
The Black Fear
Chapter 13
I was his opponent
An opponent with a soul terrified, but with a heart of steel
Indestructible and powerful
Too powerful to scare him
Too smart to be fooled
I was not going to be killed for the second time by a being like that
"The madboy" was a mentally ill person, just like Mckenna
With those people there was nothing to discuss,
You had to keep them as far as possible, without even a greeting
And that was what I did
The pace began to accelerate, increasing the distance between him and me
I was struggling with my whole being, even though in reality I had a hellish pain, after all those wounds that I had and fatigue reached
Not to mention the lump in my throat
I could feel it constantly jammed
As if something is preventing me from breathing the same
I tried several times to bring down the saliva, trying to remove it,
but the cold,
the drops of sweat that stung my eyes
and the damn air that crushed me, did not make it possible
It was difficult to go on, not knowing if there was a real exit, but I never allowed to take myself, without first having fought
I'd rather get away from that irascible psychopath,
Advancing faster and faster, avoiding to show me
Eliminating the need to even see my shadow
Suddenly, the feeling of being chased and indistinct noises coming from outside, were no longer sufficient to govern the atmosphere distressing
 An intense laughter began, reproduced by a person familiar to me, that haunted my ears, making me lose orientation
My mind seemed to explode into many small pieces, making the adventure become even more problematic than expected
I had to resist
I had to sneak out
I had to win
I kept telling myself not to lose control of my faculties
A set of suffering, conflict and fear, ravaging my blood type circle, increasing the panic and adrenaline, already present
My head was that was boiling
The heat took windward, crushing all my ideas
How long would he laugh like that?
Why did he not stop?
His persistent complain bothered me  
Could he be so crazy?
Those questions, did nothing but aggravate the fear of going mad,
So, I decided to stretch my arms towards my ears, covered them with the pads of my fingers, hoping that the bad moment could fade
Fortunately, everything I was hearing seemed to wane in intensity:
The noise disappeared completely
While his shrieks were still present, dominating the shots of my heart, stress, and my intellect
At that point, I called into question my intelligence,
beginning to think about how to take a different path
I looked carefully at every corner of the cave, trying to see some small road that I could get out of that hole, so complicated to resemble a maze
Because of nervousness, I continued to bite my lower lip, hoping for a lighting
"Think .. Think .. Think"
I spoke aloud
Why could not I do it?
I agree that there were a lot of chances,
but how could I find the correct one?
"Come on, there's no more time, come on"
I sighed as I walked forward behind
His steps were very close,
enough to make me as a blow to the heart
I kept persistent
Even to the point of giving birth to a small tear
His shadow is not far, reflected in the rock face, giving it a gray color
"Oh my God"
I expressed, releasing a long, deep breath, that in a few seconds I did find the peace and quiet
"Found it"
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Wow..this story is so....(out of words)....I don't know what to say...
Keep up with the good work...
amalily #2
Chapter 1: I think you have done a great job with this story so far! I like how the characters each have their specific personality traits and how it influences the way they view the excursion. I can see you've thought a lot about this story! ^^ Good work and good luck in the future too!! ^^
Chapter 1: this looks good^^~ you did a good job writing this one...I know how it feels to write a story when you're not using your first language so...i salute you for the nice chap!~ i'll be waiting for your next chaps~ *subscribes*
Chapter 1: I think this story definitely has potential - so far, it seems pretty interesting to me :D. I know that English isn't your first language, but you've done well~! There's still some tenses/grammatical errors here and there (eg: you don't put a comma after a quotation mark), but practice makes perfect~! Try finding a reliable beta-tester/proof-reader just to make sure that everything flows well :3. Oh, and personally, I think it'll be easier to read if you don't position the texts in the center~ Again, good job! Good luck with the story! ^ ^
I likenthe idea! It seems like it will be very interesting! It is different, so I think more people will be attracted to reading it :3 good luck with this!! I will be supporting this story!!
I really like ur's so interesting~~~ hope u can update soon n keep up the good work :D
The plot sounds really unique, I'm liking this sort of dark vibe of the story
Can't wait to read your future chapters ^_^
As I promised I hopped by your fan fiction~
And I really like the plot of the story, it sounds so interesting! Keep it up~! ^____^