
Bittersweet Reality

A few months passed in the hospital, and Suho no longer dreaded the long days with the same horror he began with. If anything, he began to look forward to opening his eyes every morning and hearing Yixing's cheerful, "good morning". 

They walked to the cafeteria every morning, whether it was omelet or porridge for breakfast (despite Yixing's grumbles), and slowly Suho regained the confident bounce in his steps. For the most part however, when they weren't wandering the hallways with the children from the pediatrics wing, they were in their beds chatting and bonding. 







The more they talked, the more Suho liked Yixing. He couldn't help it, the other man's presence made him feel so complete.

It wasn't ual desire or lust that haunted Suho, it was merely the feeling of being complete. How he felt so satisfied just from having the other man in the same hospital room as him. How one glance from Yixing could make Suho into a blubbering, bashful mess, and how only Yixing could get him to laugh the belly laugh. The laughter that bubbles up from your stomach, full and hearty and genuine, just like Yixing. 

He loved the sound of Yixing's voice, calming and soothing and sweet, like dark chocolate; and the way Yixing laughed, all airy and bright; and the way Yixing looked at him, dark eyes glistening and amused, staring at him as if there was nothing else in the room. 

Yixing made him feel special.






"Hey, Xing?" 

"Mmmmm?" Yixing groaned back, voice muffled by the pillow his face was currently stuffed into. 

"What would you do if I told you someone in this hospital liked you?"

"I'd ask you who it is." Yixing replied, rolling around so he was facing Suho. "And if its a girl, don't bother."

"Well, what if I told you-"

Yixing cut him off, chuckling. "Suho, stop it with the what if games. I've already been waiting since forever for you to tell me, I really don't need this."

"What do you mean-" Suho denied, face burning red. "I wasn't going to-"

"Nhghhh" Yixing groaned suddenly, face contorting in pain. "I know you like me, Suho, and I like you too. But could you please get a doctor? Before I die?"

"Don't joke like that," Suho reprimanded, worry lacing his voice, before he sprinted out the room shouting for help. Moments later, Yixing was carried out on a bed, and Suho was alone in the room.

Half of him was jumping up and down with excitement and joy. Yixing liked him! Half of him was worried sick for his friend. Suddenly, every soft noise in the room sounded like Yixing's whimpers, and the creaks of the bedsprings sounded like the crackling of bones breaking. Eventually, exhausted from his worries, Suho fell asleep. 







The next morning Suho woke up in the afternoon, the sunlight streaming through the window slapping him on the face. The bed beside him was empty, and the room felt cold without Yixing in it to warm him up.

A doctor walked in at the moment, face grim. 

"He's not dead" Suho blurted out before the doctor could open his mouth. "Go away, and bring Yixing back."

The doctor stared back, pity evident in his eyes. "Hello, my name is Dr. Myungsoo. And you are Suho?"

"Yes..." Suho whispered back, fearfully. "What do you want?"

"Mr. Zhang Yixing wanted to talk to you before... Mr. Zhang wanted to talk to you."

"Okay," Suho stumbled out of bed and followed Dr. Myungsoo out of the room.






"Hey, Xing."

"Hey Suho." Yixing lay in the middle of a white room, needles plunging into his soft white skin, beeping machines surrounding him, and he looked so frail. 

"You can't die Xing. I just told you I liked you." Suho spluttered out, rushing towards Yixing's bedside. "How are you feeling, Xing?"

"Terrible," Yixing croaked back, raising an arm to ruffle Suho's hair. "I'll try not to die."

"You won't die," Suho whispered sharply, burrowing his face inbetween the needles in Yixing's face. "You won't die because I need you, Xing, I think I may love you."

"I think I may love you too," Yixing replied, adoration in his voice. "And I'm so glad you started walking again."

Suho chuckled, his voice weak. "I'm just like that little boy, Xing."

"Yeah... Yeah you are. If I die can I just tell you one thing beforehand, Suho?"

"You won't die, but tell me anyways."

"You're so oblivious, but I guess thats what I love about you."

Hours later, Suho left, still confused as to why he was oblivious. 

The next day was a Wednesday, but when Suho woke up, expecting Yixing's enthusiastic shout of, "omelette!" he was instead greeted by Dr. Myungsoo.

"What's up Doc," Suho joked, turning to look at the empty bed across the room.

"Yixing," Dr. Myungsoo started before clearing his throat. Suho noticed how his voice was hoarse and his eyes were red and swollen. "Yixing wanted me to tell you that he loved you."

"What do you mean," Suho shrieked, tumbling out of bed and throwing himself at Dr. Myungsoo. "Save him, go save him!"

In a swift movement, Dr. Myungsoo managed to place Suho back into his bed and called a nurse from another room. "Sedate him."

Before Suho faded into darkness, he could see the pity and pain in Dr. Myungsoo's eyes. "I'm sorry, Suho."







"I want to move to that bed," Suho demanded. It was a bit more than a week after Yixing died and Suho still had to stay a few weeks more in the hospital. He was still in the room that he shared with Yixing, but now due to the hospital's needs, he was going to have a new roommate. 

"You want to do what?" Myungsoo mumbled, distractedly. Ever since Yixing's death, Suho and Dr Myungsoo bonded over their close friend and the pain over the loss. 

"I want to move into.. Yixing's old bed." Suho mumbled. 

"Go ahead," Myungsoo sighed. "It won't change anything."

Suho climbed into the bed and he could almost imagine that he could smell Yixing's faint, spicy cologne in the sheets. He inhaled deeply, trying to memorize the smell. Opening his eyes, he turned towards the window that faced outside. The same window that Yixing saw the little boy from, and the window that Yixing would tell stories from.


There was nothing outside but small houses, and empty street. No playgrounds, no lake, no children playing around.


"Yeah?" Myungsoo looked up to find Suho's bewildered face staring at him.

"Where is the lake? And the children? The things Xing saw?"

Myungsoo stared back at Suho. "You mean you never knew?"

"I never knew what," Suho snapped back, irritated. "Where is the playground? The kids?"

"Yixing was blind, Suho," Myungsoo said softly as if that would change the impact of his words.

"Yixing was what," Suho spluttered laughing.

"Yixing was blind." Myungsoo repeated, a solemn expression on his face. "Whatever Yixing told you, he never saw it."

Suho spluttered with laughter, coughing on air. "You're hilarious, Myungsoo. Yixing always told me such inspiring stories."

Myungsoo walked over to face the window himself. "You really are oblivious, aren't you, Suho. But that really is why Xing loved you." With that, Myungsoo left the room.






"Hey, Suho, this is your new roommate." Myungsoo called out leading a man into the room. "His name is Lay."

The man turned to face Suho, a soft smile on his face. "Hey, Suho. I'm Lay and I love omelets." 






i FINISHED~ (meaning i didn't go back and check anything so sorry!!)
I feel like this was so rushed but I hope you liked the ending?
I tried not to make it angsty? Too angsty?
I just wanted to finish this before Summer because I won't be able to write then o.O
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Chapter 2: Wow! The plot was really good and yay for the sulay ship chosen for this story, the plot twist caught me! That was the best part but good job!
Chapter 2: oh my gosh, i read something for english the exact same to this :) the window. Its reallly goood tho.
Daeyon-shi #3
Chapter 2: Oh my gosh!
I know it wasn't on your list but... SuLay! (Haha, yaeh. SuLay is like a drug to me. I just can't resist. If I see Some SuLay then-... Well~ Yeah, awkward situation. Just ignore me)
This fic is sooo heartwarming and sad and beautiful and tragic and...ahh, my feels! *sobs* Do you have a handkerchief?
He can't see! Well... He couldn't. (....Yaeh. Back to business....) Maybe I'm a dumb reader but I haven't really seen this comming. So you can image it was kinda shocking... And then it klicked.
He couldn't see?! But he saw that boy and the grass and the leaves and... Yixing!!! *sobs again*
This is so overwehlming! An act of true love~
Stop it now! You're overacting.
Sorry, I'm still an awkward turtle. I better go now. Great Job, author-nim. Really. I was touched. Again. I'm now really curious about your other stories ; )

ImagineEvee #4
Chapter 2: Authornim! Explain this ending for me! Is Lay and Yixing the same person? Oh and cute fic!
Chapter 2: What. How. Plot twist.
Chapter 1: I'm already dreading the ending ^^;; This chapter is nice~
snsdexoaholic #7
Can you nicely put the 'romance' or 'happyending' next to the 'angst'? I cant bear angst ; ; please make them happy together...
Yixing describing all the things that Suho will see once he gets out makes it sound like Suho has amnesia or has never seen things. o-o

/Lily just woke from an accidental 4 hour nap