The sign

My love story

 As I was walking in a dark hallway while holding a candle in one hand I saw a guy that was tall and was wearing black. As he was getting near me, I heard like droplets of water. I was wondering if he was wet. I ignored him and walked right passed him when suddenly Thump! OH MY GOSH did he just fall. While looking for him I felt something or someone getting near me with it's hard breathing. It got harder and harder to breath whenever it got close to me. When it got closer to me the fire went out of my candle. Of course I was scared that I totally forgot about the guy who fell. I heard a devil like voice saying something to me. "Aren't you scared of this dark place. You should go to where you belong." I luckily had a match in my pocket and matched it. When I matched it I saw a pale white face with red eyes staring at me. I was guessing was the guy who I saw and. It wasn't water that was dripping out of him but blood just everywhere on him and on the floor. I screamed and woke up. Ughh it was just a nightmare. It's strange because I've been having nightmares these days. Is something bad going to happen to me? Me having nightmares is it giving me a sign??

The nightmares that I've been having did give me a sign. A sign of meeting someone agian.

Kai invited me to go and eat dinner with him the next day. Strange because no one really likes me and never or barely invites me to eat dinner with them so I accepted the invite to just experience how it is to eat dinner at other peoples home. I dressed up like I usually dress like. Just a casual t-shirt and some comfortable jeans.

I got to his front door suddenly shaking my hands with nervousness and rang the bell. Kai greeted me with his pretty eye smile. It was a pretty big house but when I got inside. Everything was just a mess like I mean everything. He apologized for the messy room and explained that only his brother lives with him and his parents are working like 24 hours a day so they don't really clean. It sure did smell very good inside the house because his brother was making dinner for us. 

Everywhere was a mess and it took forever to reach the dining room. His brother came with the dishes and whao everything was worth drooling for. I was just looking at the dishes when he was introducing himself. He was saying this and that and I didn't care until he said his name was Wu Yi Fan but to call him Kris. Well that caught my attention and to look at him. I stood up, with anger in my eyes and they could tell that I was angry, I started yelling at hi telling him that it's been so long and such. Then I lowered my voice and apologized. They looked like they were confused so Kai introduced me to him. Kai told Kris that I am his best friend. But I blabbed and asked kris if he saw my bracelet somewhere when I accidentally dropped it then he now realezes that I was his friend back then. "Aish you could've told me before then I should've noticed you!" While yelling at me then he compliments me about how grown I look and my differences. We talked about how our lives were the whole time while eating totally ignoring me.

I felt sorry because we totally ignored Kai and he looked lonely. I stayed a little longer and cleaned the house teaching them how to do this and that whenever their parents aren't home. I didn't realize how late it was and my house was so far so Kai had to drive me home. We chatted a little then got awkward. I finally saw my house then we said bye to each other. 

So that's what my nightmares have been telling me. That I would be meeting Kris and is kris the bad sign?? Well you'll figure that out next time.


sorry guys for such late update and no promises for and update for next week we'll see if I do update. Well I might do two chapters next week if I don't have plans. And I won't make you guys wait for long. See you nest time 





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