Chapter 2 - 2nd Meeting

Heartless Player

#PrayForSouthKorea . It's just really hearbreaking to see what happened to the passangers. :(  I really hope they'll be more passangers to be rescued.

Anyways, thanks for the subscriptions >< and comments.




Today's the First Day of School, and I can tell you how not excited I am. I hate school. Who loves school? Just smart kids and teachers. Tch. 

"I did that?!" I said wearing my most poker face.

"Sure you did Hahahha!" Sohyun said holding her tummy.

"This is too funny. I can't handle it! If I was just there puahahahaha!" -Yuri

"Uwaaaah. My life is over (一。一;;)" I said and bowed my head.

"Hahahhaha." They laughed. Bestfriends are the worst friends. I'm telling ya ladies and gentlemen.

"Do you know.......He studies here" -Sohyun

"Oh really,He studies-- WHATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" O____________O

"I'M-NO-JOKER" -Sohyun

"Uh oh." -Yuri said and patted my head. I couldn't help but to wear some sort-of-a-kind face. He's studying here?! This can't be happening. 

"Haha. What's with the face?"

"You look like you're going to pee anytime or whateve--Aw!" I scolded her and slanted my eyes.

"It's all your fault ! Uwaaahhh. Why did you forced me to come with you." I said irritated. Why the hell?! I was drunk and I totally pulled off some moves I shouldn't  do.


"What? You're gonna say you did it unintentionally? Oh pleaseeeeee..........." I can't continue my sentence when someone holds my shoulder from the back. O_O. I gave Yuri, Sohyun, and victoria a Who's-this-look. and they just answered me with a worried look. I closed my eyes.  *breathe in *breathe out* and face.......HIM?!!!!!!! I ran as fast as I can but.....Four guys suddenly appered, I ran to the other side Four guys appeared , the other side, Three guys appeared. and on my last chance...

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I shout in frustration.

"You girl, Sh*t Vomiter." he said with his eyes sharply focused on mine.

"eh.. He-he-he. Hi !" I waved and smiled awkwardkly.O_O In just one click I was surrounded by 12 guys. >_>   O_O  <_< 

"What you did to leader was..just.....not good" said the guy

"And because of need to face the consequences" the other guy

"But before anything else.." the other dude

"Who are you?" questions came out continuosly. Uwahhh. I faced the side where my friends used to be but ... THEY'RE Gone?! I'm telling you, They're the best Bestfriend! Wooh~ /le party/. Ok, Back to Reality.

"Okay, to clear it out,, I was drunk anddd......."I couldn't finish my sentence cause he stared to me even more with that cold eyes.

"You guys stay out of this.." he said coldlyto his, Friends?, Too cold for me....Psh. cause I'm hot. Hahahah>< No time for jokes yet I'm like this. ?__?

The guys moved out and stayed at their so-called-master's back. Suddenly, he walked towards me causing me to step backwards but then he stepped again and Tell me how unlucky am I?!!!!!!!!!! I was cornered. by the wall which is really stupid. Inches away

"Last Night was a blast." he said and smirked. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep. Haha joke. I closed my eyes and prayed Ey? Justin Bieber. Okay, I'm so out of my mind right now. He was getting closer and closer that I can already feel his breathe. And just one mistake and I'll lose my first kiss...


The bell, The bell! Woohooooooooo

"Oh. How's that? Saved by the bell.." he pulled me closer so close that I can tell we're only inch away.....and whispered,"We're not done yet" and walked away with his friends.

Did I said I'm unlucky?! now tell me! I'm the luckiest person! and I'm FREE. To spell it, it's Y-E-H-E-T.  I took the chance and run as fast as I can. Did I said that I'm good at running? Maybe no, Now I'm telling you. I got to the classroom where my bestfriend are in. They are the best! BESTFRIENDS in the whole wide world.

"Seo Joo Hyun, Late!!" -teacher. I wince at her words. I was totally embarrassed

"Tsk, tsk, tsk I was...." I tried to explain but words can't come out. I see no valid reasons for me getting caught up by the guy I took a blast last night.

"Ma'am, please excuse her. She was actually late because she was lost. she's new here" said Victoria.Puahahahah!

"Okay, Introdouce yourself"

"♡Seo JooHyun. Hyun for short." I said and sat down afterit.

"You're the worst bestfriends ever" I whispered to Sohyun who was in my right side. Yul, in my front, and Vic on my back

"We know " They said and chuckled. Psh.

"So, what's up with you and Luhan?" Yuri said. Luhan huh.

"What about him?" I said with my ears focused on what they're gonna say

"Duh, You're the luckiest girl. Surrounded by EXO. Plus Luhan noticed you" -Sohyun

"Argh! I really hate that guy" I said and sighed.

"Eh? Who guy?" -Victoria

"Luhan, who's attitude is really annoying."

"Some say, Love is opposite attraction." -Yuri.

"And if that is the main point, I'm concluding that, you'll like Luhan, not now. But in the future. Plus, you still have a debt to pay." -Victoria

"And I'm concluding that you're statement lacks honesty." I said 

"Plus, the fact that Luhan is the hearthrob of this school, bigtime rich, Good looking, Hot, and--" I didn't let Victoria finish cause it irritates me when Luhan is being called a handsome good looking guy. duh, for me he's the monster looking dude. The ugliest person i've met.

"FYI, Quit it "

"oooooohhh. He-he-he. Right" they said as if they've just realized the fact that Luhan should not be praised but instead should be asdfghjkl and be throwed in a lake full of snakes and piranhas. Ugh! After that I just buried my face in to my desk.

*KNOCK !!!* *KNOCK !!!* (Just imagine it's a hardcore knocking sound efffects :P)

"Who's tha--" the teacher couldn't finish her sentence when someone entered the room. Probably guys.


"Luhan! Omo! I love you!"

""I love you!"students be like that. but me,,,, just jamming with my desk. I'm half asleep. Luhan? That's a familiar name.

"Get Lost!" O_O hey I know that voice------Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.. I looked up and was suprised to see him.  This is the worst nightmare. In my left side arguing with my seatmate.


"Get the freakin lost?! You heard me right?!" he said coldly

"Mianhe. :/" The girl said who was sitting beside me, stood up and in just a snap she was gone from her chair..... That was so mean

This section I'm included is the start section. Only few can be here, because only great and cool students like me XD He-he-he, can be in this section. which is why I'm protesting about them being here. Yes, them. Including his so-called-friends

"can you spell the word manner?" I said standing up regarding to his cold and inappropriate treatment to the girl he just told to get lost. I don't care if I make a scene but girls should be treated better than what he did.

"M-A-N-N-E-R. Not included on my dictionary"  he said and smirked.

"Oh please..No wonder how you've been the coldest guy on the universe. You heartless being." I said, rolled my eyes and sat down onto my chair.

"shut up" wow, what a nice answer. The teacher who was kind of frustrated just resumed her orientation.

"You should say sorry to her." I said, What do I get as an answer? Nothing.

"Deaf much?! or earless? which one? or both?" i said in an annoying tone.

He didn't say anything but instead I saw his fist closed.

"Yah! You Ms. Seo Joohyun. Just to say to you, even if you're a girl, I can probably have you in pieces"

"so?" I said confidently.

"So, Scientist proven if the rain is falling, the land gets wet. Which means I'm handsome. Because being handsome is in our blood" Handsome his face. Tch

"Oh, so your saying that being handsome is in your blood?"


"If I know it's only in the blood, no words for the face.". I whispered but I think he heard what i've said.

"What did you just said?" he said with his face getting all red.


"Psh. Ugly person. too confident. You don't know who you're arguing with. Fangirl.. You just want me to notice you." he said teasing me.

"We're not done yet" I said and looked at him with my angry eyes

"Fact is, we haven't started yet" he said and smirkes. UGH! That stupid asdfghjkl. He stood up and was about to get out when the teacher notices.

"Why are you going out?"

"Sorry to interrupt you. My seatmates really likes me to the point that she won't stop talking about my handsome face.In fact, she's asking me on a date but I think I'm too good for her"

"What the! I didn't said that!"

"You sure have a chance on me. Don't worry." he said, winked and got out of the classroom.

UGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I wish he'd be throwed in a lake full of snakes and piranhas. :/

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Haha. I love myself


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ayeyojr #1
Chapter 14: ateh, (idk i think ur older than me ) pLEASE UPDATE SOOONN THANKYOU PO FOR THE STORY >.< 감사합니다 !
eugenenni #2
Chapter 23: Luhan just confess your feeling!!! They are cute... Thanks for the update author-nim!!!
hereandnow13 #3
Chapter 15: Either way is fine. Thank you for the update!!
eugenenni #4
Chapter 21: Why they don't admit their feeling!!! Thanks for the update^^
Chapter 21: Update soon pls
miraluhan #6
Chapter 21: Update soon
Popopo #7
Chapter 21: Update soon please:)
hereandnow13 #8
Chapter 21: Thank you for the update☺
They both should accept their feelings ASAP because I want to see their interactions!
Chapter 21: You should write like this, its better than POV hehehe. Anyway, best job. I love your fic so much
SoshiLuver327 #10
Chapter 14: Girl I thought you were serious for a second
Well I'll be waiting for your update :D