Trouble Morning

Sungderella Story

Sunny morning, birds chirping, the sun came in through the attic. Seen a person is sleeping. The Birds are his friends.They decided to wake thepeople, Sungderella aka Sungjong.“Good morning, birds, sunshine, and where’s the mice?” Sungderella looks towards a small hole at the corner of the room. “Oh come here, mice..How was your night?I’m sorry because last night I was too busy.” Said the Sungderella. Then the bell is ringing, “ohkay time is up! I hate that bell,it kills my joy.” Sungderella goes to bathroom and prepares himself.

“sungderelli, sungderelli...I’m hungry!!! I haven’t eaten since last night. And I need my breakfast!” Woohyun, The Mice is touching his stomach. “I’m sorry, Woomice! Okay lets go get some breakfast, but be carefull of Lucifer, okay?” Sungderella warned the Mice. And they goes to downstairs. Sungderella opens the big curtain and starts her activities as a maid in a little chateau. He goes to the kitchen, prepares for his family’s breakfast. He took some bread, jam, butter, and tea into a tray. Then he took a bowl of grain maize and goes out to the backyard. Gives the animals their food. “thankyou, sungderelli..” said Woomice. He wants to back to the hole, but then Lucifer, the Cat comes to the kitchen and saw him. Woomice scared and hiding behind the cup tea on the tray.

“SUNGDERELLA!!!!! SUNGJOOOOONG!!!!! SUNGDERELLAAAA!!!! SUNGDERELLAAAAA!!!!!!!!”  the scariest bell is ringing again, it means Sungderella has to go to upstairs and take the trays to brother’s and mother’s room. “Allright..Allright...I’m coming....I wish I could change the bell or destroy it.” Said Sungderella. He goes to the brother’s room , first is Hoyastasia’s room. Without knowing it, Woomice in on one of the trays and now Lucifer is following Sungderella to get the Mice.

“Goodmorning, Hoyastasia hyung..Here’s your breakfast.” Sungderella smiled and laid the tray besides Hoyastasia’s bed. “Oh, Sungderella, don’t forget to wash my clothes. I will go to the party..” “Yes, Hoyastasia.” Sungderella went out from Hoyastasia’s room and goes to Dongwoozela’s room. “Goodmorning, Dongwoozela hyung. How was your night?” “None of your business, what did take you so long until I pressed the bell so many times? Be on time, next time!!!!” Dongwoozela took the bread. “Yes, Dongwoozela.”

Sungderella enters the stepmother’s room, “Goodmorning, Stepmother...”. Before he wants to lay the tray, Dongwoozela is screaming and grumbling from his room, “THE MICEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! OHMYGOD GET OUT OF MY ROOM!!!!!!!!!!!!! MOTHER MOTHER MOTHEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRR”, he came to his mother room and saw Sungderella angrily. “YOU!!!! You are the one who trapped me, right? Mom, look at what he’s done to me!!!!”  Dongwoozela stamped his foot angrily and annoyed. “what’s wrong? Oh my god, Sungderella. You are a trouble maker!!!!!” Hoyastasia entered the room and started to angry. “Sungderella!! Now you cleanall the damage and dust throughout the room. I do not want to see rats and otherdisgustinganimals! Understand??!” said the stepmother. Sunderella sighed, “Yes, stepmother..”. “And also don’t forget about your job!!!!!” added the stepmother. Sungderella nodded and went out of the room.




enjoy!^^ comment and subcribe :D

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#1's okay..i hope you can write another story...<br />
happy eid day!! i celebrate it too > <<br />
<br />
it's a great thing to read something about infinite and i can't imagine hoya and dongwoo to that bad...*hugs for giving me great story to read...
hiphiphee #2
@orangesun yeah it is. My head was about to explode lol! First I wanted to make a different story after sungjong and woomice changed again, but I have so many things to do, because it's eid day :D <br />
Thankyou so much for commenting, subscribing, and reading my story!<3
end? awww...<br />
well..i kinda can expected it...<br />
it follows much as the real story..<br />
(cinderella is my fav story)<br />
<br />
but's interesting in a new way..<br />
^^ nice one...
lol...<br />
the gyu fairy sings too much..cute! > <<br />
erk, I can't imagine sunggyu as a fairy godfather!
alize_sakura #6
Errr...not really, the stepmom and the stepsisters were guys~ and the fairy god mother turned to be fairy god father~ you can check it on my stories list if you want to~ ^^ BTW, off I go to read your latest chapter update~ ^^
hiphiphee #7
@alize_sakura oh really? huahahah but it's a girl story right? lol you really should imagine it XD
alize_sakura #8
Don't worry...personally, I guess it's fine to use the words from there.. but since I also have a cinderella story just like this, I can't help but to laugh whenever I imagine the boys dressed as girls.. Hahaha~ Hoya in dress, seriously?? O_O ROFL!! But SungJong is great as a girl, He's pretty~ XDDD
hiphiphee #9
@alize_sakura lol ofcourse I use it, because it just for fun. The description just really same with Cinderella story, but the words were different I think :) I made a change on third chapter and the next hehehe. Thankyou for your correction and keep reading, and once again this is just for fun :D