Happily Ever After.

Sungderella Story

Sungderella looks at Woomice, which had became a mice again. “sorry, I forgot.....It was so beautiful and fun at there.” “It’s okay, Sungderelli.” Sungderella smiled, he looks at his glass slippers, “look! The glass slippers didn’t change! I’m glad that I still have something to remember about tonight.” Woomice smiled to Sungderella, “It’s so beautiful, Sungderella. You better save it, before the stepmother knows about it.” Sungderella nodded and they went back to the Chateau.

The next morning, a royal proclamation is issued, stating the Grand Duke will visit every house in the kingdom to find the girl who fits the glass slipper, so that she can be married to the Prince. Sungyeol Termaine was very busy about it. He woke his sons up and told them to get ready. “What’s wrong mom? It’s still a morning.” Hoyastasia was about to sleep again, but his mother hold it. “Grand Duke will visit our house, just get ready! One of you might get the chance to be with the Prince. It’s abou the glass slipper whom left at the Kingdom stairs.” “wh wh whaaat?!?!? So, one of us could be Prince’s wife? OWYEAHHHH!!!” Dongwoozela immidately jumped from his bed and called Sungderella. “Sungderella!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SUNGDERELLA DON’T RUIN MY MOOD, COME QUICKLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” “Yes, I’m here...” Sungderella came and then immidately picked up dongwoozela’s and hoyastasia’s shirt. “I’m sure, the glass slipper would fits my feet.” “Stop dreaming, Kenyan! Look at your stork feet, it wouldn’t fits you at all.” The Stepbrothers started to debate. Then Sungderella realized something, “what did you guys mean?” Hoyastasia glanced at Sungderella, “The Grand Duke would come to everyhouse and find the girl who fits the glass slippers. The glass slippers whom left at the Kingsom stairs. I wonder whose slipper is that? Why did she leave it?” Sungderella shocked and dropped the shirt. “ohmygod is that even real? I have to get ready too...” Sungderella left the stepbrother’s room and carried away. He danced and smiled. He looked so happy.

The stepmother realized something was wrong with Sungderella. He started to following Sungderella to the attic. They reached the attic, but Sungderella didn’t know that the stepmother was following him. The stepmother glared at Sungderella who was looking himself at the mirror. Stepmother grabbed the key of the door and locked Sungderella in attic. “Mother.....please don’t do this....” Sungderella finally realized that she was locked at the attic now.

The Woomice and some mice friend decided to steal the key from Sungyeol Tremaine’s pocket and laboriously drag the key up the stairs to his room. They are ambushed by stepmother’s malevolent cat Lucifer. “HURRY HURRY!!!!!!!!!! Lucifer is running to us~!!!!!”  Said the Woomice when they almost reached attic. Fortunately, Bruno, Sungderella’s dog came after the Birds woke him up.

In the other situation, The stepmother and stepbrothers was finally met the Grand Duke and tried to fitting the glass slippers. “ohmygod, you dumb!!! Please make it fits me!!!!” said Dongwoozela angrily with the Royal Guard. “sorry, your feet just too big...We gotta try another feet okay..” They went to Hoyastasia’s side and tried to sew on the slippers to his feet. And again, tried so hard to make it fits him. And it worked. “Look! This is my slippers, it fits me well!!!!” Hoyastasia smiled but the slippers apart by it self and got arrasted by Grand Duke. “Look, babo! You almost destroyed the glass slippers.” Said Dongwoozela glaced at Hoyastasia. “shut up, stork feet!!!”

“Well, we have to go to another places. Are you sure there’s no one else in here?” Asked the Grand Duke. “I’m really sure, your majesty...” said Sungyeol Tremaine smiled. And then sungderella appeared, “WAIT!!!! WAIT!!!! May I try it? I’m here....” The Grand Duke smiled to Sungderella, and glared at Sungyeol Tremaine. “sure, youngman. You can try it! Guard!!!!” The Guard ran over Sungderella, but he tripped over the Sungyeol tremaine’s stick and he dropped the Glass slippers. The glass slippers broken and the Grand Duke cried. “Your majesty.....uljimayo...” said Sungderella. The stepfamily grinned and smirked like a bunch of evil. “How can I not cry? The King would kill me and I can’t try it to another girl.....” “But I still have the pair....” Sungderella smiled and gave it to the Grand Duke. Grand Duke smiled happily and the slides the slipper into his foot, which fits perfectlyand the stepfamily shocked with it. “It’s impossible, he’s crazy!!!!!!!!!” said Sungyeol Tremaine. “The one crazy is you and your freak childrens. And also their stork feet.” Said the Grand Duke angrily and now he lookes at Sungderella, “now please come with us to the Royal Palace..” Sungderella grinned, “sure....”.

They brought Sungderella to the Royal Palace to meet the King and Prince. Sungderella was really shy when he met the Prince. The Prince L comes closer to him, ”so it was really you......I know it....” Then The Prince L smiled to Sungderella. “But I’m just an housemaid.” Sungderella looks sad, the prince held sungderella’s chin. “I don’t care because I love you.....” The Prince smiled and hugged Sungderella. The King and Grand Duke smiled happily and shares a tears of joy.

The next day is their Wedding party. At the wedding, Cinderella and the Prince descend the church's staircase, surrounded by confetti tossed by the King, the Grand Duke and the mice, now in uniform apparently as part of the Royal Guard. The Woomice and his friends live at the Palace. Also bruno and sungderella’s horse. Sungderella and Prince L got into the Carriage and waved to everyone around the chruch. “I’m so happy....” “Me too...” said Sungderella smiled shyly. And they hugged again. Finally they live happily ever after~




*HELLO!!! sorry for the late update. been busy with ics event lol I saved so many infinite photos. Oh I hope you guys enjoy the last update! Sorry, actually I wanted to make a long story, but my head can't take it anymore. I want to make a new myungsoo's new fanfic with krystal. So please appreciate it! Oh btw, the holiday has started right? Happy holiday everyone!!!! Thankyou, saranghaeee<3

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lol...it's okay..i hope you can write another story...<br />
happy eid day!! i celebrate it too > <<br />
<br />
it's a great thing to read something about infinite and i can't imagine hoya and dongwoo to that bad...*hugs for giving me great story to read...
hiphiphee #2
@orangesun yeah it is. My head was about to explode lol! First I wanted to make a different story after sungjong and woomice changed again, but I have so many things to do, because it's eid day :D <br />
Thankyou so much for commenting, subscribing, and reading my story!<3
end? awww...<br />
well..i kinda can expected it...<br />
it follows much as the real story..<br />
(cinderella is my fav story)<br />
<br />
but anyways...it's interesting in a new way..<br />
^^ nice one...
lol...<br />
the gyu fairy sings too much..cute! > <<br />
erk, I can't imagine sunggyu as a fairy godfather!
alize_sakura #6
Errr...not really, the stepmom and the stepsisters were guys~ and the fairy god mother turned to be fairy god father~ you can check it on my stories list if you want to~ ^^ BTW, off I go to read your latest chapter update~ ^^
hiphiphee #7
@alize_sakura oh really? huahahah but it's a girl story right? lol you really should imagine it XD
alize_sakura #8
Don't worry...personally, I guess it's fine to use the words from there.. but since I also have a cinderella story just like this, I can't help but to laugh whenever I imagine the boys dressed as girls.. Hahaha~ Hoya in dress, seriously?? O_O ROFL!! But SungJong is great as a girl, He's pretty~ XDDD
hiphiphee #9
@alize_sakura lol ofcourse I use it, because it just for fun. The description just really same with Cinderella story, but the words were different I think :) I made a change on third chapter and the next hehehe. Thankyou for your correction and keep reading, and once again this is just for fun :D