Chapter I

The Exodus


                                                                                                     Chapter 1: The Uninvited Acquaintance


It was the third day of spring. The birds seemed to be singing livelier and the blossoms were pushing themselves out. Fighting with the loose ice, the crops would little by little flourish as if they still were afraid of the winter remains. The rebirth of the land gave every living creature the hope of a new beginning. The deity of fertility ought to distribute what was promised in a big celebration of the almighties.

The sound of the harps which were heard in the distance filled his chamber with a slightly vibrations. He could feel how the preparation for a big festivity was awaking the face of the earth. The air was filled with anxiety in the wait of the twilight. Under this beautiful light they would begin to drink, laugh and dance.

He watched through his window to realize he was not invited. He chuckled in vex, another festivity he had not been requested to. He watched through his numerous black attires; looking for the one that would cause envy amongst others. Even though his appearance was not requested in said place, he would make a guest appearance.

 However there was something that Kai was specially curious about; the annoying merchants going up and down from the Olympus carrying wine, meat and bread. It was fair to say the Olympus looked specially beautiful and harmonious. An atmosphere of grace and tranquility  guided the entrance to a world of eternal peace.

It did not take him long to reach the Olympus. He stood in front of the overdone doors that prevented him from the inside. He allowed the breezy already night to calm him down in order to put him in a mood for a party. Before the door stood two men that hesitated to let him in, but with a smirk of his lips and a sway of his hips the door were rapidly opened.

As he scrambled his way in going through the door, he smelled the juicy meat placed on the infinite table. There where all kinds of decorations unique in its beauty. The sound of sandals against the marble floor fulfilled the gigantic room accompanied with many voices. In an inspecting gaze he found his first victim without being noticed. The god of beauty and love.

“Greetings Baekhyun, you look exceptionally beautiful tonight.” He remarked, sipping from the glass of wine between his fingers.

 “What a pity I cannot say the same.” Baekhyun calmly stated.

Taking a mouthful of his glass as he chuckled dismissing Baekhyun’s remark. He took another glass from one of the wandering servants and made his way to the god of the underworld. Smirking he tapped the other’s shoulder with a slim finger. Seeing the one who tapped his shoulder he held wide eyes upon seeing his presence, he swallowed the contains of his glass before responding the tanner male.

 “Fancy seeing you here.” Kai remarked, who would think the brother of Chen would be in such a party?

 “I could say the same.” Kris acknowledged handing him another glass. The said man took it giving a slight smile to the taller male, rapidly leaving his side to find the two twins near the beverage table.

Making his way over the twins he spotted the bugged eye male known as the god of wisdom. He sent a wink his way only to be rewarded with a look of disgust. Thereupon, Laughing he greeted the inseparable twins.

“Luhan, Sehun, When is the uous baby arriving?” He held back a smile as the twins stood with their mouths agape. Before either of them could utter a sound he quickly added…

“You two do not fool anyone here. Every single creature in this room knows what you two do behind the curtains.” Even though this two young and beautiful brothers knew the intention of Kai words, they could not helped to feel a hint of embarrassment as he rapidly left to say his last remark to the god of the lightning.

Once in front of him, he saw how Chen’s face turned sour at his presence. Ignoring the bothersome look the others gave him, he shoved past the crowd in front of him drinking the last drop of the left wine on his glass.

“If is not Chen, the god of everything and anything. I must admit feeling heartbroken when not invited to this delightful party. By the way your bastard sons send their regards-”

“Enough!” Chen’s voice boomed trough every corner of the universe. Taking a hold of the taller’s neck. Kai felt how the cup escaped the grasp of his fingers due to the lack of air.

“Your presence is sickening me! Now be gone!”

Kai felt how the god’s hand came in contact with the skin of his cheek. Quickly getting up from the marble floor, he shaked off the dirt of his trousers. Afterwards, as he laughed, he wiped the blood coming from the corner of his mouth. He then stood a couple of minutes before muttering his last words.

“You will regret this Chen.” The previous silence still remained as he walked past the doors in his forced way out the Olympus. After the doors were closed behind his back, he sworn that night, not only to revenge the mortals but furthermore the Olympians.

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