Chapter 3

Heartless Player



"Hahahahaha. We Love you a lot Hyun" they said and hugged me. ME=Clueless.

"Stop acting wierd guys" I said and ate a piece of my favorite chips..Doritos! Doritos rocckkksss

"Wierds? who's wierd?"-Yuri

"You three. Special mention you, Yuri." 

"Hahahaha! I'm not wierd"

"Hahaha!" See?

"Stop it!" I said slaping their arms.Dang it. These three. Smilin like crazy chesire cats. Seriously. They're all acting wierd today

*ding dong* 

That sound, and the three were like all excited and stuff. You can tell em'. 

Sohyun=Junping around like crazy. Singing come and Get It by Selena Gomez

Yuri=Dancing around with my donald Duck stuffed toy and kissing it.

Vic=Lip syncing This is the moment by Jed Madela

"I'll go get--" They cutted me off

"No!" they all three said in chorus.

"Wow, what is this choir? Is it supposed to be in chorus? Leggo to the church"

"You're not getting it" -Yuri said 

"I'll go get it" -Sohyun

"Okay ^_^" -Victoria and Yuri. I looked at them with a strange look.

"Fine! I'll go down. Wierdos" I said and ran 

"No!!!" They tried to pull me but, I'm strong. Hoho 

"Wahh! no one can stop me! Hoho!" I said and ran down stairs which is a very bad mistake.

"Why are you here?" I said to this stupid.

"Why? Am I not allowed here?" He said and leaning to the side of the door. Okay, He's really handsome with this pose--WTF?!!

"Who said you can?" I said and raised an eyebrow

"Simsimi" he said willing to see my annoyed face

"You want this" I said and let him see my fist

"I'm excited, Young Lady" he said raised both of his eyebrows

"Young lady? You're only 2 months older than me" I explained

"You know? Haha! I knew it! You're my stalker!" He said and stood up straight

"Luh? How thick your face is? As thick as the mantle?"I said 

Truth is, I did stalk him on the internet. He's really popular thought. Their group is actually.

"Maybe? But I can tell............ Your face is much thicker" I was about to punch him but someone not far from the door smiled to me.

Is it real? Is it real? Nesfruta ! Real na real.Dandandandaladan

I can't believe it! Omygosh!

"Daaaaaaaaaad!" I ran dow to the gate and hugged him. I miss him so much.

"Haha. Hyun. You've grown a lot. Omygosh you're wearing a skirt." Dad said and hugged me back. I used to wear pants all the time. I was tomboyish last year

"I miss you" I said. Tears began to flow. It has been a year since he visited me. and left me here, with my aunt

"I miss you too" >__> It was Luhan. Yeah, the annoying flappy bird.

"Miss your face" I said and rolled my eyes.

"What did you said?" he said as if he was scaring me with his voice. Well, it gave me chills. Seriously. Let's welcome. The mysterious cold Luhan.

"U-uh. N-nothing." I said and turned to dad," Dad. What is he doing here?"

"Let's talk about that later." I nodded as a sign of my answer

"Hey! Our plan is ruined." said the three.

"Tch. Daddy I though your gonna bring one of Hyun's cousin with you" -Vic. They call my Dad, Daddy too. 

"Here she is" Dad moved out and O_O 

"Krys! O gosh! It has been a long time!" I said and hugged her. She's my bestfriend since forever.

"I know couz! finally I'm here" she said and eyesmiled

"Hi! I'm Krystal! *_*" I looked at those three.  Their expression were disappointed. Why? Because they're probably expecting a guy cousin.

"I missed you so much Krystal." I said and hugged her.

"Me tooo!" she said and hugged me back

"Oh, who's this?" I said teasing her.

"Me too! By the way. This is Jungkook. My boyfriend"

(WOOOH. Sorry for Partnering them. Haha. They just keep on appearing on my dreams. That's why. #KookStal. LOL)

I looked again to the three. one word. envious.

"Yah! Too much tension in the envious staring contest ey? Find a boyfriend! You three!" I said and pointed out the three

"Hahaha! As if you have one" -Yuri

"Yes, I have one!"

"Really couz?" said Krystal

"Huh! Who?" suddenly said by dad and Luhan.

"Why? Am I forbidden to have a boyfriend--" I was about to say that my boyfiend is my Donald Duck stuffed toy when this guy suddenly showed up some joke

"I am your boyfriend" he said confidently

"Hahahahahaha.Says who?" I said

"Me" ???__???

"Dad?!?!" I said in wonderness. Heol~ Is that even a word?

"In fact he is your fiance." and there goes the Jaw dropping slash Freaking slash I-don't-like statement from my dad

"Couz. Close your mouth" -Krystal

"I'm engaged What??!!!! Am I deaf or what?"


"Aren't you happy. you'll be marrying the most handskme guy in the worl"

"The most handsome guy in your existence. Which is a species of gorillas" I said and smiled and turned to dad, "Dad! Are there any options?"

"I'm so sorry my dearest daughter, but it's all set. There's nothing I can do"

"Tch. Yuri! Sohyun! Vic! Get your freaking heads over here"

"Psst. She's calling us" -Vic

"Are you dumb? she said heads only! heads!" -Sohyun

"Are you crazy ? Try getting your head over there and leave your body here" -Yuri

"Aish. Didn't thought of that" -Sohyun

"*facepalm*" -all of us

"Why are you asking our heads here??" they said in chorus

"You know all of this?" I said suspecting they were part of this thing

"Yes, for the arrival of dad but for the engagement. NO" -Yuri

"And, bye bye" Vic suddenly said and pulled the two towards the door of the house

"Hey! Where are you going?" I said shocked because suddenly they're running away.

"In Mars.Wanna join us?" -Sohyun

"Joke. Hahahaha. PLAY ARCADE" -Vic

"WHAT ?!! ", I faced dad and begged,"Dadddy ! Let me join them"

"Them? where are them?"

"No!!!!" Yep, They are gone in a minute. Psh. Now I'm stuck with this flappy bird

"Hyun, treat the visitor well. I'm ust going to the bathroom for a while"

"Tch. Yes.Dad" When dad got out of the place I looked at him whose waiting for me to ask him to sit. 

"SIT!" I said and pointed out the couch

"Wow? What am I? Dog?" He said wearing a wierd face

"You're lucky I didn't call you worse. But dog? So close" I said and stucked my tongue out

"Psh.I want juice" -Luhan

"So? I don't care" I said and watched T.V.

"So? Get me one. I'm your visitor right? As your dad saos, Treat--"

"FINE!" I said and walked slowly towards the kitchen 

"Hey turtle Speed up"-Luhan

"Aing." I said and ran to the kitchen and goot a glass of cranberry juice" Hmp. If I can just thron this on his face. Psh.

"HERE!" I said and left the glass to the kitchen, and sat down the couch

"Hey! Why is that thing over there? How am I going to drink if it's from there?"

"Why don't you try to build a 7cm straw?" I said sacrastically and turned to him"Of course yu should walk up to there. Are you dumb that even walkin you don't know how to do it?"

"No!" he said and stood up the couch and go to the kitchen. 

"Oh be careful, It's poisoned. Haha!" That made him throw up the juice. Hahahahahaha.

"As Erap say it.Tapat ko Linis ko. Clean that!" I said like a boss. Huehue

"Is it really poisoned?" he said nervously

"Yes. You'll be dead in 3....2.."

"waahhh. Am I really gonna die." Puahahahahahah! You should have seen his face! Omygash. The famous Luhan xi is wearing a face like this?

"1....Boom. Oh well, guess poison's expired. too bad" I said and

"YAH! I'm really gonna kill y--" he wasn't able to finish what he's saying when dad appeared.

"Get dressed and we'll go out for a family dinner. Family meaning Xi family are included. We'll be talking about you and Luhan"

"What???!!!!" I said and started to panic, "Why all of a sudden dad? Why? I can't just marry him"

"I'm sorry dear" Dad said and fixed my hair

"Tch! I hate this!" I said turned my back to dad and walked stomping my feet while i'm walking upstairs. When I got to the room I throw myself to the bed.

I wasn't dreaming of me marrying this kind of guy. Not him! I have a phobia in LUHAN XI species. I was solo, living YOLO now what?! Let's say he's handsome and include, charming. But his personality is a big NO. CapsLock for intense.

I sat down to the chair and just played my piano. - 5 Seconds of Summer - I Miss You ♥

(I don't know if there's a piano cover for that but I'm gonna push this. Haha:D I'm really into 5SOS right now. Just sharing^^)

*boog* (Okay, I know no budget for sound effects. Haha)

"who's that?" I said and looked around. turned out to be..

"I didn't know turtle's can sing" -Luhan

"I don't need your opinion" I said and rolled my eyes,"And Who told you, you can go to my room?"

"Me" he said and walked to my room

"Are you like this even in your room. All people can go in?" I said and raised my voice to him.

"Actually.There's a policy Good Girls goes to heaven, Bad girls goes to my room. so If you want to be one of them , You have to be bad enough. And besides. We're engaged. What's mine is your. What's yours is mine policy" he said and bit his lower lip. 

"ert" I said and sat down in my bed

"Why won't you agree in this marriage thing? I'm good looking after all" he said crossed his arms and sat down in my couch

"You're Good looking? I'm sure that looks great on your McDonald's application" 

"Psh. My mom + My Dad - = Coolest Person Alive. You're really not appreciating this face" he siad and pointed himself

"Sure not. Get out of here" I said grabbed my stuffed toy and slapped it on him which he didn't react at all.

"and why?" he said unsatisfied

"Please, I need privacy" I said and highlighted the word privacy

"Privacy? What are you going to do? Make out?" he said amd smirked

"Just get out of here" I said pushed him out the door.

"Ugly turtle!" he said and trying to go in. I didnt know in the first place why he wanted to come in my room.

"I've been called worse!" I said giving out my full force to close the door

"What?" he said hanging his foot on the door

"Your fiance! Take it off or I'll slay your head three times!" I said and luckily he did took off his foot.

"Dad said he'll be waiting outside. Be there in 15 minutes." he said and I guess he's already gone. No sound to be heard.

How dare him call my dad, DAD. Psh. It's not like we're already married. and it's not like i'm gonna say I do. Thick faced guy. But oh well, since This is my only chance. I've got a plan. I stated making my self look presentable. Hahahaha  *evil grin*



Here it is. Dedicated to Ashton Irwin .HahahahaXD I promise this was kind of lame. But the next update. I'll make it wonderful!Wonderful?Haha.Yea. I promise.Oh yeah


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Haha. I love myself


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ayeyojr #1
Chapter 14: ateh, (idk i think ur older than me ) pLEASE UPDATE SOOONN THANKYOU PO FOR THE STORY >.< 감사합니다 !
eugenenni #2
Chapter 23: Luhan just confess your feeling!!! They are cute... Thanks for the update author-nim!!!
hereandnow13 #3
Chapter 15: Either way is fine. Thank you for the update!!
eugenenni #4
Chapter 21: Why they don't admit their feeling!!! Thanks for the update^^
Chapter 21: Update soon pls
miraluhan #6
Chapter 21: Update soon
Popopo #7
Chapter 21: Update soon please:)
hereandnow13 #8
Chapter 21: Thank you for the update☺
They both should accept their feelings ASAP because I want to see their interactions!
Chapter 21: You should write like this, its better than POV hehehe. Anyway, best job. I love your fic so much
SoshiLuver327 #10
Chapter 14: Girl I thought you were serious for a second
Well I'll be waiting for your update :D