chapter four

My Giant Will Survive

Within the next week, Baekhyun and Chanyeol were found in a warm cabin somewhere deep in the mountains. Baekhyun abandoned his job and searched for the perfect cabin.


The perfect place for Chanyeol to die.



The cabin was perfect. It was handcrafted centuries ago by a mysterious woodsmen. It was neither too big nor too small. Baekhyun could fit Chanyeol’s necessities, which was more than enough.


“Hey Baek, let’s go build a snowman!”


Baekhyun shivered at the thought of laying on cold snow but if that is what Chanyeol desired, then he shall listen. Baekhyun obliged and pushed Chanyeol’s wheelchair.


Before exiting the cabin, Baekhyun wrapped his giant in thick sweaters and scarfs. “It’s cold,” was his explanation.


Once out, Chanyeol gleamed at the whiteness of their surroundings. Everything was covered with snow. Baekhyun struggled with pushing the wheelchair through the chair, but he still made his way towards a clear patch.  


“Help me down, Baek.”


Baekhyun helped him down.


Baekhyun nearly burst out in laughter when he saw Chanyeol struggling to move his hands. Chanyeol pouted and blamed it on the disease. Baekhyun immediately felt all the air in  his lungs escape. That’s right. Chanyeol is dying. It was easy to forget especially Chanyeol was smiling as if nothing was wrong.


“Baek, why are you crying again?”


Baekhyun sniffled then waddled into Chanyeol’s arms which kept on calling him over.


That night, Chanyeol made love to Baekhyun with all the energy and passion he had left. It was the last time they ever made love.




The next morning, Chanyeol slept in. He could barely talk but when he did, it was to advise Baekhyun to stop crying.

Baekhyun shook his head then returned to staring at the window outside. This was too hard.


Luckily, the next few days were better. They were able to watch all the movies they never had the time to watch and listen to each other complain about Minseok’s non existent love life. They kissed and cuddled.


Still, Baekhyun noticed the struggle Chanyeol had to form some words and the slowness in his responses. He noticed everything.



“Chanyeol, I’m guessing this channel is okay since you like sports.”


Baekhyun wiped the drool that fell from his boyfriend’s mouth with a small towel. He then grabbed a hold of Chanyeol’s hand and stared at the announcer. It was hockey; Chanyeol liked hockey.


Chanyeol couldn’t speak anymore. Chanyeol couldn’t swallow anymore. Chanyeol couldn’t move anymore. Chanyeol... couldn’t wipe Baekhyun’s tears away anymore.


Baekhyun simply leaned against his giant and closed his eyes. This is enough. This is more than enough.




Baekhyun was folding clothes when he heard a low grunt. “Chanyeol?”


And to his surprise, Chanyeol was lifting his finger, pointing to the snow outside. Baekhyun immediately ran to his side and leaned in.


“S-... sn..ow.”


Baekhyun nodded his head as he wrapped his giant in thick sweaters. This is the first time Chanyeol has spoken in weeks.


In less than ten minutes, Baekhyun laid outside on the floor with Chanyeol’s head on his thighs. Snowflakes softly covered both of their hair.


“It’s beautiful, Chanyeol. I’m sure you are smiling right now.”


Baekhyun glanced down and stared into Chanyeol’s eyes. They were filled with so much emotion. Everything he couldn’t say was held within those brown orbs.


“I love you too.”


And then, Baekhyun planted a kiss on his giant. They stayed like that for a while until Baekhyun leaned away with tears in his eyes.


Baekhyun released a shriek when he saw Chanyeol’s closed eyes. Chanyeol’s rosy cheeks were turning into a pasty white color.


“Happy Birthday Chanyeol...” he cried out as he pulled out a pair of rings. He clumsily reach over and grabbed a hold of Chanyeol’s still cold hand and slipped on the larger ring on his ring finger.


Baekhyun then slipped on his own ring and planted a kiss on Chanyeol’s forehead. “Thank you, my love.”


“Thank you, Chanyeol.”

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byunbebek #1
Chapter 6: i cried silently..... this is so sad....
but i think the story flow a lil bit fast...
Fafamahaha #2
Chapter 6: Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! T^T
Fafamahaha #3
Chapter 4: Omg! I'm almost crying already!!! He's giant has to survive!!!!! He has too!!!!
Kaamile #4
Chapter 2: really nice beginning ;p I'm looking forward to this story ;pp
Chapter 2: God. Chanyeol...what will happen next. Fighting for next chapter
Chapter 1: Aww Wonder what will happen. Fighting!