Kim Ma Ri

.You Who Walk Into My Life.

"Don't tell me all the bull thing Dr.Lee. You said you could do it last time!"I burst into anger and begin to shouting at the doctor. Bet my face is all red.

"Calm down Mrs. Oh, i know I say I could make it come true but like I told you before the percentage for it to succeed is low."calmly he try to explain to me, but my ear couldn't accept it anymore.

"My husband pay you to do your job, and I never miss my appointment with you. But look now, after a few months I still not pregnant and the money is wasted on you."I pointed my finger at the doctor as he try to persuade me again. I really want him to shut his mouth for good. Immediately, I walk out from the examination room and I saw Hoya was waiting by the door.

"Are you done Ms Ma Ri?"he asked me after he slightly bow at me when he sees me out from the room. I just blow my bang and begin walking, knowing that he will eventually follow me.

"It's still the same. They could only advice me the natural way or adoption. Both of it is impossible anyway."

Hoya just grin as he hear it.

"Hang in there Ms Ma Ri. I'm sure one day it will be come true."

Ma Ri smiled when she hear his support. Somehow its soothing to hear someone as gentle as him supporting me from the back. Hoya was always be with me whenever I need to talk to someone or when I need to going out (where Sehun never let her drive, afraid she drive when drunk). Hoya will drive me anywhere (except for the club).It's like he was my close friend. As we walk together to go to where we park our car, his phone rang.

"Oh Ms Sena, did you need anything?"

Hearing Sena's name turn my face to sour in instant. That brat. What she want from Hoya? I just ignore their conversation and went into the car, waiting for him in there. After a few minute, he went into the driver seat and start the engine.

"What Sena want this time?"I asked him, just because of curiousity.

"Ah she need to see me. She say something important about company."

I almost laugh when I hear her excuses.

"What? Company? I barely see her in the company. anyway what she know about it?"I asked Hoya as I look out at the window and playing the windows button.

"Maybe she want to learn about business."Hoya said as he look at Ma Ri by using the side mirror.

"You know she is bluffing and all but you still just do what she say. Are you really stupid or pretended to be stupid Hoya-ssi?"

Hoya just smile hearing my words.

"It's up to you to judge Ms Ma Ri. Anyway just to let you know, Mr. Sehun will be coming back today. I think about a few hours he will arrived at the airport."

I stop from playing with the button and check on my phone. No message, no missed call, no email. I'm really invicible for him huh?

"You waiting for him?"I was snap back to reality when Hoya asking me. I clear my throat and stare back at the outside.

"Why should I be waiting for him. I already get used to this. He can come and go whenever he wish for."I said coolly, trying to cover up my feeling.

"Yes Ms Ma Ri. I understand."

"Hoya ssi, can you drop me at the market? I want to buy something."

"He really didn't contact me at all huh? He should let me know at least that he will be coming back" I put all the raw ingredient into the fridge and walk tothe spacious living room, throw my handbag on the floor as I lay down on the cozy black sofa. I'm tired of thinking about him and the contract. Why is it so difficult to have a child? I let out a heavy sigh and my eyes caught a frame picture hanging against the wall. Looking at it somehow make me sick. Yes, it was my wedding photo. And I hate it day by day.

I get up from the sofa and walk to the kitchen to get a glass of plain water. Then I climb upstairs to my room and I again I lay down on my bed. I really got nothing to do. I really want to go to club really badly but his aunt won't let me do as I wish. She really psychopath in her way, hiring a spy to never let me do so. And Sena, she just simply annoying. God, she always find my wrong and then telling her brother and sometime talking bad about me to Hoya. Sehun, he barely at home. Even if he is at home, he just do whatever he want and I too don't ever care about him. What a marriage life.

As I was rolling on my bed, my phone rang and quickly I pick it up. Talking about devil.

"Hello who is this?" I pretended not to know.

"Are you saying who is this?"

After hearing his voice on the phone, I bit my lips and roll my eyes.

"Ergh Sehun, what do you want?"I said lazily.

"Is it possible that you still don't save my number in your phone?"

"What did you call me to check me up and nagging about me? Basically I'm perfectly fine and I do the house chores and I went shopping happily and going to that hellish hospital once every two weeks. End of report."I don't know why but I let out all my anger to him. I could hear him sighing at the other side.

"I just arrive at the airport. Get dress, I take you out for dinner."

In instant I get up from my bed and went downstair.

"I don't feel like eating outside, I'll cook something for you."

After I say it, I could hear him giggling and said he anticipate to give a taste to my cooking skill. After he hung up his phone, I put down my phone on the table and open the fridge.

"So what should I cook?"

I'm sitting in front of him nervously as I watch him trying out all the dishes that I prepare. I know it's not cool of me but I really want to know what he think about it.

"So?" without realizing, my lips utter the words first after a few minute in silent. At first he look at me with his brow furrowed, but slightly his lips form a smile.

"It's tasty. Aren't you thinking of opening up a restaurant?"

"What do you want to give money to me to open one?"I said jokingly but instead he takes it seriously.

"I should support my wife instead of letting her doing nothing at home. If you want give a call to Secretary Hoya. He will handle everything for you."he said that before he continued eating. I look at him unbelievable.

"You're so lame Sehun. You just know about business and all the things about money."I put down my chopstick and drink one glass of red wine in one shot before I pour another in my glass. But I was put to stop half way when he grabbed my hand and take the bottle away from me.

"Didn't the doctor say you shouldn't consume any of alcohol for the time being?"

Why must this topic come up again everytime he was at home? I feel agitated. It feel like I was trap in here.

"You know what? We already married for almost a year. During that period, I think I barely have a glass of good alcohol and it's killing me."

"Ma Ri, just bear for a little while.."

"It's not happening. The test tube baby keep failing. I can't get you a child, Oh Sehun. So I hope you consider of cancelling our little private contract and get married with other girl." I get up from my seat and walk to the outside leaving Sehun behind. I sat on the chair next to the swimming pool and I put my legs against my chest.

"He really a jerk. Stupid."I said it to myself but then I saw a shadow next to where my shadow are.

"Please leave me alone Sehun."I said without looking back. Quietly he sat next to me and put a can of beer on the table in front of me before he took out a ciggerate to smoke.


"Are you trying to persuade me?"I said as I look at him by the corner of my eyes.

"I barely at home. So I might not understand you. We get married so suddenly because I was in desperate state to have heir. I never thought what you will be going through."

"Then divorce me. I need back my freedom. I will pay how much you would sued me."

"I'm afraid I couldn't do that."

He is really weird, the thought of I beg him to divorce me evry month, yet his answer is still the same. I'm not good wife though and sometimes I do create trouble that could drag his reputation. After a few months with him and his family, now I really feel regret. The thought that I wouldn't feel tortured anymore living with my father do goes away, but now what I feel right now is emptiness and loneliness. It far more worse.

"Then won't you tell me why you need a child as your heir. You got Sena to inherit the company."this time I turn to look at him.

"Sena couldn't inherit the company. That all you should know about."

I know it will be useless if I keep asking him. I will never understand his situation because he is being so secretive and all of this will only give me a headache. My hand grab the beer and open the lid and drink a sip of it.

"You know what Sehun? I really want to get this over really quickly. It is insane we could living under the same house for almost a year without being in love and binded by a nonsense contract"

He still keep quiet and I could only hear his breath and smell the nicotine from the smoke he exhale. I gulp another shot of beer thinking that he start to ignore me like he usually do.

"Let's just do that. Both of us will only be happy if the child is born right?"

After thinking for a few times already, I think this is our only way. The doctor might be right. He might not really want to do this, but still I have to make him accept it no matter what. Boldly, I get up from my place and walk in front of him and start to my shirt one by one.

"What are you doing Kim Ma Ri?! Are you out of your mind?"

I could tell he was being nervous by my act and quickly he grabbed my hand so I couldn't the last one that could left me bare. He quickly put his blazer on my shoulder.

"I think you're drunk. Let's go in. It's cold outside."

I stood still in front of him and suddenly my body want his touch. I couldn't control myself from giving him a hug and I cry as I buried my face against his chest.

"How long wil you keep me like this?"

"Ma Ri.."

"Dont play innocent anymore. You know that both of us isn't happy. You're not that good person like what my sister say either. Actually you are more cruel that my father. And I'm the one who agree to start this path with you, so please help me to get through this quickly."I said as I was sobbing.

He didn't say anything or do anything. He just standing there and look at me with his sad gaze. His eyes tell me that he is sorry. Without control, my lips crashed against his soft lips and my hand wrap around his neck. But he didn't kiss me back. It's hurt my pride and I keep thinking what will he think of me after this. So I tighten the blazer he put on my shoulder to cover up my body and walk back into the house. 

"I'm must be crazy. Must be crazy." I keep telling myself as I walked back to my room. When I turn the knob to open the door, suddenly he hugged me from the back and he closed the door.

"Please be with me." he say as he kiss my nape. I really want to hide my face from embrassment. After a long time after our wedding, this is the first time he ever touch me when just both of us were there.

I don't know how long we were kissing that night. I don't know why I felt the pleasure every single touch of him on my body. And I don't know how we end up having that night. But one thing that I know, I actually long for him so much. But did he feel the same for me?

-to be continued-

Hey guys its been awhile since I update my story right?

I'm sorry for the long waiting because I was so busy T.T

Hope you like the newest chapter and as usual do drop your comment and subscribe :)

*This chapter might go fast pace as I will try my best to update it everyday till the end of my holiday :D*

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smiley1120 #1
Chapter 5: Oh my Gosh!! I'm glad that I found this story >.< Please Update Soon Author Nim~¡
maechille123 #2
Chapter 5: whhhaaaa lol cute ni sehun
so sila na talaga ang magaasawa?

update soon author-nim
maechille123 #3
Chapter 4: Update soon author-nim
I want to read the next chapter