all and none of them appear to be familiar to him either. The location, however, had calmed him a little, so maybe he will eventually see someone that held some answers.

A little hungry, he entered a café that specialized in sweet waffles. There was a display full of samples: chocolate waffles, strawberry waffles and the ever elusive banana waffle (which actually had more than just bananas – it was a Belgian waffle base with whipped cream and bananas on top, sprinkled with chocolate dust and syrup). Sehun knew at that moment that he wanted that one.

“May I take your order?” A voice kindly spoke from behind the counter. He was wearing a name tag that said “Luhan”.

Sehun had no wallet on him – no id, no keys, no money. He blinked at Luhan, stood away from the counter and hesitantly left the café, leaving a very confused Luhan in the shop.

“Ah…not this again…” Luhan grasped his aching head with his right hand.


A Saturday morning never felt this good to Sumi. The small shimmer of the sun glimpsed through her bedroom window and landed softly on her blankets. Although she did not want to get up, she had to grab something to eat for breakfast.

“OH MY GOD WHAT TH-“ Sumi shrieked as she went into the main room of her apartment.

Sehun was sleeping on top of her dining table. He woke up sluggishly from her voice.

“HOW DID YOU GET IN?!” Sumi grabbed the nearest object that she could use to defend herself with. Her windows where all closed, so it was impossible for him to open them, even if he could hover up 15 floors high.

“Your door was easy to pick.” Sehun rubbed his eyes. “I just had to push the right ridges inside the lock.”

“You can’t just enter someone’s place like that.” Sumin paused for one moment. “Hey…how did you know where I lived?”

Sehun could not answer that either. Last night the wind drifted him along a path and he eventually ended up in front of an apartment door. Knowing he had no keys in hand he used his ability of the wind to hack his way in. He noticed that the bedroom door was closed, so he decided to sleep on the table as he was way too tired to think of whose apartment this was.

“What do you want from me?” Sumi became worried again.

Without a glimpse of emotion, Sehun simply answered. “A banana waffle.

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Chapter 5: ooohhhh I wonder what's happening to them..... i like your story but the pacing is a little too quick (in my opinion) so yeah...but I like it....I wonder what Kai is up to