Omo, Magic Magic Magic!

Sungderella Story

Sungderella cried a lot. The happiness wouldn’t be come true, thought him. He cried under a big tree, covered his face with his elbow, holding his whole body on the bench, and wept. “I will never get a happiness. I will always live with a gloomy and sadness. Why why....”. “Don’t worry, sungderella... You won’t be that person. I won’t let you....” Someone was talking with Sungderella. He lifted his head and saw a man with white robe and smiling to him. “ooohhh ohhhmygod!!!” sungderella shocked and got up. Sungderella rubbed his eyes, that’s really true and the person was really a man. “nugu.....nuguseyo?”  That person smiled, “Don’t be afraid.....Don’t you wanna come to the Ball?” The person came over Sungderella, and Sungderella nodded. “Then let me touch you.....OHMYGOD! Look at your gown.....” That man shocked with Sungderella condition at that time. “My stepbrothers, ripped my gown and grabbed my hair. Do I look like a beggar? Oh yes, I’m a beggar.” “I know that’s why I came here for you, cheer up!!!!!!!!! Let me give you some.......mazik mazik mazik...omo omo omo mazik mazik...” That man danced with a song, he looked really fool and actually who is he? “Who are you? Why did you come? I don’t know you, you don’t know me...” Sungderella asked. “Kid, do you ever read a fairy tal story? Don’t you know what is fairy?” That man pulled his robe, he was searching something. “Ofcourse, I know. don’t look like one of a fairy in fairy tale books.” “shut up!! You don’t know me, you don’t know me, so shut up booooy. You can call me a fairy godfather. Okay I know it’s weird, but I don’t have any good names. But my friend used to called me Gyu fairy.” The fairy smiled to Sungderella. “Now, sowoneul malhaebwa! We don’t have much time left...” “umm, fairy godfather, you sang so many songs. To be honest, I like the songs too and I know the dance. And since it’s Ball, I really wanna show something to the Prince.” Said Sungderella smiled. “Just do your best, kid. Now let’s go!!! Oh wait where is my magic stick?” He is still searching for the magic stick. “Oh almost forgot! Abracadabra~” The stick now on his hand.

“we should do something for.......your car. Oh I wouldn’t make a squash carriage, I want to make something new. And squash and carriage was old story.” Said the fairy, “Oh, it’s a box. Abracadabra!!!!”  the box became a long car in two seconds. It’s really magic. Sungderella surprised. “Now time to.....your driver!!! Oh your mice will become......abracadabra!!!” Now Woomice changed into a handsome man, unfortunately he’s a driver.”OMG WOOMICE!!!” Sunderella was shrieking over the Woomice. “sungderelli, now I’m not a Mice, so just call me Woohyun.” Woomice looked really happy, he might be wished that he wants to become a real person. “FINAL TOUCHES!!!!!! YOUR.....DRESS!!!! I won’t give you a gown, like in fairy tale. I give you......abracadabra...”  Sungderella now dressed really beautiful. A blue modern gown, but it has no sleeve. And of course, a pair of glass slippers. “OMG!! Is this real? Is this me?” Sungderella almost had a happy tears. “Yeah, who else, kid? Now, hurry! Go to the ball...But remember, everything will be over at midnight. So you have to comeback before it, okay?” Sungderella nodded, “I don’t know what to say...Thankyou so much, Gyu Fairy...” Sungderella waved to Gyu fairy and gets into the car.

After a few minutes, Sungderella reached the Palace. He looked around the Palace and gets to the Ball room. It was so crowd, Sungderella decided to look around. It’s not like he was expected before. The Ball really looks modern, it’s not about walts but something new.

In the other situation, The Stepfamily are also there. Sungderella’s stepbrothers, Hoyastasia and Dongwoozela are good at dance. They came over The Prince, who’s holding a glass of wine but the Prince comes over the stage and bows to everyone at there. “Tonight is really special night, I hope everyone can enjoy it.” Prince L smiled and music started to playing. It’s something like hip hop and RnB music. So modern. Hoyastasia and Dongwoozela started to showing their dance skill in front of the Prince. Prince L seemed enjoying their performance until he saw someone with a y dress standing at there. Prince L stood up and came over the person, left Hoyastasia and Dongwoozela who are still dancing. “Excuse me, young lady....” The person turned his body, it’s Sungderella. But no one could recognize him. Sungderella bows to the Prince gracefully. “Would you like to dance with me?” asked the Prince, Sungderella blushed. “sure...” Then he smiled.

The prince takes Sungderella to the dance halls, “Don’t worry, we won’t do walts in here...Just follow me, okay?” said the Prince, Sungderella nodded. The light went off and If U Leave by Musiq Soulchild now playing at the Ball. There’s something got into Sungderella body. He perfectly could follow The Prince’s moves. They are enjoying the music and the dance until they carried away to Backyard palace. And then they stopped the dance, they both blushed. They enjoyed the night breeze until Prince L wants to touch Sungderella’s chin....and TENG TENG TENG!!!!!!!! “OHMYGOD!” Sungderella shocked, it means he has to go now. “I’m sorry I have to go....” “hey wait!!!! What’s your name? What’s wrong with you? Hey!!!!!!!!!!” Sungderella ran past the stairs and one of his glass slipper was left at ther stairs. He was about to grab it, but the Guard wanted to catch him. So he didn’t take it and continued to running until he got into the Car. Woomice with his faith, drove the car like a crazy. The Royal’s Guards still folowing them until they passed the jungle and everything changed again, as usual. Except for the glass slippers.

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#1's okay..i hope you can write another story...<br />
happy eid day!! i celebrate it too > <<br />
<br />
it's a great thing to read something about infinite and i can't imagine hoya and dongwoo to that bad...*hugs for giving me great story to read...
hiphiphee #2
@orangesun yeah it is. My head was about to explode lol! First I wanted to make a different story after sungjong and woomice changed again, but I have so many things to do, because it's eid day :D <br />
Thankyou so much for commenting, subscribing, and reading my story!<3
end? awww...<br />
well..i kinda can expected it...<br />
it follows much as the real story..<br />
(cinderella is my fav story)<br />
<br />
but's interesting in a new way..<br />
^^ nice one...
lol...<br />
the gyu fairy sings too much..cute! > <<br />
erk, I can't imagine sunggyu as a fairy godfather!
alize_sakura #6
Errr...not really, the stepmom and the stepsisters were guys~ and the fairy god mother turned to be fairy god father~ you can check it on my stories list if you want to~ ^^ BTW, off I go to read your latest chapter update~ ^^
hiphiphee #7
@alize_sakura oh really? huahahah but it's a girl story right? lol you really should imagine it XD
alize_sakura #8
Don't worry...personally, I guess it's fine to use the words from there.. but since I also have a cinderella story just like this, I can't help but to laugh whenever I imagine the boys dressed as girls.. Hahaha~ Hoya in dress, seriously?? O_O ROFL!! But SungJong is great as a girl, He's pretty~ XDDD
hiphiphee #9
@alize_sakura lol ofcourse I use it, because it just for fun. The description just really same with Cinderella story, but the words were different I think :) I made a change on third chapter and the next hehehe. Thankyou for your correction and keep reading, and once again this is just for fun :D