Chapter II

The Exodus


                                                                                                           Chapter 2: The Threat


As the roster crowded, Sehun commenced to arrange his golden carriage and his enormous horses for the daily awakening of the sun. It was bizarrely hazy, His eyes widened as he saw the big moon hovering above his head. It is almost time, he thought, as the moon was at his lowest peak just behind the vast ocean. He got on the carriage and tightened his hands around the horse reign and jerked until the horses were galloping.

He reached the end of the ocean, tugging at the horses’ collar for immediate stop.  As the horses stopped, he took a deep breath before concentrating on the summiting sun. Sehun got of the carriage.  His bases floating above the scandalous water, shutted his senses and quickly enough his face was washed in saffron rays and then he smiled, as another successful morning was reached. As he was about to leave he noticed how the waters were rarely unsteady. He gazed around curiously searching for the culprit of the ocean’s rage. It was unexplainable, just now the moon had departed so waters were supposed to be at total peace. His curiosity was suddenly answered as the water parted and two Olympians were heading out of the sea god territory. One of them with a trident in his hold, he knew who exactly was, but the other one he could not distinguish, it was a male. He gulped taking a deep breath and getting on his carriage.

In the white Marble fortress, the god of beauty was in requirement of a favor.

“Lay, I need you to make a delivery.” Baekhyun remarked as the messenger bolted the door. He made the last few arrangements to his letter, before placing a wax stamp with his engraves on it.

“Perhaps one of your many lovers?” Lay inquired a small grin plastered on his features.

“How witty of you, but I can’t contradict.” The former chuckled handing the other the letter. They chattered for a while until Lay was sent off the beautiful palace into the mortal world.

Lay remained seated on the edge on the Olympus, with his haversack in hold witnessing the happenings of the mortal world. He saw how the humans had another statue next to the Chen's sculpture. He found it odd, how the mortals were handing most of the sacrifices to that other statue. Then flung himself off the edge, in order to see who was this new divinity. That these men found superior than Chen.

As his feet touched the other world he became one of them. Merging, until reaching closer to the statues, he nearly laughed as he saw the statue of Kris; the god of the underworld. Why did those have to implore? to say he was further than amused by this event. He had to communicate it to Luhan.

He did not want to waste his time by handing this senseless letter personally and so for the first time in a shedload eons he used his distributing powers. Individuals always asked him why did he deliver it himself,  he would say "I like to do my labor properly, but it was really I can ’appreciate’ other peoples conversation". But this was not one of the situations, he could not care less what Baekhyun had sent to this Adonis creature.

Lay stomped on the field order to get the shoes winged and soon enough he was hovering over the mortal ground. He danced through the warm air.  Could not keep a grin as he reached the highlands of Olympus. He bowed his head so he will not be recognized, he did not want people pestering him to deliver letters. He had to find the twin pronto. Passing through a crowd he finally reached the hall that lead to Luhan’s chamber.

Lay stood in front of the enormous door and struck his knuckles against it.  After a while of knocking, there was still no response. Lay grew exasperated and began wandering through the halls until he saw a sniggering Luhan with grapes on his hand. Luhan stopped snickering at the others presence, the elder pressurized his step while eyeing throughout suspiciously.

“ Lay, why are you here?” Luhan harshly whispered as he got close enough to the messenger, placing another grape on his maws.

“I have something to tell you.” Lay said moistening his lips and rubbing his sweaty palms on his trousers.  He motioned Luhan to get closer.

“Luhan people are praying for another god, I do not know what occurred but the men are giving offerings to a Kris statue. At first I laughed but I am perplexed at this occurring. Chen is going to get weaker.” Luhan got a weary expression on his features not knowing what to do with this newfound knowledge.

“Are you solemn-“ Before the elder could finish his sentence, they heard the sound of sandals and the chuckling of a certain someone. Lay blasphemed under his breath before turning around.

“Lay, Luhan, what a pleasant surprise, two of my favorite Olympians.” Kai rejoiced before patting their backs with a cynical look.

“Oh Lay, are you still speaking additionaly than you are supposed to?” The tanned man marveled with a smirking face. Lay just wanted to punch him here and there, he just sighed.

“Oh Kai, always so humorous.” Lay chuckled sarcastically. Biding Luhan a farewell, he brushed past Kai, but before he could leave there was a grip on his forearm that spun him around.

“Get your filthy hands off me.” Lay tried to release his arm from Kai’s firm grasp, but his grip only got tighter averting him from escape.

Kai gawked at his eyes getting precariously near to his face. Lay’s breath hitched at the proximity of the other. He was cornered on the halls, he desperately tried to escape being unaccompanied near Kai was certainly not good. The former felt a hot muscle over his earlobe, he inhaled pushing the other but Kai only cackled at his struggle, pressing him closer to the marbled wall.

“Make an effort to control your mouth or else I will.” Kai grunted before vanishing behind the enormous pillars.

Lay could finally respire normally but what did Kai mean?


►Author's note: I'm going to give a tiny clue, okay Sehun and Luhan are twins.... Sehun is the god of the sun wich means he is...

Lay is "the messenger" and has wings on his shoes.....

but who is Kai?

If you guys have noticed , nobody likes to be around Jongin becase he is malicous



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