Chapter 1

Heartless Player



"Clean that!, oh! and also that!, plus that and that!" This... is my life. Strange nad wierd but this is my life.

"But.." I said looking at her with dismay. Duhh, I should eat breakfast first before anything else.

"No buts. You'll follow me, Unless."she said and hold my cheeks, "Unless, you want your father--"

"NO" I said quickly not wanting to hear the end of her sentence. If only I have the power but think that'll be too unimaginable and pretty much impossible.

"Okay. I told you" she said and ate her breakfast. Me=JEALOUS. Imma eat breakfast later. I'm seriously starving but think I can't do anything about it, besides she's dictating every move I make.

"You know, there will be new guys in school today."

"I know right, I'm so Excited. Excited as in. You know what I mean" She said fanning herself. Boys boys boys, you love them but they don't love you. Herherher

"Haha, Yeah. They'll probably ask you out once they saw you and your thick face" PFFFTTTT. HAHAHA

"What did you just--"I'm trying my best not to explode in laughter. She's so y like how do Earth produce girls like her.

"I...i said, You're so pretty . Hihihihi" Nana said innocently looking away.

"Yes! And Wahahaha! I can't wait to have a new boyfriend." Psh. New boyfriend. She just broke up with her boyfriend yesterday.

Oh yeah, I'm Seo Joo Hyun. I'm taking up collage and I'm living here in my aunt's house, and oh not just aunt. Plus my cousin.  in which I hate the most. Well, actually the other one cousin is my BFF. They both were. Not until that day.  My mom? I don't know where or even if she's still alive. While my dad, he's in Canada working as a CEO in our company blah blah which is probably why I'm here with my aunt. Aunt as in E-V-I-L.  and cousins. I have a quite rough relationship with them and No, I'm not poor. I receive my allowance from my dad via bank. Which is probably why i'm celebrating deapite of me doing all the house chores and being a made-wanna-be of my aunt and cousins

"Time to go" aunt Jackie announced to Nana and Dara

"Ahhhhhh! " My ears, Ughhhhh. They'll be leaving for 3 weeks for some king of vacation and they didn't even bother taking me to them. Tch, what do I expect I'm practically evil in their eyes except for Nana.

"I'm so excited Nana said

"I don't care, Is my make up  okay? Tell me Nana" Dara said in a very high-toned voice

"It's perfectly fine....But that's a lie In fact it's too thick. But it's okay cause you also have thick face" Nana said to Dara whispering the last part of her sentence. Pfffffffft. Hahahahaha. If I could just laugh! Hahahaha!

"What did you just said?" Dara said with one of her eyebrow raise

"I said your pretty." Nana said with dismay

"Tch. I know" automatically my eyes rolled. I put up the broom to its place and held my bag when someone stopped me from sitting in the dining chair

"Don't leave the house unless it's all clean, okay?" aunt Jackie  said before leaving the house with Dara following aunt Jackie. Go, go, go. I'm not stopping you. Go now! Leave this house. Be gone eternally. Haha

"Okay" I said confidently. Tch, as if I'll clean the house. I'll just hire a house cleaner for a week and me? I'll be enjoying the days with my girls. Hihihi.

"Bye, See you in one week, I'm gonna miss you" I said and hugged her tightly

"Yeah sure. Gonna miss you too. Be good okay."she said, you know if ever Nana and the two evil skunks doesn't exist at home I'm pretty much sure that it'll be as quiet as it can be.

"Hahaha, Me? of course I'll do good, better than good." I said and showed her my thumbs up. 

"Nanaaaaaa!!!!"  =_=

"Oh, Looks like they're waiting for you. Go, Have a nice trip okay" I said and brofist her

"Yesss. See yah next week" she said and leave the house. I AM FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE



"More than ready.Hahahahahha"

"This is going to be fun"


"Fun huh?" I said lazily.

"This is not what I expected, girls" -Yuri

"I know right" -Victoria

"Say it yourself, It's a happy day! Yaaaay" Sohyun said looking at her photo of her and her boyfriend. 

Yes, The one who called was Yuri. We were suppose to have fun but it was our lucky day that the arcade is closed and there's no wifi in yul's house cause it's broken plus it rained a while ago plus we're too lazy to go out the house but now...

"Ughhh! Let's just go out" Sohyun said impatient.

"Let's go to the bar" Victoria said  and stood up in the bed. Smiling sheepishly at me. No way it's all gonna happen again.

"Go! Count me in" Yuri said, stood up also and walked towads the door leaving me behind. But before they can all go out I ran towards them.

"Wait!" I said and blocked their way who were going towards the door of Yuri's room


"C'mon. You're kidding us right"-Sohyun

"Crazy, don't act like you never got drunk before"-Victoria said raising her eyebrow.

"That's the point! Last time when I got drunk something inappropriate happened. And that day, I almost gave up my V card" I said explaining

"So? as if that'll happen again"-yuri

"c'mon.You have got to be kidding us. Don't be such a killjoy"Sohyun said crossing her arms.

"Besides, We're just gonna order light drinks. Please Hyun /puppy eyes/" -Victoria with that kind of cuteness I can't bear, there will be more chance that I'll be staying here but then I can't turn down to these eggs.

"/sigh/ how can I not refuse you guys" I said bowing my head.

"Yeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaay !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" they all said in chorus.      

[    RIP    My Eardrums.]

May you rest in peace. I wish you all the best.

It took us a few minutes until we arrived from the bar.

"I'm so excited!Girls! c'mon" - Victoria pulling us through the entrance with an excited smile drew all over her face.

"Hahaha! I'll be the most awesome girl in the universe" - Yuri said intentionally bumping s in the bar insulting them.

"Let's get this party started" -Sohyun

"Oh, please" I said and rolled my eyes. As we enter the bar, Kissing, Party , Drunks, Flirts everywhere. Hah, bet ther'll be a scene later.

"Yipee! Leggo get some seats" - Yuri said ang pulled us over in a couch.

Suddenly, a waiter appeared. 

"Here's your drinks ma'ams. Enjoy" he said and smiled.

"We will" -Sohyun said and the waiter suddenly was gone. Tch. We talked about something, Girl talk is the right term. Until we got to the awful topic, Our PASTS. 

"What about you and Nichkhun?"

"I don't know, Tch. He just gave up easily. Hahaha! And now, he's already in a relationship with the tiffany girl." Victoria said while crying, "Am I a bad girlfriend? Am I that possessive?  Am I that selfish or am I that ugly? Tell me!" Tears flowing and her voice was cracked.

"Calm down Vic"I patted her back 

"Sorry.." she said and bowed her head. " I just can't.." she released more tears and drank more beer.

"Still inlove with my cousin Song Quian?" I was,,,, I mean We were shocked by that voice coming from the back..that voice....his voice. 0___________0

"Y-yonghwa" We said in chorus

"Oh, you're here Hyun..." he said while smiling turning to Victoria again.

"......Yah Qian! Why can't you just accept the fact that HE DIDN'T EVEN LOVE NOR LIKE YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE." Victoria broke down to the floor and her tears bagan to flow when she heard what Yonghwa said about her and Nichkhun. Sh*t this guy is crazyand I'm so dumb that I thought of winning him back.

"Hey you Yong the dragon. Say more hurtful word and see this hand? It'll land on your face bigtime " Yuri said showing her fist.

"Freakin' boys! Tch. Here's a money, go find a person to talk with" Sohyun said and handed Yonghwa a bill

"Let's take her home"Sohyun decided. Just when i'm about to pass through the exit door a hand caught my shoulder.

" Hyun. Are you that dumb to get serious in our fake relationship" he smiled sheepishly.

"W-w-what mean?" I said with my voice shaking.

"That was just for a bet! Hahaha! And I didn't know why you were so serious back there. Too childish to date a playboy. Annyeong~! Goodluck to the boys who'll date you in the future, or are there gonna be?" he said and kissed my cheek before leaving me here dumbfounded.

Memories comes rushing back to me

Sohyun POV

"I can already see the parking lot! woohoo--"


"Hey Seohyun, can you please lend me a hand over here, "

Me and Yuri are currently assisting unconscious Victoria. walking towards the parking lot who's hundred , meters away. ugh! That Yonghwa is really annoying to the point that I want to sell his lungs to an alien.

"Yah! Hyun! You heard me right! My phone,  It's on my bag!" I said louder.

"Eh? Are you talking to someone?" Yuri said with her eyebrows raised.

"What do you mean--Where's Seohyunnie?" So all this time walking? Seohyun wasn't in our back? Aiya! that girl. I started to panic.

"I don't know. Do you?" Yul said frowning,

"Oh please. Stop playing. Bring Victoria home. I'll just check Seohyun out." I said and ran out of the place. Clearly leaving Yuri alone their.

"What?! Don't leave me here!" Yuri said irritated and annoyed.

"Fighting~!" I said with a hand manner and ran towards the bar. There, I found Seohyun. 0____0

"I  didn't know you  in the first place! Now look what you've done to me! To my shirt!" an unknown guy said.

"I-I y....ou so ...much *gweaaaark*" seohyun said and hugged the guy. Ok. This is so ew, but because I love her I'm not disgusted by her vomit . =___= I LOVE YOU HYUN

"F*cccccckkkkkkkkkk! You're doing it again! STOP SPREADING SOME kkkiinnnggg  BACTERIA!" I quickly made my way to the crowd and pulled Seohyun out of the scene.

"Whaaaat?!!! S...Sohyun! I'm s...still enjwoyyiiiiiiing. Woohoo~ he's so hwwwooot! Can't yooouwww see? Oppppwween your eeyyyyes.Hahahahahha and jjjooin me lwoook at his p...perfweeection"she said, turn to the guys and "cwwwome fwwwollow mwweee, leggo finish this in my house" and pulled the guy until we got outside.

"Hey! Tell to your stupid little friend to--" he didn't finish his insights when Hyun suddenly spoke out.

"OMG. Thwwannnks for hahaha commmplimwwweeenting me. I hahaha lllwwoove it wheen hahahha you said sttuppwwwid. Hahaha" Hyun said and hugged him again. I had to laugh but I thought I should get away from this guys first beore something worse could happen.

"kkk. Get your freaking bad*ss hands off me Freak!" the guy exploded. He's definitely intimidating.

"Owwwkkay.Hahahaha" she said and stepped back. Ish, did she drink that much?! Guess so.,

"Sorry about this. She's just really..crazy" I said and looked to Hyun who's asking the tree about it's height, about the tree having gigantism. =_=

"You should be really sorry" a guy appeared out of nowhere, no, GUYS appeared out of nowhere.

"You should pay" the blonde hair dude said. ERR, how awkward.

"What d-do you w-want? M-money, I'll give it t-to you" I said with nervousness. Noted that they were that handsome I honestly think that they are close to monsters.

"HEYYYY~~~" Hyun said and slapped the guy's chest. The dude just smirked and winked as his reply.

"We need no money. We want you and your friend" a guy said biting his lower lip. Ew

Omo, What to do?! asdfghjkl.asdfghjkl.asdfghjkl. So Plan A = I'm gonna kick their asses off.. but wait they're 12. How can I possibly do that?! Plan A.

Plan B = I'm gonna run and everything--


"Hop in!" suddenly a car with a plate number of-- It's Yuri!!! Oh damn, perfect timing. 

"Yul !!" It's Yuri ! wooohoooo!  I quickly held Seohyun's hand and pulled her over the car before they notice us--OH no!

"Hey! Come back here you girly!" He shouted.

"I'm no girly! I have a name!" i replied back. Ahh, Why do these guys have to appear now that we're in this situation. 

"Yah! He's nwwoot twwalking to yoooou" Seohyun scolded me,"Hi! Pwwretty bwwoy! You're so hot" she said and waved to the guy and laughed out more. Moral lesson, I will never ever ever take Seohyun to a bar again. Not anymore.

I pulled Seohyun more harder and tried to run more faster, Luckily they didn't caught us.I sighed in relieved.  Hope We'll never see those guys again cause, There is no other way besides hell, we're going to be.



I kind of like edited this thing out so, Well, Yeah. Hahaha I was like a baby when I started this story and you know crarabao english is it.  ENJOYY

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Haha. I love myself


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ayeyojr #1
Chapter 14: ateh, (idk i think ur older than me ) pLEASE UPDATE SOOONN THANKYOU PO FOR THE STORY >.< 감사합니다 !
eugenenni #2
Chapter 23: Luhan just confess your feeling!!! They are cute... Thanks for the update author-nim!!!
hereandnow13 #3
Chapter 15: Either way is fine. Thank you for the update!!
eugenenni #4
Chapter 21: Why they don't admit their feeling!!! Thanks for the update^^
Chapter 21: Update soon pls
miraluhan #6
Chapter 21: Update soon
Popopo #7
Chapter 21: Update soon please:)
hereandnow13 #8
Chapter 21: Thank you for the update☺
They both should accept their feelings ASAP because I want to see their interactions!
Chapter 21: You should write like this, its better than POV hehehe. Anyway, best job. I love your fic so much
SoshiLuver327 #10
Chapter 14: Girl I thought you were serious for a second
Well I'll be waiting for your update :D