First Encounter

Untouchable: Closed off from Love

You had never dreamed about going to J.Y. Arts Academy, in fact you never even thought about it. It was the dream school for all aspriring artists and academics for it's reputation and national ranking. Because of your quiet personality,  you liked to spend most of your time to yourself or with Narae. You are good at studying and was the top student at your middle school which earned you a scholarship to J.Y. Arts Academy in their academic stream. Sera being a year older, went to J.Y. with a similar scholarship in the arts stream and she was one of the most recognized students there.  Having such a good opportunity and your sister with you, you accepted their offer and here you are today. Although not talented in the fine arts like Sera, you were required to take 1 art class as an elective each year as an academic student. With little options available given your skills, you chose dance. Knowing how embarassing and awkward you would be, you would rather dance your way to the Principal's list than end up in an arts class with Sera for fear of further embarassment at your novice skills. 


J.Y. Arts Academy was filled with smart and bright individuals, not to mention it was dominated by a predominately upper class who could afford the tuition. Coming from a middle-upper class family yourself, you could recognize a few faces from similar social circles as your family. Everyone was gifted at something and you often felt out of place because of your ordinariness. 

You were a wall-flower, and didn't stick out with particular talents or good looks. You didn't have any friends besides Narae who no longer went to this school and you were too shy to make new friends or to initiate the first move for fear of rejection. No one really knew who you were in your classes except for the teacher as you always scored within the top 5 in the class. You were a "teacher's pet" of sorts because of your smarts and responsibleness. Quite often you were asked to run errands for the teacher and as a result, was selected to be a member of Student Council through your good reputation among the staff. You didn't mind, it was just an extension of school work to you. 

It was 4th period, after lunch where the real stress from school came in, dance class. You have always enjoyed dancing however, you were certain that your skills were laughable compared to the other students in your class. Being a sophmore, dance classes occasionally overlapped with the 3rd years which made you feel even more insecure. You changed into your athletic wear, a loose-fitting school tee, leggings, and bright sneakers in the girl's changeroom. You tied your hair up in a high ponytail, took in a deep breath and entered the dance studio. 



Everyone was beginning to warm up, doing stretches or rehearsing some choreography they had learned from the past. You stood there awkwardly in the corner unsure of where to stand or what to do. You began to lightly stretch, looking at your peers for reassurance. Just then you heard music starting to play, it had a strong beat with hints of hip hop and a catchy tune. 

"Woo, let's go guys! Drop the beat," you heard an unfamiliar low male voice yell with excitement from the other side of the dance studio.

You turned your focus to see what was going on in the other side of the dance studio. It was the 3rd year dance class, warming up with freestyle dancing before the teachers arrived. You were in awe at their moves and sense of rhythm. Everyone at this point had their attention on his red-haired male student dancing in the centre with sharp and clean moves. You inched forward to take a closer look at what was going on. 

"Go Mark, go Mark, go Mark!" the crowd of students cheered. 

With "oooohs" coming from left, right, and centre, you felt even more out of place in the new environment. Suddenly, the red-haired boy did a front aerial and multiple back-flips. The crowd continued to cheer on and grew increasing interested at his performance. 

The entire studio began cheering his name "GO MARK GO GO! GO MARK! WOOOO~" 

He was amazing, clearly talented and clearly better than you.  You stood there starstruck and instantly regretted choosing dance as your elective, silently cursing yourself for trying to be spontaneous.

This was the first encounter between you and Mark. 


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updated the story! CH.15! PLEASE ENJOY FRIENDS


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Chapter 17: Oh no cliff hanger!!!
70V3LY #2
Chapter 17: OMGGGG! YEESSSS! I've grown to love Aerin and Jackson so much! <3
Chapter 17: just started reading this story today and i love your story alot i hope you can update soon and i also hope that jackson and aerin will be together <3 ^^
pinkyswear32 #4
Chapter 17: is jackson gonna left aerin like that? what will happen to seolhyun? mark? her sister?
pinkyswear32 #5
Chapter 15: jackson no ; - ; donut say that jackson and aerin pls dont push him away ; ^ ;
Aireko #6
Chapter 16: Author-nim we support u
pinkyswear32 #7
Chapter 16: good luck for your school! fighting!
ahxoxo #8
Chapter 14: Update :). Please put jackson and aerin together .
pinkyswear32 #9
Chapter 14: asdfghjkl just kill that seolhyun
aerin and jackson is so cute : )
70V3LY #10
Chapter 14: OMG! Jackson & Aerin! So cute!