The Ugly and Annoying Stepbrothers!

Sungderella Story

“sungderella!!!!! Can you comb my hair right? AAAAA be carefull, idiot!!!” Hoyastasia complained when Sungderella was combing his hair.“I’m sorry, hyung. Your hair is too hard!” Sungderella carefully combing it. “Then make it soft!!!!!!! Hurryyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

“Sungderella, bring my brush teeth here!!!!” now Dongwoozela on charge. “brush teeth? YA, kenya. Your teeth is hilarious and uniqe. You don’t need to brush it!” Hoyastasia laughed. “I don’t want to make the prince run away because of my teeth!!!! It looks horrible to be honest. But sweet at the same time.” “buahahahahahahahaha...” Hoyastasia laughed out loud and it makes Sungderella getting more hard to comb his hair.

Sungderella accidentally poured too much cream on Hoyastasia’s hair. “OHMYGOD WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY HAIR???? MOTHERRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!” Hoyastasia immidately screamed, and the stepmother came to their room. “what’s happening?” “MOTHER!!!! Look what he has done to my hair!!!!!!! I’m so creamy right now. NOOOOO!!!! The prince wouldn’t wants to dance with me. MOTHERRRRRR!!!!” Hoyastasia started to cry. Sungderella looks so scared, “I’m sorry, Hoyastasia. It was because you were too much motion.” “Sungderella!!!!! Your reason is so dumb!!! Now go to the kitchen, if you made a trouble again, I won’t let you to go to the Ball!!!! UNDERSTAND??” The stepmother is wrath. Sungderella nodded and went out of the room. “Don’t be sad, honey. Now go wash your hair! You guys are good at dancing! The prince won’t refuse you. Now hurry, okay? We don’t have much time left..” The stepmother told the sons.

It’s already 7.30pm and the Ball will start at 8.00pm. The Carriage already in front of Termaine’s chateau. Sungderella sighed, he already finished all of his works. But he doesn’t think that he could go to the Ball. He knocks the stepmother’s room, “Yes?” Stepmother opened the door with the stepbrothers. “The carriage is already here.” Said Sungderella. “Why are you not dressed?” “I don’t go.” “Oh....are you sure?” “yes, goodnight!” Sungderella sighed and looks sad. The step family grinned happily. They knew that this would happen. Sungderella wouldn’t go to the Ball.

Sungderella goes to the upstairs. And he enters his room, he goes to the window and sighs. “what is the Ball? It’s pretty useless, bored, and...........and actually completely fun. I wish I could go but..........” suddenly his wardrobe opened by the mouse and birds, “SURPRISEEEEE!!!! SURPRISEEEEEEE!!!!! SURPRISEEEE!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!” “no no no it’s not Sungderelli’s birthday, babo.”  Said the Woomice to another mice. His ugly gown has changed into a beautiful gown. “OHMYGOD!!!! THE GOWN!!! Is it for me? Omg it’s so beautiful!!! Thankyou so much..”. Saidsungderella with a happy tears. Then she prepares to get ready for the Ball.

The step family was about to leave the chateau until Sungderella came with her pretty dress, “Wait!!! Wait for me!!! Let me join!!! I have a gown, isn’t it beautiful? I wanna go too.” Said sungderella smiled so bright. The stepbrothers are really shock, their jaws dropped. “Mother!!!!!!!!!!! HE CAN’T GO!!!” “THE GOWN LOOKS SO NICE, HE CAN’T GO!!!! I DON’T WANT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!” The stepborthers started to grumbling and mumbling. “Hold on, dears...!!!!”  Sungyeol comes over Sungderelli, “didn’t we have a deal, right Sungderella? Now look how much his effort until he stole your necklace and shawll?” “No, I don’t need it anymore.....OH YOU ARE A THIEF!!!!” “OH THAT MY SHAWLL TOO!!!!! LET ME HAVE IT BACK!!!!!!” The stepbrothers ruined all of Sungderella’s gown. They ripped it and grabbed sungderella’s hair. Sungderella couldn’t help but cried. “Enough, babies!!! Now let’s go to the Ball, I don’t want you guys to be hurt. Goodnight sungderella...” Step family left Sungderella with a beggar-look. Sungderella cried and runaway, he goes to the Park around chateau and cried .



*that was it kekekeke n_n enjoy!

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#1's okay..i hope you can write another story...<br />
happy eid day!! i celebrate it too > <<br />
<br />
it's a great thing to read something about infinite and i can't imagine hoya and dongwoo to that bad...*hugs for giving me great story to read...
hiphiphee #2
@orangesun yeah it is. My head was about to explode lol! First I wanted to make a different story after sungjong and woomice changed again, but I have so many things to do, because it's eid day :D <br />
Thankyou so much for commenting, subscribing, and reading my story!<3
end? awww...<br />
well..i kinda can expected it...<br />
it follows much as the real story..<br />
(cinderella is my fav story)<br />
<br />
but's interesting in a new way..<br />
^^ nice one...
lol...<br />
the gyu fairy sings too much..cute! > <<br />
erk, I can't imagine sunggyu as a fairy godfather!
alize_sakura #6
Errr...not really, the stepmom and the stepsisters were guys~ and the fairy god mother turned to be fairy god father~ you can check it on my stories list if you want to~ ^^ BTW, off I go to read your latest chapter update~ ^^
hiphiphee #7
@alize_sakura oh really? huahahah but it's a girl story right? lol you really should imagine it XD
alize_sakura #8
Don't worry...personally, I guess it's fine to use the words from there.. but since I also have a cinderella story just like this, I can't help but to laugh whenever I imagine the boys dressed as girls.. Hahaha~ Hoya in dress, seriously?? O_O ROFL!! But SungJong is great as a girl, He's pretty~ XDDD
hiphiphee #9
@alize_sakura lol ofcourse I use it, because it just for fun. The description just really same with Cinderella story, but the words were different I think :) I made a change on third chapter and the next hehehe. Thankyou for your correction and keep reading, and once again this is just for fun :D