Part 15

Small Love

1. First thing first - trigger warning. As you know this story deals with the issue of . It's in the past and won't be described, but there are still mentions of it, and especially in this chapter you'll be reading about it.

2. I said I would update in a week, but in celebration of the 7jib and some really great choreo choices I present you with the new chapter! From now on updates should come again regularly every Sunday. ENJOY!


Cursing under his breath Sungmin maneuvered the whale-sized jeep into the parking spot on the hospital grounds. He somehow managed not to scratch it or crash into anything. He might have scared a group of teenagers who were crossing the road in the unmarked place, but it served them right for jaywalking. Other than that, he managed to drop Sungrin off at his brother’s place fast, with roads deserted at that time of the night. Sungjin wasn’t exactly thrilled about being woken, but he got easily distracted with Sungrin and while he was cooing and rocking his nephew Sungmin managed to sneak around stealing some clothes from his brother before he crept out of the apartment and drove to Kyuhyun’s house.


With everything found and packed in the bag he was finally back in the hospital, fifteen minutes later than he anticipated, but he couldn’t work around the driving restrictions in the village, which made him run around the place and lose precious time.


Thankfully, he didn’t need to avoid people on the hallways when he was already walking fast towards the pediatric ward. Somehow he felt that he should be by Kyuhyun immediately and every minute he wasn’t there was causing him to swallow down the anxiety. No matter how much he was trying to push down the memories of his in-laws words they were still stinging. He had to take care of Kyuhyun properly.


Relief washed over him when he passed the glass door labeled pediatric ward. Just one more corner and he saw Kyuhyun’s form, straight and tall in the middle of the hallway. He was ready to call the man’s name, but then the younger turned to the side, hand running nervously through his already tousled hair. In front of him was a girl, more or less Kyuhyun’s height, with long brown hair. There wasn’t much Sungmin could asses from his spot, considering the corridor was darkened for the night, but he could read from the body language of the couple that they were both agitated. Kyuhyun even more.


‘You have no right to be here.’ Kyuhyun’s voice carried through the empty hall. Neither of them noticed Sungmin lurking in the shadow yet.


‘I’m his mother.’


‘Not according to all the documents you so eagerly signed to get rid of him.’ The venomous tone of Kyuhyun's voice was a surprise for Sungmin. ‘How did you even know?’


‘Hospital called me. I’m listed in the contacts to alert immediately.’ The smugness with which the girl was talking made Sungmin’s insides coil. There was no questioning who that person was.


‘You waived all your right to be informed, you don’t even care. Why are you even on the list?!’ Kyuhyun’s voice was getting louder and probably would alarm the nurses if it gained in volume even more.


‘I told you, I’m his~’




Even Sungmin flinched at the hatred radiating from the one word.


‘What do you need? More money? Connections? Tell me what I need to do and leave us alone. Chunghee almost stopped asking about you and I’m not going to allow you to destroy his peace and mental stability yet again.’


Sungmin shifted in his spot to have a better look at the girl. She didn’t seem taken aback, quite the contrary. She took a step closer to Kyuhyun, eyes narrowed.


‘Don’t forget I can easily go to the police and tell them how you made me drunk and took advantage of me, you . According to me and every single of my friends you’re the deviant and who would believe you if you said otherwise? How could such a small and delicate person as me overpower you? Think about it.’ If Kyuhyun’s voice carried malice in his voice, hers was made of pure evil. ‘I’m going to see my son and you’ll pretend how happy you are about it. And then we’ll sit and talk about that nice bonus you got this year from a certain IT company.’


Kyuhyun in sharp breath and slumped his form, leaning heavily on the wall.


‘Oh, I see we’re reaching consensus, Kyu.’


Sungmin’s vision became red when the girl patted Kyuhyun’s shoulder before walking into the room where Chunghee was resting. He rushed immediately towards Kyuhyun.


The younger spun at the sounds of his steps and relief washed over his face in an instant.


'I'm sorry, I didn't think it'd be that hard to get around the village.' Sungmin immediately spurted the words out. He wasn't sure if the other wanted to talk about hat had just happened.


Kyuhyun nodded, his eyes darting towards the sliding door behind which his son was alone with the one person he wanted as far from him as possible.


'How much did you see?'


Sungmin drew a sharp breath. 'Enough?' The cliché seemed fitting at this moment.


The ragged sigh that escaped Kyuhyun's lips was a statement to how torn he was inside.


'That was Jojin. The woman who gave birth to Chunghee.' His words were soft and low, barely audible. And he obviously avoided calling the woman mother.


'You want me gone when she emerges again?' Sungmin wouldn't mind. He understood how delicate was the situation and he didn't want to make it worse with his presence. This wasn't the time for presenting gay partners.


'No. I don't think this could be any worse than it already is.' The resignation pouring from Kyuhyun's voice made Sungmin's heart clench. Not for his romantic partner, but for a man so tired and torn by his fate at such a young age.


They sat in silence for a moment, Sungmin not knowing what to do. He wasn't sure if he should touch Kyuhyun, console him more physically, or just be there next to him, in eerily quiet hospital at night. Finally he didn't have to make the decision because a hand on the back of his head tugged him closer to the other male and Kyuhyun placed a soft kiss on his lips. He allowed the younger to take complete control of it, to give him the power. It was a small gesture, but he knew how much it could have meant. If he could control this, a kiss with another man, he was able to control so many other things.


It was over before any heat awoke inside Sungmin and Kyuhyun slid his hand from his nape to his lower back and without breaking the contact to his thigh.


'I can’t meet her when she's out.' He finally whispered, his breath grazing Sungmin's cheek.


'Go change. I'll knock on the door when she's out.' Sungmin wanted to be able to do more, but he didn't know what or how. These small consolations were all he could give at that time.


Nodding absentmindedly Kyuhyun grabbed his gym bag that Sungmin placed between their seats and quickly disappeared in the bathroom two doors down the hall. The door clicked with a soft sound and Sungmin released the air he was holding, hoping that the younger will manage before she comes out.


And now what? Sungmin hadn't had an idea what he was supposed to do. Would she know who he was? If she knew about Kyuhyun's work, would she about his personal life as well? They weren’t exactly hiding.


He didn't have too much time for pondering because just as small flare of panic was igniting in the back of his head the woman, who destroyed Kyuhyun, slid the door energetically and walked out. She glanced at the plastic seats, taking in the empty hallway, sans for Sungmin, and turned away, hair flicking to her back. She sauntered towards the end of the hall and to the staircase on the side opposite from where Sungmin came.


It was as if she didn't even see him there. He was sure he looked all kinds of rainbow-lowing queer, in his bright fuchsia polo and light blue jeans, but maybe he was just paranoid. Not maybe. He was paranoid, just hid it well. The point was, she hadn't seen him as anything else as a speck of dust. The panic subsided and he was left with slightly exhausting feeling of exhilaration that often assaulted his senses when he managed to avoid another attack.


Running a hand through his hair, and meeting resistance from the spray he used to style it, he pushed himself off the seat. This was not the time to lose it. He had to it up and help Kyuhyun get through the situation. And maybe call some of his friends, who dealt with leeches like Jojin.




Kyuhyun startled out of his slumber and his eyes immediately went to the small body still sleeping on the bed. Chunghee didn't wake up, which was good. He was sleeping off the fever. It subsided after three days and was still going down. Most probably when he takes his temperature today it'll be already stabilized.


Shifting in his chair Kyuhyun suppressed a painful groan. His back was killing him. He should have put a proper mattress instead of the old rocking chair. In the movies new moms always looked so comfortable in them while feeding and sometimes napping. Maybe women had a different spinal built because all he could feel was searing pain going from his lower back up to his shoulder blades and radiating down to the back of his knees. The kink in his neck was a permanent fixture after the first night and he barely noticed it anymore, hidden under all of the new soreness. Unless he turned his head right, then he remembered very clearly about it.


Clambering heavily out of the chair Kyuhyun straightened and stretched letting his spine pop a few times and bringing at least some relief. He hoped to be able to sleep in his own bed that night already. Worry caused him to watch over Chunghee until he was too exhausted and fell asleep the previous nights. Even though it was obvious that the boy had a fifth disease and would recover pretty fast without any additional side effects.


Bending over the child's bed Kyuhyun lowered his head enough to be able to press his lips to the forehead of his son. It wasn't hot anymore, just the perfect temperature in the heat that was still holding around the city.


Brushing a strand from Chunghee's face Kyuhyun kissed his temple and quietly exited the room. He neglected the house in favor of sitting by his child and he'd have to bring it back to order again.


Chunghee slept through the whole morning, until lunch time, which was enough to straighten the house. Kyuhyun refrained from vacuuming, only sweeping he floors. With his schedule recently, and the amount of work he'd have to catch up with after Chunghee's sickness, he'd have to employ someone to maintain the house for a week or two. It wouldn't be the first time but he never like to do it. Chunghee felt uncomfortable and always hid in his room. Kyuhyun, similarly, always felt the presence of a maid but at least he managed to get up to date with projects.


He tried to keep away the thoughts of the night in the hospital. As of yet Jojin didn't make an appearance, but it was a matter of time before she did. He could only go about his own life and wait for her to come again. At least he calmed down and prepared himself mentally. Chunghee was too tired to talk last days and slept most of the time, the rest of it watching cartoons. Probably the boy was too sick to notice her presence and if Kyuhyun were careful enough he could avoid the two meeting. He would just give her the money she wanted and see her disappear. That sum was already sitting prepared in the house safe, waiting to change owners.


Deeply lost in thoughts Kyuhyun barely noticed the buzzing of the intercom. It was an old thing, sometimes acting up, but at least it was quiet.


When he opened the front door he almost laughed.


Siwon was standing with his youngest perched on shoulders, holding onto his hair. Jiyoung was pouting, most probably because he had to hold his mother's hand while Jisoo didn't seem phased by that notion. As whenever she was on her break, Sooyoung had no make up on and her clothes were mostly for comfort, not for being photographed.


Siwon's face was betraying that he knew what happened in the hospital. And Kyuhyun couldn't blame Sungmin for talking about that with the guy. He knew that Siwon was his closest friend and could provide a better comfort and insight than Sungmin himself. Kyuhyun knew that, but still the spark of irritation ignited in him.


'Chunghee's still sleeping.' He announced as a greeting.


'Make any noise and I'll make sure all of your games get lost for a week.' Siwon hissed at his boys who simply looked at him with raise brows.


'Listen to your father.' Sooyoung's voice was resigned and she rolled her eyes. At her words both Jisoo and Jiyoung nodded energetically. It was obvious who held power there.


The boys went to quietly check on Chunghee while Kyuhyun and Chois made themselves comfortable on the couches. Jiyah was happy to entertain herself with some toys lingering around the room. Sooyoung opened the drinks she and Siwon brought and finally they sat together.


'What you're gonna do?' Siwon's hands were clasped before him as he propped his elbows on his knees. Sooyoung's eyes were trained on Kyuhyun, but she was silent.


Leaning heavily on the back of the couch Kyuhyun sighed.


'The same as always? I'll give her the money hoping she'll disappear as soon as possible. She went into Chunghee's room that night, but I doubt he woke up at all and even if he did, he was feverish and doesn't remember.'


Siwon's face expressed distaste with the situation. He was a witness of Kyuhyun's distress a few times already, when the mother of Chunghee appeared before, and as a good friend he was trying to be as helpful as possible.


'There is nothing you can do? Go to lawyers? You have full custody and she waved her rights.' Sooyoung inquired, her eyes only for a moment darting towards her little daughter.


'I went, got out with nothing. The guy said that the possibility the judge will believe her was too high. There is no justice in cases. If a girl reported she was violated, she would be held responsible for enticing the guy and he would walk free. If I were to go to the police few would believe me, because how can you a man – as they say.' He rubbed his face with his palms. 'And in our situation, when there is a child, it's her word against mine. Who do you think would look like a deviant here?'


Even so many years after, the shame and rawness accompanying the explanation was still too palpable. Kyuhyun could feel his body itching with wrongness that was inflicted upon it. He could not imagine what it must have felt for women, whose experience was deeper and more intruding.


Both Chois remained quiet. They already heard it before and knew how much it took from Kyuhyun to talk about this.




Everyone turned when the sleepy voice tore into silenced room.


Chunghee was at the door, still in his shorts and t-shirt serving as his pajama. His hair was bed-tousled and eyes slightly puffy after the amount of sleep he had in the past few days. He was holding a plush dog, one he received from Sungmin. It looked like a toy copy of Bernard. Jisoo and Jiyoung were standing behind him, looking guilty.


'What did you two do?' Sooyoung rose from her place and stalked towards them.


'Nothing!' The older of the boys quickly replied and he instinctively stepped in front of his younger brother. Kyuhyun knew that there were no real physical punishments in their house so there was no reason for him to be so protective, but it still warmed the heart to see such exhibition of brotherly bond. Jisoo continued. 'Chunghee wasn't sleeping. He had eyes opened and he said hi to us when we entered. We were very quiet!'


Chunghee didn't join in the explanation. He tottered towards Kyuhyun and clumsily clambered into his lap before slumping against his father's chest.


'He probably was really awake.' Kyuhyun Chunghee's slightly damp hair before dropping his head to press a lingering kiss to its top. The boy smelled of sweat and the sweetness of milk he had drank the night before.


''m hungry.' Chunghee murmured as he nuzzled into Kyuhyun's t-shirt, rubbing his itchy nose against the starchy material.


'I should bath you first.' Kyuhyun scrunched his nose. Chunghee was mostly alright and it would be better if he changed into something dry and lighter. The heat was unrelenting.


'I'll make him some grits and we'll start on lunch with Wonnie. Bath him and then we'll eat together.' Sooyoung ruffled her two son's hair ensuring them that she wasn't mad. Siwon was already in the kitchen.


Looking after her retreating form Kyuhyun felt gratitude from such good friends.




', that's a mess.'


Sungmin scrunched his face at the choice of words and looked towards Sungrin. The boy seemed oblivious to the conversation and that was the only reason Sungmin didn't reach over the table to smack his idiot of a brother.


'I swear, if my son greets me one day with a curse I'm going to burn your collection of phone cases.' He hissed.


Sungjin's eyes widened and he flushed. He probably didn't even realize he uttered the expletive.


'You need to find out if dad's associate can dig something up. I'm planning to build something with that guy and I won't have him twitching with anxiety every few months.'


Sungmin was mad. He was furious. He didn't have enough time to spend with Kyuhyun and Chunghee the last few days because of work, only a daily call because the boy was still recuperating at home so they didn't meet at the nursery as every other week. He couldn't even see how Kyuhyun was faring and if that woman appeared because he doubted his partner would tell him as much. They both had some serious issues with repressing things.


'You know I'm not officially allowed to take any use of our business' assets.' Sungjin's voice was leveled and low.


'Officially.' Sungmin accentuated the word.


His brother nodded. 'I'll do what I can. It's investigating a private person, not a business competition, so I guess the level of illegal skyrockets.' He took his fork up again and gathered a little of his cake on it. He leaned towards the carrycot with Sungrin and fed the boy with it. His face brightened when Sungrin reached his small arms towards him and Sungjin didn't waste time in gathering his nephew into his arms.


Sungmin leaned back in his squeaky wicker chair and smiled. Sungrin and Sungjin adored each other to the point of inducing diabetes. His brother just spoiled the boy rotten and never shirked from babysitting. He was the only one in the whole family that didn't write Sungmin off.


'You are serious about him, huh?' Sungjin was bouncing his knee gently to entertain the child in his lap.


Sighing, Sungmin looked towards the street. They were on the balcony of one of the skyscrapers, in the popular restaurant. It was providing enough privacy to deal with delicate matters and it also gave a beautiful view onto the city. It was maybe a tad too hot to be sitting outside, but the breeze on this height was compensating for the heat.


'Yeah, I think so.' There was no point denying. Sungjin knew him all too well to hide anything. 'We're both so loaded with issues that we're trying to fix each other which doesn't give us time to ponder over our own problems.'


'Well, that's really healthy.' The younger quipped, his eyes still solely focused on Sungrin.


Sungmin snorted amusedly.


They were out of the restaurant and strolling towards Sungjin's apartment so that his brother could drive them back home. He was ing about Sungmin not having the car yet when suddenly he stopped. He was playing with his keys for a moment before he looked at his brother.


'Ming, I need to meet that guy, you know that?' He was serious. Sungjin rarely took on such solemn expression, and when he did he meant real business. 'I have to be ready and have some proper ammo against mom and dad when push comes to shove. You remember how it went the last time, right?'


Sungmin wanted to groan but stopped himself. He knew that his brother was right, but he really didn't want to think about that with everything else going on. He detached himself from his family just so that he wouldn't have to deal with their judgment and intolerance.


'Sure, soon. Just let it be after we get rid of Jojin.' Sungmin forced a smile onto his lips.


Sungjin left the topic for the more pressing matter of cooing at Sungrin.


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mickyuminnie #1
i really hope you would continue this cute fic i'll patiently wait till you update again :)))
Still waiting :)
retajU #3
Chapter 18: Zhoumi is there? It feels like he's either guilty of what he participated in or he's there to trick kyuhyun into something o.o
Chapter 18: I miss this story I hope you are continuing it
HinKyuMin #5
I miss this story.. update soon please ;;;;
KyuminMania #6
Chapter 18: love this .....
KKSunnybae #7
Chapter 18: Oh man how am I so behind on the update! GREAT chapter ;)). Uh oh what is mimi's roled :O but hey if kyumin get laid then ofc u gonna put some drama in the story hhh. Looking forward to continue story :D
AbigailBrown #8
Chapter 18: What is Mi's role in this story actually ?
Please, don't spoil the aura, Mi !
You better make yourself useful in a good way...
Chapter 18: Zhoumi better be useful in the case against Jojin... I don't think I can tolerate him as a hindrance in Kyuhyun and Sungmin's relationship (they already have enough problems as it is).