We sorta got married.

We sorta got married.

This time it wasn't an act.

It wasn't an act...


"Ki Kwang let me go I wanna go home."


"Come on it's only an extra hour.You can't even give up an hour for your husband?" he said in a sarcastic voice.


"Shut up!" I said.


He laughed.He bought me ice cream and we sat at the benches at a park.People were staring.


"Dude..we should've disguised." I whispered in his ear.


"Why?We are married now.It shouldn't really be surprising that we are together." he said.


".....you know that we aren't officially married right?" I said.


He laughed.I stared.


"I wanted to talk to you cause,I just wanted to not be enemies with you anymore Hyo Sung.I'm tired of fighting with you and I just wish at least we can be friends." he said


My heart fluttered when he said "AT LEAST" friends.Did that mean he wanted to be closer then friends before?My heart was pounding and my head started to hurt again.


"I'm gonna go.I have a schedule.See you." I said.


I ran away with my face SUPER red.Could it POSSIBLY be?!Do I serioulsly have a crush on someone who I hated my whole life?!Could it be?!Am I high or on crack?I was so confused and dumbfounded.When I arrived home,Iu was in the kitchen cooking.


"Oh hey.When did you come here?" I asked.


"About an hour ago.I just thought we should eat lunch together indoors today." she said.


After she was done cooking we ate.While we were eating Iu's face was green.


"Iu..why is your face so green?" I asked.


"It is?..haha I guess it's cause I didn't get enough sleep these days." she said.


I had this weird feeling that wasn't the real reason but I just decided to go with the flow.

The next day was the shooting of part 2.Ki Kwang was there early and he was already all ready.I put some of my new pink lipgloss tube on my lips and went to our next shooting place.Today was the day we had to get our couple shirts and go to Lotte World.When the shooting started Ki Kwang smiled and automatically held my hand.We went to the mall,got our shirts and went to Lotte World.It was kind of embarrasing cause people were staring at us.And Ki Kwang's fans were GLARING at me.It was so scary.It was time when Ki Kwang wanted to go in the haunted house.


"Ki Kwang..I can't go in haunted houses.I'm really scared." I said.


"Don't worry you have me." he said while holding my hand tighter.


My heart started to go crazy again.Should I just tell my manager I'm gonna quit?I couldn't do this anymore.But...I wanted to be with Ki Kwang.When we entered the haunted house it was dark and there were scary looking stuff hanging on the walls.It was almost time to exit the house when someone grabbed my back.




It was someone who was disguised as a zombie.


Just then Ki Kwang hugged me.He covered my eyes with his hands.My heart was beating again.


"Its ok Hyo Sung..you have me." he said.


When we came out of the haunted house our shoot for part 2 ended.My heart was still beating fast.I felt like I was gonna have a heart attack.Just then the director came up to us.


"You guys can stay here if you guys wanna.The ticket for this place was expensive." the director said.


I stared at Ki Kwang.He nodded and told the director hes gonna stay.I nodded to and told the director I'm staying too.

The rest of the day Ki Kwang and I played at Lotte World and we had SOOOO much fun.For the first time in my life,I didn't fight with him.At night Ki Kwang drove me home but I was in a deep sleep when we arrived at my house.Ki Kwang tried to wake me up but I was so tired I just pulled him back.Ki Kwang stared at me all of a sudden.I woke up suddenly.


"Oh sorry Ki Kwang I didn't mean too.." I said.


"Hyo Sung....what would you do if I kissed you right now?" he asked.

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Chapter 12: Happy ending^^
But what happen to IU?
u need need NEED to make a sequal ASAP
SeobiesWife #3
Hehe sorrry!but I'm happy you liked it!
kyeopta_meserio #4
awww!! can you continue this story? i really love this :)
new reader here >__<
your story is good !
SeobiesWife #6
oll thanks(:
sjysmile #7
i really love the title and the story is so fun!
SeobiesWife #8
hahaha thankss(:
Awwwwhhh~ This is so good! if only it were longer! Ahh~ ^^
SeobiesWife #10