chapter three

My Giant Will Survive

It had only been three months since Chanyeol was diagnosed and he was already in a wheelchair.


“Baekhyun, can you pass me my medication?”


Baekhyun remained stoic as he passed Chanyeol an orange bottle. Chanyeol winced as he felt the force behind Baekhyun’s pass.


They remained silent for a few more minutes before Chanyeol apologized.


Baekhyun stood up and walked away.


There on the counter laid an opened letter.


Park Chanyeol, your disease is progressing quicker than expected. I know I told you 3 years minimum, but it appears from your latest tests that 3 years is a stretch. As of now, 6 months max is what I assume, read the letter.


Baekhyun walked into his private office, which now housed various medical books. Books he paid thousands for.




With a shriek, he ran up to the leather bound pages and threw them onto the marble floor. They crashed, along with his feelings. Highlighted pages covered the floor.


Baekhyun sank onto the floor and sobbed. He sobbed and sobbed and sobbed. His giant will survive.


His giant will survive.


His giant will survive.


“My giant will survive.”


The tiny printed words glared at Baekhyun as they told him the cure for huntington's disease is still in progress. Progress. As they made progress to combat this disease, Chanyeol progressed deeper into his awaited death.


Baekhyun felt his heart collapse as an unwanted realization set in: His giant will not survive.


Chanyeol sniffed the flowers he picked from the garden himself. Baekhyun would love them. He always liked daffodils the most.


He whistled over Minseok as he told him about the surprise he set up. Minseok listened intently and then gave him feedback as he pushed the wheelchair back into the house.


“I’m sure he’ll love it.”


“I hope so...”


Baekhyun walked in and threw his tie onto the floor as he cracked his neck. Another long day at the office. He really didn’t understand how Chanyeol could even like business. There was too many numbers and rules and ugh.


“Minseok, can I have some water?” he called out.


No answer.




Baekhyun narrowed his eyes as an aroma made its way into his nose. It smelled like chicken. Out of curiosity, Baekhyun walked into the dining room and almost fainted when he saw Chanyeol wearing a tux.


Before him laid an array of chicken, pasta, rolls, and a chocolate cake in the center.


“What... is this?”


“This is a date I set up for the both of us.”


“You can’t walk.”


“Fine, I admit, Minseok helped.”

Baekhyun began to chuckle as he imagined Chanyeol pestering Minseok. He wiped the tears of his eyes and grinned. “Well, I am looking forward to the date Minseok prepped.”


Chanyeol laughed and waited till’ Baekhyun sat beside him.


It was easy to forget about the disease during dinner. Baekhyun and Chanyeol laughed as if there was no wrong in the world. As if Chanyeol’s brain wasn’t rotting away.


But once Baekhyun expected Chanyeol to hug him, he realized.


Chanyeol can’t walk. Chanyeol can’t use the bathroom by himself anymore. Chanyeol is taking anti depressants. Chanyeol... is already losing control of his movements.


“Baekhyun, why are you crying?”

Baekhyun simply laughed in response. “Because I’m happy, Chanyeol. Because this is an amazing date with an amazing guy.”






“I know why you’re crying... I’m sorry. I know this will be tough on you but can we spend my last month... together in a cabin somewhere private? I want to die in your arms.”


Baekhyun was a sobbing mess as he accepted Chanyeol’s last demand. If he can’t stop Chanyeol from dying, he can surely make his death as peaceful as possible.


Because this is the only thing Baekhyun can do for the one who he loves. Because that is all he can do.

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byunbebek #1
Chapter 6: i cried silently..... this is so sad....
but i think the story flow a lil bit fast...
Fafamahaha #2
Chapter 6: Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! T^T
Fafamahaha #3
Chapter 4: Omg! I'm almost crying already!!! He's giant has to survive!!!!! He has too!!!!
Kaamile #4
Chapter 2: really nice beginning ;p I'm looking forward to this story ;pp
Chapter 2: God. Chanyeol...what will happen next. Fighting for next chapter
Chapter 1: Aww Wonder what will happen. Fighting!