Five. Zetiff.

Requested One Shots


            Studying was harsh on her even though finals were over. Keeping this good grade was everything to her. She never did much outside of her daily routine. Eat, sleep, go on her phone and study until she completely dropped. Spring break was coming soon, this was a blessing break she was waiting for.

            She was studying for her biology test until there was a banging at her door. She dropped everything and went to the door,” Hello?” She said as she opened it.

            “Hi! I’m Junhong. I’m new here… I’m your new neighbor. I hope we can be good friends?” He said, smiling and extending his arms with a case of chocolates,” You can call me Zelo, by the way.”

            She stared and studied his facial features. He was extremely attractive, cute and had the sweetest smile. He wasn’t like any of the boys at her school. She smiled back and took the chocolates,” I’m Tiffany. Sorry, I don’t have anything for you… Did you want to come inside?”

            He shook his head,” Sorry, my parents told me to try looking around the town first. You know, so I can get used to it…”

            “Oh! I can help you. You might get lost. I’ve been living here for a long time.” She forgot about her studies. She had a at least two tests tomorrow.

            “Sure, I’d be happy for you to come, actually.” Zelo smiled and motioned her outside.

            She nodded and grabbed her keys. Her family wasn’t home anyways, they were busy picking up her sister from the college that was fairly far.

            “So, where did you originally come from? I assume ‘long time’ doesn’t mean this is where you were born.” Zelo asked. He made you feel small, but protected. His tallness just attracted you more.

            “Hong Kong. How about you? Why did you come here too? There’s nothing here.”

            “Korea, my parents own a company, and we were moved here for work. For about a year or so.”


            It turned silent after the conversation and general question built up. They didn’t really know how to build a good conversation, Junhong was shy from girls, and Tiffany was awkward around boys.

            She coughed,” It will get dark soon, lets go home.”

            Zelo nodded,” Yeah…”


            Zelo dropped Tiffany at home,” Uh… Sorry, I’m not really good around cute girls…”

            The “cute” part took Tiffany completely off guard,” O-Oh… It’s okay…” She started to blush, but hoped he wouldn’t notice.

            “Would it be wrong if I asked for your number?” Zelo rubbed the back of his neck shyly.

            Tiffany smiled,” Not at all…” She unlocked the door and grabbed a pen that was near the key rack. She wrote her number small on his hand,” Text or call me sometime.”

            Zelo was now blushing in embarrassment,” Sure thing. I’ll see you tomorrow?...”

            “Definitely.” She replied.

            Zelo went in for a hug. Having a hug from someone that is tall, attractive and smells good was a luxury for her. Someone who isn’t attracted to boys at school and stays home for most of the time, this was a blessing for her.

            “Bye, Zelo.” She waved.

            “Later, Tiffany.”

            She closed the door and slid to the floor. Feeling like the happiest ‘gal on this planet. She did a short dance in her kitchen in success with talking to a cute boy.


            It was 7pm. Tiffany couldn’t focus on her studies. She packed her work and put it into her bag. She couldn’t stop thinking about this boy for hours. She wanted to go back hugging him. She held her phone waiting for Zelo to call. Little did she know, he was busy building the courage to call.

            Ring,” Hello?” Tiffany immediately picked up.

            “Yo, it’s Junhong.” His sweet voice said on the other line.

            She was absolutely done and happy,” What’s up?”

            “I was skateboarding with Jungkook. He met this girl named Kayla… I think we should all hang out sometime. What do you think?” He asked.

            “Oh, I know them! Y-Yeah that sounds fun…” She didn’t actually think it was fun. She wanted to be with him, but she wasn’t really the best at conversing.

            They talked until they both fell asleep on the line. Two happy hearts falling asleep so close, yet so far. When they wake up, they would wake up together.


            She checked her phone. Oh . She thought,” Hello?”

            She heard a yawn,” Oh, yo. Goodmorning, beautiful.” He said.

            “You’re a nerd.” She laughed.

            “Is your room the one with laced curtains?” He asked.

            She felt as though there was a stalker,” Uh… Yeah…”

            “Look out it.” He laughed.

            She lifted her curtain and saw Zelo at the other house. His hair was messy, and he was smiling and waving out his window. She smiled and waved back. Both of their rooms were aligned perfectly. A new friendship was blossoming, she could just feel it. 

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