Four. Jingle.

Requested One Shots


            Slice n’ dice and eat. Guilt and disgust. This was a daily routine. Over and over, trips to the hospital and starts once again. Where would her savior be? Kidoh hasn’t visited her in such a long time. The sadness was washed over again and again and left with no reason, leaving her alone in the dark. Sharpeners everywhere, confliction, pain. Leave the house with a bright smile and neatly brushed hair. The insanity was twirling in her head, in the middle of the battle she is fighting with herself. All of her demons whispering in to ear, with one small voice in the back.

Keep fighting.

            Another trip to the hospital. One, two, three. The clock ticking was no longer amusing. The door opened, and she got excited. Her parents gave up on visiting her during her hospital trips, the boys she adores hasn’t spoken to her.

            “Kidoh?” She said, sitting up and putting her hair to the side.

            “Huh?” Someone else walked in,” Oh, hi, sorry… You don’t look like my grandma…” He looked down at her wrists and took a seat, inviting himself in.

            She leaned down a little, covering her arm slightly,” Oh, I’m sorry. I think they moved her next door.” She looked at the stranger. He was attractive, tall and smelled better than any Victoria Secret perfume she’s tried out.

            “My name is Jin… You?” He put the bouquet of flowers on his lap.

            “J-Julie…” She was shy, and not exactly feeling cute in this hospital bed.

            “What happened to you?” He asked, putting his hand on top of her hand without permission.

            She moved it slightly away, giving a hint that he couldn’t get,” Oh, nothing, I am just stupid…” She moved her hair behind her ear.

            Jin picked up the clipboard that was on your bed,”… Attempt?”

            Julie nodded her head slowly, her eyes were filling with tears,” I’m sorry.” She looked away,” We just met, and I look a mess.” She smiled in an embarrassed fashion.

            “You have a beautiful smile.” He smiled back as her in the sweetest way.

            Julie had no words, she wasn’t sure to let someone into her life just to get hurt again.

           “I’m sorry if this is awkward, I’ll go to my grandmother now. Here, for you. Stay beautiful and keep fighting. I’ll try and visit you tomorrow.” Jin put the flowers on her lap, waved kindly and left.

            Julie smiled creating cute scenarios in her head. She shook her head in realization,” Stop Julie, he’s just another Kidoh…”


            She ate her forced meal and clicked through the channels the hospital offered. Over and over the channels never changed their shows, but she wanted to do something to keep her busy.

            She heard a knock at the door and realized what Jin said. She hesitated in saying something, she thought she was worthless, and he lied.

            “… Come in!” She said. Hesitation in her voice.

            “Hello! It’s Jin.” He held up a box of donuts and flowers,” For you, they remind me of you.”

            She smiled and took the flowers, he set the donuts on the table near them both,” How so?”

            “Blooming, strong and beautiful…” He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly,” Sorry, when I thought of it, it sounded more slick…” He laughed.

            She laughed and smiled,” You’re really cute…”

            Jin blushed and looked down,” You too…” He broke the brief silence,” I brought you donuts! I’m not sure if you like them or whatever… But I don’t know, the thought counts, right?”

            “Right, thank you Jin… Why are you so sweet towards me?” She asked.

            “I-I… I don’t know. I think you deserve more. I think you’re strong and beautiful and bright. I think your smile is beautiful, and I think… I want to see that smile for a long time… I want to take care of you, I know you’ve been hurt. I want to be there for you… All the time. I want to be by your side… This must be awkward, huh?” He rubbed his neck again,” Julie, I think I like you a lot, and I think you’re gorgeous, even if you don’t agree. I think you’re talented… I think you’re just completely… Beautiful.”

            “You just met me…” Julie said.

            “… You don’t remember me, huh? I’m Kidoh’s best friend… I’m never there though. You never notice me because I’m always behind you guys. Kidoh used to talk about you so much. He told me you were a keeper and forced me to stay away. I really meant to visit my grandma, but I ended up seeing you. I’m glad I did.”

            Julie’s tears were flowing and she felt like an idiot for never considering Jin around her and Kidoh,” I’m so sorry…”

            “It’s fine.” He said and slowly leaned in with a kiss. He let go and said…

Keep fighting.”

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