
Bittersweet Reality

"Good morning."

Suho opened his eyes slowly, blinking away the last shreds of his nightmare.

He shivered as he felt the rain slicking down on the street. He could feel the car shaking beneath him, shaking from exertion and then the lights. The lights that flashed in front of him, swerving from side to side as the car lost control. And~

"Hey" he croaked, visibly shaking from the images of his nightmare, sweat pouring down his face. 

He slowly flipped to his side so as to face his roommate's bed, dreading the pity he knew would be on the other's face. There was none.

Instead, Yixing was beaming at Suho. "You'll never guess what!"

"What?" Suho croaked out, throat dry from silent screams.

"Omelets are for breakfast today!"

Suho just stared back at Yixing blankly. "Okay?" he finally mumbled back, snuggling back under the scratchy hospital sheets. "And?"

The other man pouted, and Suho almost laughed out loud. "Omelets are the best thing this hospital has to offer!" Yixing insisted. "You'll see!"




Yixing was correct. The omelets were delicious.

 Suho  groaned as he patted his stomach regretfully. 

"I told you so" Yixing cackled from the neighboring bed. "And you doubted me."

"If I had something to throw at you, I would" Suho grumbled, groaning at how full his stomach felt. 

Yixing laughed, sticking his tongue out at the other. "You're just mad 'cause I'm right." Suho couldn't find an adequate reply.

"Whatever." he finally grumbled, sinking back underneath the covers.

"Tell me" he demanded childishly after settling himself under his covers, and fluffing his pillows to satisfaction. 

"Tell you?"

"Tell me," Suho nodded at the window next to Yixing's bed. "Please?"

A small look of confusion crossed over Yixing's face. 

"Outside" Suho mumbled into his pillow, a flush covering his ears. "Outside, tell me about outside."




"There is a large park... The grass is still green, but the leaves are slowly fading into a distinct orange and gold and brown... Ohh, and the geese are all slowly flying away. They're flying in V formations, but there is one goose thats straggling behind. The sky is a pretty blue color, and where the sun hits, you can see hints of pinking dripping across the blue. Can you see it?"

Suho nodded, the covers shuffling under his head, a dreamy smile on his face. "Yeah..."

Yixing hummed a little in the back of his throat, and Suho made a mental note to make Yixing sing for him one day. "Well, in the middle of the grassy field, there's a small playground. With you know... Swings and a slide and all those little kids scrambling around. There is one small boy, and Suho, he looks exactly like you."


"Yep.. Just like you. He has your bright eyes, and your cheeky grin, and you can see the joy in his eyes.."

"What is he doing?"

"He's chasing after his sister around the swing set.. His sister is just a bit younger than him, and he's letting her win. He has on a pair of blue shorts and a-"

Soft snoring interrupted Yixing's description, and a fond smile came across Yixing's face. 

Across the room on the other bed, Suho was asleep again, curled up in the covers. And for the first time since his accident, his dreams were absent of rain and cars and crashes. Instead, a small boy in blue shorts raced across dreamland, giggling and squealing. 




"Do you want me to?"

"To do what?"

"Ya know..." Yixing gestured to the window beside his bedside. "That."

"Oh." Suho flushed, mentally slapping himself. "Yeah, that."


"Oh, yeah... please?"

"Of course," Yixing beams, ignoring how awkward Suho can be. 



"Is he back?"


"That little boy."

Yixing peered out the window, eyebrows scrunched up in concentration, searching for the boy in the blue shorts. 


"He is?" Suho grinned, eyes shining brightly. "What is he doing?"

"His... He has a cast on his leg." Yixing replied solemnly.

"He, what?" Suho exclaimed, almost angrily.

"I think he may have broken his leg," Yixing replies somberly.

"But he's still young! He shouldn't have to be broken like this!" Suho's own voice cracked. "He should still be whole and happy, with all the opportunities in the world."

"He still does, you know.." Yixing murmured. "His leg will still heal, and he'll be back here in the park in a few weeks, maybe months. And he'll still be able to run around, chasing after his little sister. And maybe, once the leaves all fall, and the lake freezes over, he'll be here too. He'll pull on and lace up his skates, and you won't even be able to tell that he once had a cast on."

"Really?" Suho asked, voice muffled from the pillow pressed against his nose.

"Really," Yixing murmured, voice soothing. "He might be hurt now, but he'll get back up. He always will... Its the injuries within us that build us up... We get over the injuries, and we all heal, and then once we heal, we get back up and we chase down our opportunities." Yixing turned towards the window, ignoring the boy sitting across the room, wiping away the silent tears that cascaded down his face. "We'll heal, and we'll chase back all those opportunities... We always will... All we need is hope."




"Good morning!" Suho exclaimed towards the still sleeping Yixing. 

"Nghhhh" was the groaned reply as Yixing, rolled over, turning away from Suho.

"Yixing," Suho whined, quite pitifully and Yixing reluctantly cracked open an eye. 

"What do you want."

"Come on, wake up Xing! Today is a new day."

"A new day for me to sleep in," Yixing grumbled, but sat up nonetheless, rubbing his eyes.

"No, Xing," Suho whined, "Omelets are for breakfast today!"

Yixing immediately sat up, eyes still dazed from sleep. "Wait, no it isn't! Its Tuesday!"

Suho laughed, "No, silly, its Wednesday. Come on, lets do something different."


"Lets walk to the cafeteria for breakfast."

"Walk?" Yixing glanced at the covers which covered Suho's legs. "Are you sure?"

Suho grinned. "Yeah, Xing."




They made it into the cafeteria with some difficulty. Yixing, despite having lived in the hospital for so long could not remember for the life of him which way to go. And possibly, due to the fact Yixing never really left their room, which was another way of saying his bed, they were both shaky on their feet. Eventually, a nurse, giving them both very strange looks guided them to the cafeteria. Suho missed the silent finger held to his lips that Yixing motioned to the nurse and the sympathetic nod she gave back.




"You're the most oblivious person, Xing." Suho grinned through a mouthful of cheesy eggs. 

"What do you mean," Yixing retorted, stuffing his own mouth sloppily with his omelet.

"Well, don't you see the googly eyes that girl behind you is making? Or that girl over there?"

"Nope," Yixing replied brusquely, gulping down some orange juice. "Why?"

"Well, its obvious they're interested in you!"


"Well, you're oblivious Xing! You don't even notice them!"

Yixing chuckled, spraying the table with bits of egg. "Have I not told you yet?"

"Told me what?" Suho mumbled, grimacing at the small mess Yixing made. 

"I'm not interested in those girls... Or any girls, period." Giving Suho a cheesy wink, Yixing returned to his eggs. "And besides, if anyone is oblivious, its definitely you." 

"What do you mean?" Suho grumbled, sipping his milk. 

"I'm just saying," Yixing muttered through another mouthful of egg, "that you're really the oblivious one here."




I finally wrote the first part! I hope it was to your liking ^^
In case you haven't figured out why Suho is the oblivious one (and no, my dearies, its not just because Yixing likes him) please subscribe! And yes, unfortunately this is angst, so I'm very sorry to all of you <3 (I am so very very bad at happy endings)
Please leave a comment, I would love you forever! 
And has everyone seen the Overdose teaser? Brb, dying//












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Chapter 2: Wow! The plot was really good and yay for the sulay ship chosen for this story, the plot twist caught me! That was the best part but good job!
Chapter 2: oh my gosh, i read something for english the exact same to this :) the window. Its reallly goood tho.
Daeyon-shi #3
Chapter 2: Oh my gosh!
I know it wasn't on your list but... SuLay! (Haha, yaeh. SuLay is like a drug to me. I just can't resist. If I see Some SuLay then-... Well~ Yeah, awkward situation. Just ignore me)
This fic is sooo heartwarming and sad and beautiful and tragic and...ahh, my feels! *sobs* Do you have a handkerchief?
He can't see! Well... He couldn't. (....Yaeh. Back to business....) Maybe I'm a dumb reader but I haven't really seen this comming. So you can image it was kinda shocking... And then it klicked.
He couldn't see?! But he saw that boy and the grass and the leaves and... Yixing!!! *sobs again*
This is so overwehlming! An act of true love~
Stop it now! You're overacting.
Sorry, I'm still an awkward turtle. I better go now. Great Job, author-nim. Really. I was touched. Again. I'm now really curious about your other stories ; )

ImagineEvee #4
Chapter 2: Authornim! Explain this ending for me! Is Lay and Yixing the same person? Oh and cute fic!
Chapter 2: What. How. Plot twist.
Chapter 1: I'm already dreading the ending ^^;; This chapter is nice~
snsdexoaholic #7
Can you nicely put the 'romance' or 'happyending' next to the 'angst'? I cant bear angst ; ; please make them happy together...
Yixing describing all the things that Suho will see once he gets out makes it sound like Suho has amnesia or has never seen things. o-o

/Lily just woke from an accidental 4 hour nap