Sudden Confess

The Troublemakers

She runs as fast as she can. She screams twice this night because she saw red liquid on the floor in that dark night. She is sure that liquid must be blood. What else? Tomato catsup? Who the heck person who throw tomato catsup on the floor after school?

Something not good happening in this school and unfortunately she saw all, she thought.


She heard someone voice. Kai’s voice exactly. She didn’t know why she felt safe after hear his voice.

“Kai!” she screamed his name as loud as she can. Hoping so much that Kai would appear magically in front of her.

“Kai!” she screamed again. She stopped and lied on the wall to fill her lung with oxygen.

‘Drap Drap Drap’

Sound of shoes clop echoed in that corridor. She panted heavily and her sight was blurred. She heard that sound drew near more and more toward her. She was fated if her life would end tonight in this school.


Someone hug her. She blinked and raised her head to see that person. It was Kai who hug her. A couple of tears came out from her eyes and she hug him back.

“I’m afraid!” she said.

Kai who panted heavily keep hug her tighter like he didn’t want to let her go for inches. He patted her head. “It’s okay, I’m here now,” he said softly for calm Naeun down who cried heavily.

He keep hug Naeun until she felt calm. His face moved from right to left many times for controlling the situation in case the murder of Chorong appeared.


That sound heard again but this case felt near from them. Naeun released herself from Kai and pudh him away. She looked around with panic face. “It’s close!” she said.

“Let’s go from here,” Kai grabbed Naeun’s hand and ran together away.

Naeun turned her head for peeked at her back. There was nothing. Then she turned again and looked at Kai. “Where’s your phone? We must call someone out there! My phone is low battery!” she said while still running.

“I threw to the wall,” Kai answered.

“What!” Naeun stopped and pulled her hand away. She glared at him. “Are you crazy?” she wanted to scold him more but she was very tired to do that.

Kai didn’t answer. He lied his back to the wall and tried to collect some air for his lungs.

“It’s not useful,” he said. “There’s no connection here.”

Naeun was keep glared at him. Slowly she turned her gaze to Kai’s chest. She realized something just now and she widened her eyes. “What… what is that?” she pointed at Kai’s chest.

Kai looked down and saw his own uniform who not white anymore. “Chorong…”


“When I realize that you’re not behind me, I turned back for search you…” he took some breath and continue again, “Then I met Chorong who bleeding so much. She said she worried about you because there was a story, a murder hiding in this school.”

Naeun was so shocked. How could she don’t know about that thing.

She lowered her body and sit. She cried without sound.

“I’m sorry…” Kai said.

Naeun shook her head. “It was not your fault. You are not the murder.”

Kai looked at her face. “I think… You will blame me. Since you hate me that most…”

Naeun didn’t answer him. She just hug her knees and cried between them.


It was about 2 AM and they still sit there but not in one row. Naeun lied her back to the wall and folded her knee to side. Kai was did the same but he folded his knee up.

They looked so tired and they must ready for run again anytime the murder appeared.

Kai decided to break the silence. “Why did you screamed?” he asked without look at Naeun.

Naeun brought her sight to meet Kai. “I saw someone who walked like zombie and brought an ax. Then I saw blood… I guess it was blood on the floor near my classroom.” She looked away from Kai and saw the midnight sky that she never looked before from the window.

“… and I don’t hate you…” she continued and made Kai looked at her.

“What do you mean?” he asked.

“I never hate you,” she answered.

“But you acted like…”

“I was mad because of that kiss. But I never hate you. I just think to stay away from you.”

“Why?” he asked.

Naeun shook her head. “I really don’t know. You always started to annoy me first that’s why I exploded.”

“I’m sorry,” Kai said.

“No that’s okay,” Naeun answered.

“I mean that kiss in the past. I shouldn’t kiss you like that and made you ashamed,” Kai explained.

Naeun just silent. She keep gazing the sky out there. She heard what Kai said, but she felt more weird. She asked herself. How if Kai never kissed her? Would him always disturb her? Made her feel more energized to scold him.

“I like you from the start I met you.”

Naeun widened her eyes and looked at Kai. “Do you said something? I heard a voice…” she looked around and made him sighed.

“I love you, Son Naeun.” Kai stared at Naeun to make her realize that he was serious.

Naeun blinked her eyes many times and patted her cheek. “It must be a dream. I must wake up.”

Kai sighed again and crawled to her. He pulled Naeun’s hand from her cheek and held it tight. “I’m serious. I love you. Maybe you will not believe it because my fault who disturb you that bad. But it was because to get your attention. Since that kiss, you seemed hate me so I disturb you and making mess. That kiss too, I kissed you with love…”

Naeun gulped her saliva and looked at Kai. She didn’t know what to say. His confess made her shock than that murder she saw.

Because there is no answer, slowly but sure he moved his face closer to Naeun. He closed his eyes as same as Naeun.

“Wow woah, stop right there, you troublemakers!”

 Both of Naeun and Kai were opened their eyes and looked each other with horror.

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I will take hiatus after posted this story. Hope you all don't mind to keep waiting :) Thank you


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Chapter 5: cool story!!
Chapter 5: am i too late to comment? hehe
but, seriously i like this to the max! haha
keep it up!!! we need more kaieun fanfics hehe^^
luvapink #3
Chapter 5: Please make another kaieun fanfic!! ^^
Chapter 5: -is calling your boss-
yeoshin1002 #5
Chapter 5: I LOVE IT...
koala_panda #6
Chapter 5: yay..i want sequel..
mingkhoo #7
Chapter 5: sequel sequel! haha
Chapter 5: WOOOOOOOOWWWW!! Gila keren banget thor! asli ga nyangka sama endingnya, awalnya aq udah bingung aja sama plotnya, but hey, you prove that ur really an amazing author. Daebak! you surprise me a lot but i really appreciate it author-nim ^^
koala_panda #9
Chapter 4: aah..what happen?? is it their teacher?or their friends?
please update soon..