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Even years after, Kyungsoo still remembers~



Kyungsoo remembers the first time he saw Jongin.

It was the first day of first grade; all the desks were placed in rows, the books sat in line on the bookshelf and a box of tissues was sitting on the teacher's desk for Chanyeol who had a cold. Kyungsoo was sitting behind Baekhyun, in front of Chanyeol and inbetween Luhan and Sehun. All five first graders were silent, awkwardly sitting staring at their hands, waiting for school to began. 

Principle Kim walked into the classroom, stilettos cracking onto the floor, and trailing reluctantly behind her was him

Dark hair messily spilled from the top of his head, clear eyes and squeaky new red sneakers.

Kyungsoo remembered staring at the other boy's pororo backpack with a mixture of jealousy and interest, before dismissing the other boy's amazing backpack and going back to staring at his hands. 

During lunch that day, Kyungsoo introduced himself shyly to Baekhyun and Chanyeol whom had instantly clicked. Kyungsoo remembered how Baekhyun was taller than the younger Chanyeol back then, and that it was only seventh grade that Chanyeol had finally sprout up like a weed, growing inch after inch.  He remembered how Sehun and Luhan plopped down in the sand box to join them and how much Luhan had loved to tease Sehun about the gap between his teeth where his first tooth had fallen out. He remembered Sehun pouting and stomping away to play at the swings by himself before Luhan ran after the younger boy,tearfully apologizing to the younger boy until Sehun finally started giggling again. 

Kyungsoo remembered how Jongin had sat alone in the courtyard by himself, a book on his lap as he stared slightly forlornly at the rest of the kindergartners, and how jealous he was when Sehun was the one to invite the dark haired boy to play with them. He remembered stumbling over his own words when he told Jongin how much he liked his backpack and then vowing to himself he would never embarrass himself by speaking to Jongin again. 

The next time he spoke to Jongin was two hours later when he shyly invited his new friends over to his house where they watched pororo. 

He still remembers Jongin snuggling up to him on the couch, Sehun and Luhan asleep at the other end of the couch; Chanyeol and Baekhyun staring intently at the tv screen, intermittently stuffing handfuls of popcorn into their eagerly awaiting mouths. 

He still remembers Jongin mumbling to him through a yawn, "Kyungsoo, I have another pororo backpack, do you want to backpack-twin with me?"

Kyungsoo doesn't remember what he replied, but he does remember walking to school the next day with Jongin, their matching backpacks filled with number two pencils and crayons. 


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jisova #1
cute cute cute
i cannot wait for your update.
soaringhighs #3
omggggg this is so sweet especially with the matching backpacks~ so cute
Cute cute cute fluffffff ALERT