Invitation To The Ball!

Sungderella Story

Royal Palace.

At the royal palace, the King is distressed that his son does not intend to marry. The King is determined to see grandchildren, so he and the Duke organize a ball for Prince Charming in an effort to enable his son to fall in love and marry, with every eligible people in the kingdom requested to attend.

~ ~ ~

Sungderella goes to kitchen again, meets the Mice. “Sungderelli, I’m sorry for made a trouble in this morning.” Said Woomice sighed. “gwencana, woohyun. Now I wanna sweap and mop the floor, okay?” Sungderella smiled and woomice nodded. Woomice goes to a small hole with the other mice.

“I wish mom and dad were here with me..I really miss you guys.”  Sungderella starts to teary up. And he starts to sweap the floor. He’s sweaping while singing, he’s such a lovely person and he has a beautiful voice. Then he continue to mopping the floor. Until he stopped his song because someone is knocking the door. He opened  the door and saw a royal guard holding a letter.

“Goodmorning, young lady? Eh no, no. You are not a lady, sorry. Here’s the letter from the Palace!”  said that Guard. Sungderella annoyed and glanced at him, then he grabbed the letter. “Thankyou.” He closed the door and goes to Music room, where the stepbrothers and stepmother are inside. “excuse me, stepmother....” “sungderella!!!! I told you do not bother while we are praticing!!!”  said the stepmother angrily and cutting sungderella’s words. “But there’s a letter from the Palace.”  Answered Sungderella. “What???!?!? A letter? What letter?” “Ohmy is that from the Prince?” Hoyastasia and Dongwoozela scrambled to get the letter. But sungyeol, the stepmother already grabbed it from Sungderella’s hand. “mother, what did they say? Do they want me to come to the Palace and meet Prince L?” “No, I mean..It’s not only you. But all of people in this town gets the chance to come to the Ball. The King wants to find someone who would become a wife for a Prince by dancing with him.” Said the stepmother with a shining smile. “Excuse me, so it means I can go too, right?”  asked Sungderella full of hope. “dancing with the Prince?” “oh would you mind to dance with my broom stick? Hahahahaha.” The stepbrothers made some annoying fun. The stepmother glanced in disgust, “yes, if you already finished all of your works!” “Oh, I will. I will finish it on time! Thankyou, stepmother.” Sungderella went out of the music room, smiled so brightly.

“MOTHER!!! What did you mean? He can’t go!!! HE CAN’T!!!! He just a maid, he doesn’t suit the Prince, I swear!!!” “Mother!!! Please don’t let him go!!!! I don’t want to see the Prince with him!!! HE CAN’T!!! HE CAN’T!!!!!!!!” Hoyastasia and Dongwoozela are mad. “Calm down, babies. I said ‘if’ and I won’t let him go to the Ball. Tonight, we should give him so many works to do, so he can’t go anywhere because of tired or the work hasn’t done.” The stepmother smirked and the sons laughed.

Sungderella opens his wardrobe, looks at inside. He only have one gown. It’s not really beautiful though. “I only have this one and I wish I could change the style like the one at that book.” Said Sungderella to the Mice. He pointed the picture at the book. The gown looks so nice and Sungderella doesn’t has much time to change it all unless she has a magic. “SUNGDERELLAAAAA!!!! SUNGDERELLAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!”  The stepbrothers are shierking from the downstairs. “All right!!!! I’m coming.....” Sungderella sighed and went out from the attic.

It almost afternoon and Sungderella hasn’t done with the task. Hoyastasia and Dongwoozela always adding more works when they saw Sungderella. “DON’T FORGET TO WASH THIS! AND THIS!!!! OH THIS TOO!!!!!” “OHMYGOD!!! SUNGDERELLA YOU HAVE TO CLEAN UP MY ROOM! AND WHAT IS THIS??? USELESS NECKLACE AND SHAWLL!!!” Hoyastasia and Dongwoozela are throwing their stuffs to Sungderella. The Woomice came to help her, he saw a necklace and shawll on the floor. He took it and goes to the attic.

“Poor Sungderelli. He can’t change his gown into a nice one.because he has too many works. ‘sungderella sungderella.....’ why won’t they just stop to bother sungderelli?” Woomice sighed.“We have to make something for Sungderelli. He doesn’t has a good gown.” Said the Woomice to his friends, the mice and birds. “we can do it! Now let’s start!!!!” the Mice started making the good gown for Sungderella. While Sungderella is really busy with his own activies in the kitchen.



*sorry for making woohyun as a mouse, because I was confuse hahaha but please enjoy! The mouse gets so much part too<3

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#1's okay..i hope you can write another story...<br />
happy eid day!! i celebrate it too > <<br />
<br />
it's a great thing to read something about infinite and i can't imagine hoya and dongwoo to that bad...*hugs for giving me great story to read...
hiphiphee #2
@orangesun yeah it is. My head was about to explode lol! First I wanted to make a different story after sungjong and woomice changed again, but I have so many things to do, because it's eid day :D <br />
Thankyou so much for commenting, subscribing, and reading my story!<3
end? awww...<br />
well..i kinda can expected it...<br />
it follows much as the real story..<br />
(cinderella is my fav story)<br />
<br />
but's interesting in a new way..<br />
^^ nice one...
lol...<br />
the gyu fairy sings too much..cute! > <<br />
erk, I can't imagine sunggyu as a fairy godfather!
alize_sakura #6
Errr...not really, the stepmom and the stepsisters were guys~ and the fairy god mother turned to be fairy god father~ you can check it on my stories list if you want to~ ^^ BTW, off I go to read your latest chapter update~ ^^
hiphiphee #7
@alize_sakura oh really? huahahah but it's a girl story right? lol you really should imagine it XD
alize_sakura #8
Don't worry...personally, I guess it's fine to use the words from there.. but since I also have a cinderella story just like this, I can't help but to laugh whenever I imagine the boys dressed as girls.. Hahaha~ Hoya in dress, seriously?? O_O ROFL!! But SungJong is great as a girl, He's pretty~ XDDD
hiphiphee #9
@alize_sakura lol ofcourse I use it, because it just for fun. The description just really same with Cinderella story, but the words were different I think :) I made a change on third chapter and the next hehehe. Thankyou for your correction and keep reading, and once again this is just for fun :D