We sorta got married.

We sorta got married.

He kissed me...

He kissed me...

I stood still.For some reason my lips didn't fall off of his.I knew this wasn't right especially for Iu.I finally put my lips off of his;


"Ki Kwang what are you doing?" I asked.


"Hyo Sung.Do you wanna go out with me?"


"Ki Kwang..." I said.


"If you really don't like me then it's fine.Like I said,I will make you like me." he said.


"Sorry Ki Kwang.I'm gonna go and just forget everything that happened today.See you at the next shoot tommorow."


I picked my bag up and was about to go until Ki Kwang grabbed my waist again.


"Let go of me Ki Kwang." I said.


"I really didn't like you in the beginning.But,all of a sudden after we did the first shoot,you started to look so pretty and you seemed like an angel in my eyes.I'm sorry for all the things I did to you Hyo Sung.Please don't leave....please...."


I didn't know what to say.I wanted to forgive him right away but,I thought of Iu.With my hands,I put his hands off my waist and looked at him face to face.


"Good night Ki Kwang."


Then I gave him a short kiss and took a bus home.The next day,I went to the next shoot for We got married and instead of Ki Kwang,there was another member of b2st Yoseob.


"Hey.Sorry to ask but,wheres Ki Kwang?" I asked.


"He said he can't come today cause he's sick." Yoseob said.




"He catched a HUGE cold and yesterday night,he threw up alot and he has a high fever right now." he answered.


I was about to cry.Ki Kwang could've been sick cause of me.I grabbed my purse and ran.




I waitied at the bustop for 10 minutes but the stupid bus wouldn't come.I was in panic.My legs were shivering and I kept looking at my watch every 3 seconds.Just then a red sports car BMW came up to me.


"Get in!" someone yelled from the car.


It was Yoseob.




I got in the car immediately and Yoseob drove me to Ki Kwangs apartment.His apartment was HUGE.It had a crystal wall,a red kitchen with the newest refridgerator,boiler,and EVERTHING!His Tv was bigger then my room.Anyways Ki Kwang was laying on his sofa sleeping.I looked at him.He was a mess.I felt his forehead and he had a huge fever.His head was literally burning.


"Yoseob.you can go now from here.Thanks for EVERYTHING today." I said.


"No problem!Take good care of him and see you next time!^^" he said.


I got a cold towel and put it on Ki Kwangs head.Afterwards,I made soup that he could eat after he woke up.When I was done with the soup,I just sat next to Ki Kwangs sofa holding his hands and praying.After an hour Ki Kwang opened his eyes.


"Hyo Sung?Is that you?" he asked.


"YES!KI KWANG!WHY ARE YOU SICK?!CAUSE OF YOU I MISSED MY SHOOT FOR WE GOT MARRIED TODAY!" I said with a tear rolling down my cheeks.I was sad cause Ki Kwang was sick honestly,not cause I missed my shooting today.


"I'm sorry." he said softly.


"Wait here.Let me go get you some soup I made." I said.


But..he grabbed my wrist and pulled me to him.I was on him in a sofa.This time I didn't say anything cause he was sick and I didn't want to leave his arms.


"Don't leave me.I don't want you to go anywhere." he said.


But just then,someone came in the door.


"OMG." she said.


I looked up.It was Iu.


Oh Great.

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Chapter 12: Happy ending^^
But what happen to IU?
u need need NEED to make a sequal ASAP
SeobiesWife #3
Hehe sorrry!but I'm happy you liked it!
kyeopta_meserio #4
awww!! can you continue this story? i really love this :)
new reader here >__<
your story is good !
SeobiesWife #6
oll thanks(:
sjysmile #7
i really love the title and the story is so fun!
SeobiesWife #8
hahaha thankss(:
Awwwwhhh~ This is so good! if only it were longer! Ahh~ ^^
SeobiesWife #10