
You Don't Bite?!


 Luhan was engulfed with the scent of expensive cologne, flowers and something that Luhan would dub as the sweet scent of sunlight



Cenote Sagrado | 0059


Once brown, almost afro-curly hair transformed into brilliant quaff platinum blonde, the front part long and tousled as his hair grew shorter to the back; the transformed hair totally brought out his hidden beauty, not like he needed any since Luhan was already perfect in his human form. Sehun wanted to intervene earlier since Baekhyun’s life was already at stake, but it seemed as if the raven leader’s move triggered something in Luhan and his puppy brown eyes were no longer sparking their soft brownish twinkle. Right opposite of Sehun, the demi-God stood, piercing crimson red left eye and electrifying cornflower blue right eye staring right at the figure Baekhyun called Eli. Luhan appeared to be glowing, soft white orb engulfing him yet his aura was dangerous; lethal even.


“You hurt my friend. I’ll never forgive you,” Luhan exclaimed, his voice small yet threatening.


“What can you do, demi-God? You just transformed, so?” Eli challenged.


His arm rose as slender fingers turned its way to the side, as if mimicking a hand holding an object. When his fingers inched inward, Eli started chocking like someone was strangling him like how he did to Baekhyun. Sehun then took the opportunity to dash forward, aiming for the Oracle, a little part of him wishing that Luhan wouldn’t render him as the enemy and start attacking him as well. The raven leader appeared to be distracted, his hold on Baekhyun loosened by the time Sehun got to him, pulling the victim of the situation away to safety.


Eli didn’t go down without a fight, a hand raised as he forced it towards Luhan, sending waves of flurry midnight ravens attacking the demi-God. Hissed croaking mixed with wild beats of flapping, the ravens accelerated down on the glowing male, yet he was unfazed by it, smirking a little, if Sehun was seeing right. The Oracle in his arm was half-awake, probably shaken from the strangling, but he was witnessing the attack too. With a flick of his hand, Luhan threw Eli right across the bricked ruin in front of Sehun and Baekhyun, like a ragdoll dressed in black as his other hand shot up and it halted the riotous ravens attack, causing them to float on air. With a simple snap of his finger, the sound nothing but a soft echo, thousands of feathers shattered above him and they sharpened all of a sudden. The flow of his hand then continued to point towards the coughing, slumped figure in black at the other end, sending a homing effect of the razor-sharp asphalt-black feathers on Eli. Even if the other male moved – or in his case dragged himself away, he could never avoid the attack. Luhan watched with raised eyebrows, in both excitement and regret; the demonic side obviously enjoying the torture yet his angelic self restrained that other part of him, containing his emotions. Eli’s screech could be heard from the short distant, hugging himself tight to avoid the pain inflicted on him by his own ravens, the pressure heightened as the feathers kept on penetrating and piercing wounds after wounds on his cloak and skin.


Luhan walked over to the wailing raven that seemed to have calmed down when the attack stopped, but he was still whimpering and he visibly shrunk when Luhan hunkered down to get eye-level with the tensed figure.


“You’ve caused so much pain, Eli. Too much darkness in you, raven lord, so let us help you,” Luhan whispered, his soft voice a pure contrast to the previous attacks he caused, “Baekhyun-ah, come here, please.”


Sehun’s attention never left Luhan, and in seconds, he helped the Oracle over to the still crouching Luhan.


“He needs your light, Oracle…” Baekhyun, finally got over his out-of-breath phase, calmly held a hand out towards Eli, palm spread wide across the other’s blood covered chest and started some Latin incantation – a purification act, if he wasn’t mistaken – which Sehun only caught a few words of and he caught sight of the rising Luhan.


The demi-God suddenly started falling back down but didn’t fall on the sandy warm ground when Sehun successfully caught the Chinese male into his arms and the latter sighed in relief. As seconds passed, the sole holy light coming from Baekhyun’s incantation intensified that Sehun had to look away with Luhan’s head resting on the soft crook of Sehun’s neck, his breath a little ticklish against his sensitive neck yet Sehun didn’t mind the proximity an unconscious Luhan shared with him. The stunning platinum blonde finally settled themselves back to the original curly soft brown. Luhan’s sharp features previously was back to its normal baby-face charm.


“He’s purified, let’s get back to Luhan’s place and ready to move onto the next destination. We’ll have a hell load of explanation to do when he wakes up,” Baekhyun said as he dusted his hands off and got up to walk over to Sehun.


“We?” Sehun scoffed, “didn’t you mean by you only? I have nothing to do with this, and I don’t wish to be a part of it.”


“Liar,” Baekhyun smirked, “fine, I won’t tell him you helped, but you’re the appointed bodyguard, so let’s go.”


A hand secured onto his forearm as it tightened slightly, rushing him to get away from the El Castillo that Luhan wanted to explore so much. He dashed up; both males carefully tugged onto him, and kept dashing forward until they finally reached the lodge. Once Sehun settled Luhan on the bed and tucked him under the cover, not before removing the baby hair that was slightly covering his eyes. Baekhyun came back from another door to reveal himself with a basin and white towel in hand.


He sat on the other side of the bed, looked up towards Sehun and said, “pack his stuff, Sehun-ah. Luhan’s flight is scheduled for Peru next.”


“Who in the world are you to be ordering me around? I’d rather have the partially dead Oracle a few moments ago,” despite his random distaste rambling, he got up to pack Luhan’s stuff according to Baekhyun’s order.


“Hey, that’s rude, little vampire. Fine, please?” his eye-smile stayed temporarily and he got back to tending the sleeping Chinese male.


It was quiet all around, except for the rustling sound of Sehun packing and Baekhyun occasionally rinsing and dipping the white cloth into the basin of ice water.



The Lodge | 0807


Honestly, it had been quite a while since Luhan last dreamt of anything out of the ordinary. But, more importantly, the soft yet evident throbbing in his head pulsated when he got up from the soft comfort of the pillow too fast, a palm rested on his head and he jerked back. With a crack of his heavy eyelids, Luhan finally saw the owner of the hand. Baekhyun.


Smiling horribly too bright for Luhan yet nothing came from the Chinese except a small grunt added with, “what happened last night?”


Baekhyun pushed him back down gently and Luhan followed suit, the touch was actually soothing, the thumping lessened as he lay back on the white pillow.


“You don’t remember?” Baekhyun asked, voice soft and calm as he focused on Luhan.


“I…I…” he muttered as memories came flooding into his head, like solving scattered jigsaw puzzles.


He recalled the animated light-and-sound show he went to with Baekhyun; enjoying the multihued lasers across the El Castillo…El Castillo! The midnight exploration, how they both went into the prohibited ruin, gust of wind, black as midnight ravens, Baekhyun…Baekhyun getting choked!


“Oh my God, Baekhyun, are you okay?! How did we escape?”


“What else do you remember aside from that, Luhan?” Baekhyun asked again, trying not to push him too hard, but Luhan tried his best to remember.


After the strangling, he was reminded by the thought of actual anger bubbling in the pit of his stomach, threatening its way to the core of his being.


“Who was Eli? Why did he mention of supernatural beings? Baekhyun, it hurts, I don’t understand,” his own fingers rubbed comforting circles on his temple.


“Don’t pressure yourself, everything’s gonna be alright. You just snapped that’s all, and it’s about time anyway.”


“I…I snapped? And I can’t remember anything after that Baekhyun. What are you trying to say?” Luhan muttered his question, a frown appearing on his already pained feature.


“This would be a lot for you to take in, and I’d understand it if you think I’m weird and trust me, your first reaction would be running away from this room with your head in total pain that you’d have to get my help despite me being a psycho,” Baekhyun’s words were a little too fast even for a fluent-in-Korean Luhan that he felt his head pound thrice among the smaller male’s string of words.


“What?” He gasped, not wanting to sound like it, but indeed he was clueless about where the talk was heading to.


“So you see, not everything you know about your twenty-five years of life is the truth. Luhan, I’m sorry I have to bring this up, but I believe that your parents were good people, would have been great parents, even,” before Baekhyun could continue, Luhan had the oddest desire to intervene.


“How did you know about my parents? I didn’t even tell you anything about them?”


“Luhan, my child, do let me proceed, you would want to hear the rest of this, now wouldn’t you?” Baekhyun asked, a single finger rose to his lips, shushing Luhan from interrupting his explanation.


With his own silent approval, Baekhyun continued. “Let’s just cut to the chase and let you in on the truth. Your father was an Archangel and your mother was a Demon. Your father, God bless him, was the greatest Archangel in his league, bestowed the power to lead the rest of his fellow comrades and highly respected by the Angels below him. Easier said, the man was and is still God’s favourite and most trusted being. Meanwhile down below, a mortal lady was consumed by a high ranked Devil that brought her down to the depths of Hell, turned her and kept her imprisoned. Tricking the Devil after earning his trust, she pleads for him to let her roam this Earth, with a sole reason to feed on human soul. Escaped, on the run, but lost, your mother didn’t know how to survive after so long and affected by her demonic side; she just had to feed on a human. While on patrol, the Archangel came across the female Demon. Although she was weak, the Demon was on the run to haunt for a human and it so happen that your father who caught her. Once an Archangel on duty sees any injustice or imbalance, he should straight away banish the unholy being. But seeing the distressed Demon and perhaps saw the real human behind the Demon façade, the Archangel hesitated...”


Luhan was rendered speechless, he didn’t know if the headache he had earlier on was cured or it got even worse, but his silence gave way for the small male to continue on.


“So instead of killing her right away, the Archangel took the female Demon away and hid her, but of course, God planned everything, and I’m not blaming God, now did I?”


A palm shot up and Luhan just had to, “Baekhyun-ah, stop saying their non-human self and just stick to ‘father’ and ‘mother’ please?”


The other male blinked rapidly, but it didn’t deter him from continuing.


“Yes, of course, Luhan. Okay, back to the main story. Your father took your mother away, hid her for months, calling out trusted friends from all over the globe to help out with anything they could to protect your mother. Along the way, it seems that your mother’s demonic side was easily dismissed because she never wanted to be one and your father was very protective of her. I happen to be one of the few young Oracles to be able to meet the couple and I envied them more than anything. They looked so good together, I swear. By the time I met them, they were so very in love and I think you were already conceived back then. Somehow, it was fated that a crossover between a Demon and an Archangel would be the most powerful genesis created. Creatures after creatures started searching and hunting after your parents but they stayed perfectly hidden until the day you were born. But there was and still is a darker power that intervened and wanted to consume the genesis that was told to be able to grant them infinite power. Your parents were always on the run. Honestly, you were one of the cutest infant I’ve ever seen in my whole life, and you still are very cute now! You’ve grown so well!”


With that, Baekhyun landed a pinch on one of Luhan’s cheeks and the Chinese male just sat there, staring at nothing.


Probably Luhan stayed quiet for too long that Baekhyun got worried and he shook the male on his shoulders.


“Luhan! Luhan! Hello, Earth to Luhan! Hey, are you okay?”


He finally looked towards Baekhyun, eyes glistening yet no tears were threatening to fall.


“I don’t understand, Baekhyun. My parents; my father was an Archangel and my mother was a Demon. What does that make me? And, you’re an O-Oracle, who looks youthful enough to be years younger than me but have met me when I was a baby. Is this some hidden camera or something? ‘Cause I don’t find this remotely funny. Minseokkie? Chen Chen? You guys are not gonna come out of the bed all of a sudden, are you?!”


Luhan got up; his body doing things his mind had no control of. He started flipping things off, he looked under the covers to search for his friends, under the bed, in the bathroom, in his suitcase even, but he couldn’t find any of them. Hearing Baekhyun’s voice, it scared him, not in a ‘aye-he’s-a-creep-must-stay-away’ kind of scary but just the ‘I-don’t-know-what-to-believe-in’ kind of scary. Reaching for the door, Luhan opened it wide and ran out of the safe confine of his hotel room. He ran and ran aimlessly, not knowing where his feet took him and in the end, he reached the cenote that Baekhyun resided in for how many years Luhan didn’t know and wasn’t keen on knowing as of that moment. Cold sweat broke and appeared on his skin, beneath the comfy cotton shirt that Baekhyun might have changed him into.


His head was still pounding, louder beats compared to his heart beats, swimming with the truth of his birth parents, clogged up with twisted reality. His parents were unnatural beings, Luhan himself included, even Baekhyun. God knows who else are unnatural beings, Minseok and Jongdae could even be in-line for all he knew. He still didn’t know what he was, since he didn’t wait around to get the answer from Baekhyun. What did he mean before this when he said a genesis being? Who were the darker powers? How did his parents died? He wasn’t aware of another being standing close to him behind the shadow of trees, watching his every move. Finally, Luhan ended up exhaling a large breath. Another question floated in his mind.


What did Baekhyun meant when he said I snapped?


Still feeling woozy and fatigue from the previous night, Luhan’s world turned black and he slowly fell to the ground. But not before a strong arm cradled the fall and Luhan was engulfed with the scent of expensive cologne, flowers and something that Luhan would dub as the sweet scent of sunlight. 




Fourth chapter up. Please let me know if the story Baekhyun telling is gibberish cause even I think so too. Sorry, no hating, and thank you so much for sticking around to those subbies. Plus, I'm so sorry for not putting in a lot of HunHan moments. I mean there are those moments, but Luhan is always unconscious when Sehun's around. And I have not checked this chapter out yet, just had the itchy feeling to update. I'll come back later, I think

April 30






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Chapter 5: Ehe..flower killer.. xD

Wahh~i'm living off of this story..huu~long live author-nim...